Sweeping the King of the Six Palaces: The Queen of the Contract

Chapter 87 The woman is too arrogant to betray the king 1

Chapter 87 The woman is too arrogant to betray the king 1
Because the big wedding is coming soon, this autumn hunt lasted only ten days, but these ten days are already very good for Xiaoyue, except for the first day, Gong Hao seems to be a different person, for Xiaoyue and the beautiful boy Chatting, joking, etc. are considered disrespectful things, but they acquiesced.

Being able to be with so many beautiful men every day, surrounded by stars, one can imagine how happy Xiaoyue is. When Gong Hao announced her return to the palace, she was even a little bit reluctant, but she was not that self-willed. Since Gong Hao is so generous, she Also give him enough face and pay him back ten points.

Back to the dull harem again, but everyone in the palace is busy, especially Gong Hao. Except for the daily dinner time, Xiaoyue can't see anyone. The one-month ban on concubines has not been lifted. I can sit in Rong'an Palace boredly, looking at the pictures of beauties sent by Wang Xiaoba.

Counting carefully, there are quite a lot of famous women. Apart from the fourth concubine, there are actually nine Shuyis and ten beauties.Xiaoyue looked at the pictures of beauties lined up on the table, and suddenly remembered what Gong Hao said on the first night of hunting, he is not interested in women?
"Humph" Xiaoyue sneered, not interested in having so many women in the harem?Through her insinuations, these women have been favored one after another. Judging from these, he is an out-and-out pervert who tricked her into not liking women.

"Empress, you..." Tongtong was about to say something, but Huahua bumped her arm.

But Xiaoyue didn't seem to hear it, she was still looking at the paintings on the table, looking at them, those paintings suddenly turned into H pictures of a man and a woman, Xiaoyue patted her face, and raised her head to ask the maid.

"Did the emperor have a woman before he ascended the throne?"

"Empress, when the emperor ascended the throne, the slaves hadn't entered the palace yet." Huahua smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, among the four concubines, who was the first to enter the palace?"

"Empress Hui, Concubine De, Concubine Hui, Concubine Xian, Concubine Shu all entered the palace on the same day, and they were also conferred the title of concubine on the same day."

"the same day."

It's really different to be an emperor, no wonder men want to be emperors, Xiaoyue turned to the portrait of the fourth concubine, remembered the scene in Qianye Palace in her mind, and suddenly smiled.

Both Tongtong and Huahua took a few steps back anxiously, the empress's smile was really sinister, it looked as if she was going to do something bad.

PS: Today is the end of the update, [-] updates on weekdays, and [-] updates on weekdays.

(End of this chapter)

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