She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 354 It's Snowing in February

Chapter 354 It's Snowing in February
Aiyin lost.

In front of so many students from the Blood Academy, Ai Yin completely lost to Xu Huan.

The proud and arrogant Aiyin lost face all of a sudden.

He has always been dissatisfied with the Sacra family in his heart, but now he lost to a duke.

Ai Yin angrily picked up the backpack on the ground, and said resentfully, "Xu Huan, let's wait and see, sooner or later your Sacra family will fall."

"I'll wait." Xu Huan patted the clothes on his body and said softly.

Xu Huan simply ignored Ai Yin's threat.

Under the eyes of many people, Aiyin got into his car in embarrassment and left this "battlefield".

Once Aiyin left, the other vampires got bored and left here one after another.

There was no one around, Xu Huan walked towards Yun Luoxi, and put his arms around her shoulders: "What's wrong? What are you looking at, so engrossed!"

Xu Huan looked in the direction Yun Luoxi was looking at, and there was nothing but a piece of dark grass.

Yun Luoxi shook her head, her mind was in a trance, not sure about the figure she saw just now.

She seemed to see Yun Nianxi's figure, but Yun Nianxi disappeared among the many students just in an instant.

Yun Luoxi always felt that she was dazzled.

"Huan, let's go!"

Yun Luoxi got into the car, and Xu Huan galloped away.

Just at the place where they were standing just now, a black figure appeared, with blood-red resentful eyes, and said resentfully, "Yun Luoxi, you are living in style!"

Recently, the sky has been gloomy again, and the weather has become inexplicably cold, perhaps because of the cold air, and a little snowflakes have appeared in the sky.

Yun Luoxi lay on the window watching, stretched out a hand in surprise, caught a piece of falling snowflakes, and instantly melted into the warm palm, turning into water.

"Isn't it already the end of February? It should be spring soon, why is it snowing?"

Yun Luoxi murmured for a while, then ran to the closet and took out a thick sweater jacket to put on, changed out of her pajamas, and put on a pair of pink blue jeans.

After washing up, she ran out of the room, the corridor, and the hall, and stood at the gate.

Looking at the bits and pieces of snowflakes, Yun Luoxi exclaimed: "It's really snowing, Huan..."

"How do you know I'm behind you?" Xu Huan raised the corners of his lips and smiled warmly, his pupils kept watching Yun Luoxi's smile.

"I smell you, sweet, a lily scent, do you often wear lily perfume?"

"You idiot, this kind of floral perfume is a scent that only girls like. Of course, what we boys wear is our favorite cologne."

"Really? I really don't know." Yun Luoxi stuck out her tongue, blushing in embarrassment.

Seeing her shameless appearance, like a velvet flower, gently and slowly, it floated into his soul, making Xu Huan couldn't help but smile deeply,
"Snowflakes, are they pretty?" Xu Huan looked at the sky, and a few more snowflakes fell.

Yun Luoxi diverted her attention, "It's beautiful, it's very beautiful! Huan, will it snow a lot, and then we'll build a snowman."

Xu Huan smiled again, grinning, the corners of his lips raised up silently.

She is still a childlike innocence, she is still the Yun Luoxi from when she was a child.

Remember a long time ago.

She also said so innocently and romantically: "Huan, it's snowing outside, let's go make a snowman! Make one like you and one like me, and then the two snowmen will hold hands and stay together forever."

His silly Luoxi...

 You have a monthly ticket to vote for me, so that I have unlimited motivation to continue to write hard.If not, it’s okay, remember to comment hard and interact with me. Recently, it’s been quiet, and I feel that no one seems to be there, and my mentality is beginning to germinate in a state of collapse...

(End of this chapter)

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