She is the white moonlight in my heart

Chapter 1204 Return One Freedom to Dark City

Chapter 1204 Returning the City of Darkness to Freedom

It was late at night.

In the streets and alleys of the dark city, heavy snow is still falling.

It has been 100 years, and there is still no spring, summer and autumn, only cold winter surrounds the world of blood and the city of darkness.

Vampires are not afraid of the cold, but the cold winter continues, no matter how hard they fight the cold, they will eventually lose to hunger.

The cold winter has frozen every house, even the food, and many blood races.

Some frozen human statues can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of the dark city, and Yun Luoxi is wearing a black cloak coat.

She is very thinly dressed, and the strange thing is that she is not afraid of such weather, but feels that this is her main stage.

If it were 100 years ago, without the advent of cold winter, the night in the dark city would definitely be full of people walking around, hustle and bustle, bustling and bustling.

However, there are not many people on the streets of the Dark City today. Those who came out trembled, looking for food, and then returned home in a hurry, lit firewood, and roasted strange things in front of the fireplace. Frozen body.

At night, the dark city is particularly quiet, and even more desolate, the dark city is full of depression.

Yun Luoxi stared blankly in the circular square, looking at all the buildings towering into the sky, how lush and prosperous they used to be, but now they are scattered and sad.

The current decadence and depression of the dark city is constantly impacting Yun Luoxi's brain. The raging rage slapped her chest and rolled her blood. She couldn't hold it back any longer. She raised her head and screamed tearfully: "what…………………………"

The sudden and shrill scream in the middle of the night pierced the sky, pierced the night of the dark city, and even pierced this dilapidated city.

Those drunken blood races were terrified, and opened their eyes in a daze, and they all trembled.

All the blood races opened the closed door curiously, and rushed out of the door angrily towards the source of the ear-piercing sound.

All the blood races of the Dark City gathered in the circular square, and Yun Luoxi's screams came to an abrupt end.

Everyone looked at that shadow, standing in the center of the circular square, no one knew who she was? ?
Yun Luoxi opened the cloak cap, raised her eyes slightly, and those eyes of death slowly opened.

Suddenly, all the vampires present gasped.

Everyone present forgot to breathe, and looked at Yun Luoxi with bated breath, everyone was frightened by her death eyes, and no one forgot to speak.

They only felt that their hearts were being severely imprisoned, and they forgot to beat.

They knew that fear would once again sweep the Dark City.

And she, Yun Luoxi, was the embodiment of fear.

Two crows flew high in the sky, flapped their wings a few times, and then obediently stood on Yun Luoxi's left shoulder. She raised her hand with a smile, stroked the crow's head with one hand, and smiled dotingly: "Little thing, It's too cold, isn't it! Let's go... This place is not suitable for you!"

The crow stared at Yun Luoxi with its agile eyes, and flew away obediently.

The moment the crow flew away, the crowd surging around was unexpectedly quiet, strangely quiet.

Yun Luoxi grinned, showing her neat and white teeth, and smiled, she shouted loudly: "I'm back, I want to give freedom to the cities of darkness..."

No longer a bound dark city... no longer bound by Lu Ling, no longer suppressed by Lu Ling, and no longer bound by anyone.

Yun Luoxi is going to give the Dark City a true freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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