Chapter 54
Mo Xi grinned, feeling that Chen Wende's words were a bit unnatural, and that he had overwhelmed Xiao Wu, so in order to get the point back, she pouted on purpose, "Just like you, my own wife is hard You snatched it back, and you are still thinking about being a matchmaker for Xiao Wu? You can rest, I will do it if you want to do it!" Then she smiled rudely at Xiao Wu: "Eat quickly, leave after eating, Get the money and come back quickly! When we have money, we can go to big places to see the world! At that time, I will make a foreign skirt with a backless back, and you will also get a suit and leather shoes. Let’s tidy up and watch movies together Let's go to the dance hall!" At this point, she curled her lips at Chen Wende again, "I won't bring you an old clapper! Unless you dye your gray head black!"

Chen Wende laughed, raised his hand and touched his head while laughing; Xiao Wu also smiled, a little dazed, but the daze only happened for a moment, and the smile on his face became more and more stable. He thought that if one day, he really If you want to go to watch a movie with Moxi and go to the dance hall, it must feel very wonderful, like a dream.

After a meal, Chen Wende took an envelope and handed it to Xiao Wu, which contained a note written by him.

Xiao Wu packed the envelope, then took out his special skills of pretending to be a ghost, and disappeared without a sound under the eyes of everyone.And just after he disappeared for a day, there was another booming sound in the mountains.

Amid the increasingly intense artillery fire, Chen Wende counted his troops and found that he only had two or three thousand soldiers left except for a sharp-tongued little daughter-in-law.Half of the officers are his loyal subordinates, and the other half may defect to the enemy at any time.The Spring Festival is over, and the season of slack is coming soon. However, the military pay and rations have not been settled at all, and the bullets and shells are also completely lacking.If the siege from the outside world continues like this, the only way for the soldiers to survive is to eat people.Chen Wende didn't mind cannibalism very much, but the problem was that the village was too small, and there were only twenty or thirty households in total, which was really not enough for his subordinates to eat.

A narrow-minded person would probably hang himself from worry at this moment, but Chen Wende had already been through a lot of worry before, and now he had a secret strategy of rubbing oil on the soles of his feet and walking away, so he walked towards the door with his arms in his arms. After one stop, he looked up at the sky and looked down at the ground. Not only did he not sigh, but he seemed to feel refreshed.

He had just received a letter sent by Wan Jiagui, the words in the letter were very sincere, asking him to raise the white flag and immediately surrender to Wan Tuan.As soon as he surrendered, Wan Jiagui would immediately send someone to protect him and Moxi.At that time, if anyone wanted to chase him fiercely, Wan Jiagui would also be willing to come forward to guarantee his personal safety.When the turmoil is over, Wan Jiagui is willing to give him 600 yuan a month for living expenses if he has difficulties in life after he steps down.

In all fairness, this condition is not unreasonable, but after Chen Wende read the letter, he burned it to a ball of ashes, and at the same time he was very disdainful, thinking that I am short of your 600 yuan?When I was majestic, do you know how many six hundred I held in my hand?
But after burning the letter to ashes, he truthfully recounted the contents of the letter to Moxi.When I said this, it was midnight, and the two were lying side by side in the hot quilt, head to head.After hearing what he said, Moxi looked very calm, and only said: "If you burn it, you will burn it, but don't express your opinion, don't offend him with words. If you are really poor in the future, if he dares to give it, you dare to take it. If you have money Talents need face, people without money don’t need face, it’s true if they have food and drink.”

Chen Wende sighed, "You look down on me that much?"

"Bullshit!" Moxi closed her eyes and burrowed deep into the warm bed, "You have been a commander or a general, but I have never been. From now on, we will live together, you want face, you back off; I don't want face , I will take the lead."

Chen Wende laughed softly, "From now on, I will sit at home and be an old man."

Moxi yawned, "That's great, I was afraid that you would go out and cause trouble. You can't win a fight with tens of thousands of people. If your old man goes out alone, you can add Xiao Wu at most. If there is trouble, why don't people beat the gall out?"

Chen Wende turned his face to look at her on the pillow, only a small oil lamp was lit on the window sill in the room, a little light could vaguely illuminate his outline, but his gray hair was hidden.So he looked very young at this moment, even his eyes were moist and black and white.He pursed his lips and smiled at Moxi, he smiled sweetly and shyly, like a big boy.

Moxi also looked at him sideways, forgetting everything in the world behind her in a trance, just like when she saw Wan Jiagui for the first time, her heart was beating briskly in her chest, her blood was slightly surging up, gushing out. She had a rosy face.

"Old Master." She spoke softly, her breath was a little messy, and her tone was still joking, "I didn't realize that you still have double eyelids."

Chen Wende blinked slowly, showing her the trace of his inner double eyelid, "Did you see me?"

Moxi snorted and turned her head to smile, and then turned to Chen Wende again after laughing, the smile on her face gradually receded, "Old Chen, this time we escaped incognito, it will be regarded as a rebirth. You are not allowed to go crazy again in the future , live with me well. Remember?"

Chen Wende still pursed his lips and smiled flatteringly at her, not a serious appearance.So Moxi paused for a moment, and continued with a straight face: "I had no parents since I was a child. Although I knew that I was a girl and would marry when I grew up, I never thought that I would have a family. At that time, I liked Wanjia." Gui, I just like him and never thought about family matters. After I followed you, I was afraid of you and couldn't escape, so I had to follow you day by day. But now, Lao Chen, listen , I want to marry you and live a good life with you!"

