She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 309 The Castle of the Sacra Family

Chapter 309 The Castle of the Sacra Family
The Blood Emperor smiled faintly.

"Aiyin, I can't bet on the lives of all the Drew family, you go down! Maybe in a few days, you will know whether the queen of the Sacra family is there or not?"

The blood emperor's refusal made Aiyin a little annoyed, and he said anxiously: "In a few days, the Nandu family, Nuoduo family and Minglang family must have swallowed this big piece of fat. At that time, it will be too late for us to go again." gone."

"Aiyin, it won't be too late, when the time comes, you will be glad you are calm now!"

The Blood Emperor spoke in a calm manner, as if anticipating what was about to happen in the future.

The blood emperor was so calm and confident, Ai Yin rolled his fiery eyeballs, and had nothing to say.

The kingdom of the Sacra family.

This is the kingdom of the queen of the Sacra family. The buildings of the three ancient castles are connected together to form a huge castle.

This was different from the old castle where Yun Luoxi lived. These three buildings were all very tall.

The three ancient castles are connected by bridges, with pointed roofs that tower into the sky. They are very tall and majestic, and they are far away, as if they are close at hand.

When Yun Luoxi saw it for the first time, she couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow..."

Even Xu Huan, who had seen many luxurious and magnificent castles, couldn't help but glow with admiration in his eyes.

Others couldn't help but marvel in their hearts.

Only the lonely expression of joy, anger, sorrow and joy on his face could not restrain his excitement, "This is Her Lady Queen's castle..." It is also Her Lady Queen's kingdom.

Everything is so rigorous and restrained.

As soon as they entered, they saw the high city wall and entered the gate. A dozen soldiers were standing guard outside the gate.

All the blood slaves wear the uniform clothes of the Sacra family, standing upright at their own posts, like very strong soldiers, guarding the border of their homeland,
They carried silver spears and shields, and they stood expressionless.

Many soldiers stood in every corner of the kingdom.

It was only when Purple Heart held a small token that they opened the kingdom's door and let them in.

Looking around, it is very big, so big that there is no sense of border.

This is a huge castle, a magnificent castle, and even more so, a castle in the darkness of lifelessness.

There is a large lawn, woods, and graves... graves!
They stepped on the grass and passed through a forest, and the scenery changed, and the surroundings became dark. A large number of cross tombstones were crookedly inserted in the gray-brown soil.

Their appearance caused a large group of crows to fly away from the tombstone of the cross in a panic, and flew into the air, screaming hoarsely,

The cry of the crow is terrible. Hearing the cry of the crow, it seems to feel the coming of death.

As soon as they saw this scene, they couldn't help sinking, and they no longer had the joy and freshness they had just now.

Who would have thought that there were such graves in this kingdom, and it was creepy, and it felt like a heavy death.

Every dead life is buried in this barren land.

This piece of tomb is far away, as if it can't see the bottom. There are many trees here, but the trees have turned black and withered.

The sky and the earth are barren and desolate.

The fog shrouded here and did not dissipate.

"Are these dead soldiers?" Yun Luoxi murmured, her heart drifting far away.

As soon as she entered here, her heart began to feel empty, as if it had been emptied by something, and she couldn't find it.

"Well, every member of the Sacra family who died will be buried here." Zixin replied seriously.

They continued to walk forward for an unknown amount of time, maybe 10 minutes, maybe half an hour, before they left this gloomy cemetery.

When he was about to leave the grave, Yun Luoxi suddenly turned to the left: "Why are those cross tombstones different from other cross tombstones?"

Following Yun Luoxi's gaze, everyone looked over.

What's the difference?
 To explain, the castle of the Sacra family refers to the kingdom of the Queen of the Sacra family, and the ancient castle of the Sacra family is the place where Yun Luoxi and the other eight people lived.I will distinguish between these two places in the future, remember not to get confused! !The Sacra family castle is a larger place, where Her Lady Queen lives, and where members of the Sacra family come to gather and do business.The old castle of the Sacra family is where Xu Huan and the others live, and the environment is relatively smaller.Does my explanation satisfy you? ?
(End of this chapter)

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