She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 351 Running away from home

Chapter 351 Running away from home
"Thigh and calf hurt, right? That hand doesn't hurt, right?"

Feng turned into a brutal and cold face.

Hearing this, Yun Luoxi shuddered.

"Walk upside down!" The words of ease floated into Yun Luoxi's ears.

"I, I can't!"

Walking upside down, is this training her, or performing acrobatics.

Yun Luoxi's face was covered with rejection written in every cell.

"Don't worry, I'll help you..."


Yun Luoxi was so frightened that her face turned pale, because Feng turned her upside down, and in a panic, supported the floor with her palm.

Feng easily held her ankle, and she just stood upside down in fright.

"Let's go!"

"How do I go??"

"Walk with your hands..."

"All right……"

She just wanted to cry.

Fortunately, Youfeng stood up her legs, but it was more painful because her hands were so tired.

After a while, Yun Luoxi said, "I'm dizzy..."

"Is it dead?"

"not dead."

"Then continue..."

Uh... When did Feng become so scary.

"My wrist hurts and I can't support the gravity on my body."

"I helped you support half of your body's gravity. You only walked ten steps with your hands, and shouted twenty times. You have so much energy to shout, but you don't have the energy to train, Yun Luoxi, Are you playing house, or are you playing as a child?"


Uh... she sounded so squeamish.

Cold sweat broke out on Yun Luoxi's forehead, she didn't expect Feng to be so serious!
Well, let her continue to walk upside down!
At dawn, Feng just spared her, Yun Luoxi was dizzy, her hands hurt like hell.

She lay on the bed and shouted: "Please forgive me, no matter how much I train, I will always be alone!"

If this continues, if her physical fitness doesn't improve, it will kill her.

Yun Luoxi stood up suddenly, and sneakily looked towards her door.

It was daytime now, they were asleep, Yun Luoxi giggled as she saw that the hall was empty, she giggled.

She quickly ran out of the hall, out of the big iron gate, and out of the castle.

Thinking of the days of torture like this in the future, Yun Luoxi prepared to run away from home.

It was getting dark, and the castle was lit up as usual.

"It's not good, Yun Luoxi is gone."

"It won't be taken away by other blood races."

"It can't be Mingming's blood emperor who took her away again."

"How is it possible, he has already died in the dark forest, it is impossible for him to take Yun Luoxi away."

"Her shoes are gone, her backpack is gone, and some bread and snacks in the kitchen are gone..."

Everyone stared at each other and said in unison: "She ran away from home."


With a sound, each of the eight of them drove away in their own cars.

Eight cars, on the dirt road outside the castle, staged a show of speed and passion, flying wildly, looking for Yun Luoxi everywhere.

Yun Luoxi stood at the big iron gate, looked at the shadow of their car flying away, and murmured: "I went to school so early, when did they become so active, I can't even see me here."

But Yun Luoxi was happy, so she wouldn't have to go to school.

She chuckled alone, and went back to the hall, where she was the only one.

Hehe... Yun Luoxi smiled.

Having not eaten all day, Yun Luoxi ran to the kitchen to get food.

This night, Yun Luoxi lay leisurely on the big bed, forming a big character.

She didn't expect the ease tonight to be the prelude to the storm.

At dawn, her "punishment" arrived.

Xu Huan was the first to return to the lobby, and took a look at Yun Luoxi's room.

Seeing that Yun Luoxi, who was not sleeping, was still drooling, his mood of a troubled night suddenly eased.

He smiled: "You bastard, you are terrified of us, yet you are sound asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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