Having said that, she leaned forward and looked directly into Chen Wende's eyes, "Don't smirk, just nod when you understand!"

Chen Wende suppressed his smile, and really nodded to Moxi with his face up, "I understand. Moxi, I understand."

Then he closed his eyes and said in a low voice: "Moxi, I carried a gun and ate food when I was a teenager, and now I have lived half my life. I have only done this one thing, and I can only do this one thing. Now let me really Losing the army and walking alone, I feel guilty and afraid."

Moxi raised her hand and stroked his face, "Don't be afraid, Old Chen, I'm here. I'm seventeen or eighteen years younger than you, and I'm in good health, courageous, and open-minded. I can't finish whoever is finished, Don't say you have money, I can find you food if you don't have money!"

Chen Wende stared at Moxi in silence for a long time, and finally he frowned his thick eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became watery.The corners of his mouth trembled and curled downwards, to Moxi's surprise, he actually showed a faint cry.

"When I'm old, you can't let me go." He said aggrievedly, his voice was crying.

Moxi didn't smile, but nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I will always want you."

Chen Wende frowned the deep lines between his brows, his nostrils fluttered, and he seemed to be choked up at any moment, "I'm old, outdated, and the world's major events, I don't have my share anymore. Money, land, I don't have my share anymore."

Moxi combed his short hair with her fingers, and said in a gentle voice: "It's for you, and I haven't seen you living a good life. You run around in rags all day long, without combing your hair or face. Wash, like a beggar, embarrassing."

Chen Wende turned over to face Moxi, and pressed his face to her breast.A second later, he raised his hand, quickly unbuttoned Moxi's blouse, and buried his face in her arms again.Taking a long, deep breath, he shook his head and rubbed his moist eyes against Moxi's chest.

Moxi slept with Chen Wende in her arms for the whole night, after a night, Chen Wende returned to normal.Standing in the wind with his hands on his hips, he continued to look up at the world and the ground, and then secretly pondered: "Where did Xiao Wu go?"

Xiao Wu has been away for half a month, and there has been no news.Moxi felt a little nervous, and asked Chen Wende behind his back, "Could it be that he ran away with the money?"

Chen Wende didn't quite believe that Xiao Wu could play a trick on him.He watched this child grow up, and he had inspected and tested his character many times before. If he hadn't known that he was reliable, he would not have dared to let him guard Moxi like a big girl.This little girl Moxi is born with a romantic attitude, with a romantic appearance and a romantic heart. It is true that Chen Wende loves her, but he has always doubted whether she will put a green hat on her in the future.

As for no news, it's actually normal.The small mountain village he lives in is almost isolated from the outside world, there will never be a post office, and Xiao Wu is traveling a long distance alone, and there is no bodyguard around him to deliver the letter one step earlier—he has calculated Well, his property would be quite valuable in exchange for oceans, so he doesn't want oceans, but only pounds and dollars.Foreign banknotes are light, but worth more than anything else.Not to mention that Xiao Wu is a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, even if he is a child of eight or nine years old, a suitcase of banknotes will never tire him.

He believed in Xiao Wu, and he also believed in Moxi, except for these two, he didn't believe in anyone.He was afraid that Xiao Wu's entourage would try to get rich and kill him, so he asked Xiao Wu to ride alone for thousands of miles.The unremarkable Xiao Wu carries an unremarkable box. As long as Xiao Wu is smart enough, he can go to the sky without any problem.

He thought so, and so did his adopted son and servant Wu Zhiping.

Xiao Wu was wearing a used school uniform, sitting on a cold hard bed in a small inn.This inn is located in Shanxi, and he has lived here for three days.A dusty old suitcase stood in the corner, fitted with Xiao Wu's student, making him look like a poor student who had read foreign books for a few days and had little knowledge.For such a poor student, liars and thieves are too lazy to patronize. As Chen Wende expected, his appearance really makes him very safe.

With his eyes fixed on the old suitcase, he knew that the money in it would be enough for him to eat for a lifetime—more than enough for a lifetime, and he could leave a few mouthfuls for his children and grandchildren, if he had any.

So he was very hesitant, not knowing whether he should run away and start a new life, or return to the small ravine where the war was raging, and continue to be a filial son and grandson to Chen Wende.

In fact, it's nothing to be a filial son and grandson to Chen Wende. After all, Chen Wende raised him into a human being, and it's definitely not bad for him.However, Chen Wende shouldn't have brought back Moxi as his wife.

Xiao Wu is a little bit despised by Moxi now.It's not that she has become ugly, nor is it that she has a bad temper and is annoying. He despises Moxi, just because Moxi belongs to Chen Wende and has no share in him.

I like it so much, but I never get it. Is there a crueler punishment in the world?And he absolutely can't rob women with Chen Wende - can't rob, don't dare to rob, can't rob.

Staring at the suitcase indifferently, he decided to go back with the money and fulfill the couple.

However, he wants to walk slowly, walking all the way, praying all the way, praying that the guns have eyes, so that Chen Wende can die happily.If he is not dead, he will be his adopted son for the rest of his life; when he is old, he will be like a real son, and he will give him a pension until the end of his life—endlessly, endlessly, he must spend his whole life. stop!
The kindness of nurturing is beyond heaven, so Chen Wende can only be freed if he dies.

(End of this chapter)

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