full-time lovers

273 Shocking

273 Shocking
"Okay, okay, I don't underestimate you."

Ji Zebei didn't bother to argue with her. He watched her wash the pot and heat up another dish. He turned his wheelchair to the restaurant and waited patiently.

Not long after, she brought the food to the table.

The dark things in the pot seem to be leftovers, causing the hot dishes to be a little dark in color, which makes people very unappetizing.

Lu Ran saw that he looked disgusted, and said with a smile: "You eat a little, and I will cook something delicious for you tomorrow."


The so-called delicious food is scrambled eggs with various vegetables?

He reluctantly picked up the chopsticks and ate a little, then went to the bathroom to wash up, and went back to the room early to lie down.

After Lu Ran cleaned up the kitchen, he went to pack the luggage he brought back from Binshi, and it was after eleven o'clock.

She was so sleepy, she washed her face and went back to the room, and fell beside Ji Zebei.

Ji Zebei hadn't fallen asleep, and after Lu Ran turned off the light, he started snoring not long after.

He turned to look at her, he couldn't see her face clearly in the dim light, but he could feel that she was very tired.

She doesn't snore every night, only when she's extremely tired.

Hearing her heavy breathing, he helped her tuck the quilt, feeling a little distressed.

He barely slept for a while in the middle of the night, and woke up at seven o'clock in the morning.

The rain has stopped, the sun is shining through the window, the sky is blue, warm and comfortable.

Lu Ran was still sleeping, very deeply.

He got up and got off the bed lightly. Although it was a bit difficult, he managed to sit in the wheelchair after a few minutes.

After turning the wheelchair to the bathroom for a brief wash, he went to the kitchen and prepared two breakfasts.

Putting a meal on the tray and carefully placing the tray on his lap, he turned the wheelchair back to the room.

Lu Ran's head was almost covered by the quilt, and his body was curled up into a small ball.

Putting the breakfast on the bedside table, he approached Lu Ran, lifted the quilt, and seeing Lu Ran's round face, he wanted to reach out and squeeze it for no reason.

"Wake up, it's breakfast."

He resisted the urge to pinch her face and called her softly a few times.

She scratched the chicken nest head and slowly opened her eyes.

Dazed for a few seconds, remembering what he just said, she got up and put on her clothes in a panic.

"what time is it?"

"It's just eight o'clock."

"It's already eight o'clock." She exclaimed, seeing the breakfast on the bedside table, she drooped her head, feeling lazy and useless.

Originally, she was supposed to take care of Ji Zebei, but he didn't expect him to get up early to help her make breakfast. Fried eggs were made into heart shapes, and meat floss rice balls were also very delicately made, which looked delicious.

She walked over, picked up a rice ball and took a bite. The rice was still warm, and the seaweed wrapped on the outside was very crispy and soft. After taking another bite, the meat floss inside the rice ball was gone.

"It's delicious." She looked at Ji Zebei with a face of shame.

The man smiled, "Eat more if it tastes good."

He knew her appetite, so he simply made ten rice balls in one go, he could only eat two, and the remaining eight were hers.

After Lu Ran finished eating the rice ball in his hand, he felt that it was not enough, and wanted to eat more, but he didn't expect that the rice ball that Ji Zebei made casually tasted so good.

When she remembered that she hadn't taken good care of Ji Zebei during this time, and asked him to take care of herself in turn, she suddenly had a sore nose and cried 'wow'.

Ji Zebei was startled, "Why are you crying?"

“The rice balls are delicious.”


Wiping the tears from his face, Lu Ran sniffed and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you."

Ji Zebei smiled helplessly, "You have done a good job."

"No, not good enough."

"Really don't hire a nanny?"

He didn't want Lu Ran to be too tired.

"No, I'm ready to learn how to cook, let me prepare a sumptuous meal for you today."

Full of confidence, she grabbed another rice ball and took a bite as she spoke.

Ji Zebei said 'oh', and turned the wheelchair out of the room.

Entering the study room, he took out his recipe book from the drawer, which contained some of his own dishes, including Chinese and Western dishes, with detailed ingredients and production process.

After his sense of taste became unstable, he relied heavily on this recipe book for a long time.

He took the notebook and went to the living room, and when Lu Ran came out after washing, he handed the notebook to her, "Give it to you."

Lu Ran took it with a puzzled face, opened it and looked at it, and found that it was a handwritten recipe, she could recognize the handwriting on it, and it was written by Ji Zebei.

"With this, your cooking skills should improve a lot." Ji Zebei said.

Excited, she leaned over and gave Ji Zebei a loving hug, and kissed him hard on the cheek.

Although there is Ji Zebei's handwritten recipe book, the practice is another matter.

Lu Ran went out to buy groceries early in the morning, and came back with so many bags that the refrigerator couldn't fit them.

When Ji Zebei was reading on the balcony, she had been studying his recipes in the kitchen. She was busy all morning, and he didn't go to 'make trouble'. He said that if there was anything he didn't understand, he could come and ask him, but Lu Ran once No one came to disturb him, he only heard the sound of tinkling bells coming from the kitchen from time to time.

He didn't care and let her torment.

When it was a little closer, Lu Ran trotted to the balcony and smiled at him, "I've been waiting for a long time."

He closed the book in his hand, and replied with a warm smile, "It's okay."

"Lunch is ready."

She pushed him off the balcony and went straight to the restaurant.

He thought he would see a table of beautiful and appetizing dinner, but it turned out to be very poorly presented, which surprised him.

The steak was not cooked well, it was browned, the salad was still good, and there was a bowl of something that was light yellow, like shit.

"What's that?" He stared at the bowl of 'shit' and looked at Lu Ran in surprise.

Lu Ran rubbed the back of his head, smiled embarrassedly and said, "Mashed potatoes."


After the mashed potatoes in his cookbook are finished, this is definitely not what it looks like, absolutely not.

He couldn't believe it, "You..."

Lu Ran knew that what he did was not good enough, but for the first time, it was inevitable that he would rush around and make mistakes.

"It may be better next time. Don't look at the ugly things I make, but the taste is not necessarily bad."

He pinched the center of his brows and smiled helplessly, "Okay."

He told himself that he must give Lu Ran a face, after all, she was busy all morning.

Picking up the knife and fork, he started to cut the beef on the plate, then turned around to open the red wine.

The beef has been fried for a long time, and the meat is very old. I cut a small piece of meat and tasted it. It was too chewy and I couldn't chew it at all.

First of all, the quality of the beef Lu Ran bought was not good. In addition, the meat was cut in the wrong direction. The beef should be cut upside down.

While Lu Ran was concentrating on opening the red wine, he took out a piece of paper, spit out the beef that could not be chewed, wrapped it in the paper, and threw it into the trash can.

Glancing at the bowl of mashed potatoes that looked like 'shit', he didn't even want to touch it, it seemed that he could only make do with some salad.

(End of this chapter)

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