Chapter 18 The Outlaw (2)
"But..." Feng Yao thought about it and changed her tone, "It's okay to cut your hair, it's more convenient to cut it short, and it's easy to wash..."

Moxi ignored her.

Feng Yao hesitated and turned her head to look at Moxi again, then ordered Moxi to go to the dining hall to ask for a pot of boiling water.

Mo Xi left without saying a word, just looking at her back, one could tell that she was preoccupied.And as soon as Mo Xi went out, Feng Yao immediately picked up the small scissors in the thread basket.

Moxi was standing at the entrance of the dining hall with a kettle in her hand, waiting for the water to boil while thinking about her thoughts.

At first she wanted to kill Feng, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that this idea was not a good idea, because Feng was a grown man after all, so there must be no reason to wait for the slaughter, and if he didn't cooperate, the two would fight again , I have no chance of winning.Or set up a plan to teach Feng a lesson?This is also a solution, but what if the surname Feng remembers to eat but not to be beaten, or if he suffers a disaster, what if the principal takes his anger on Feng Yao again?
Or, kill the headmaster once and for all.But is there a better way than "slaughter"?There must be, so take it easy and think again.

At this time, the water boiled.

Moxi took a pot of boiling water from the dining hall, and carefully carried it back.When she entered the door, she watched Feng Yao open her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound for a while.

Feng Yao was wearing an old vest that was tight to her body, and a towel was draped over her shoulders. She was cutting her hair in front of a small round mirror hanging on the wall.The long hair on one side has been cut short, and the other side has not been moved.The short-cut hair is not neat, it is divided into several scissors, and the cut is long and short.Turning her head and smiling at Mo Xi, she said in a nasal voice, "Come and help me, I can't see the back of my head, so I dare not cut it."

Moxi was still speechless, she put down the kettle and walked forward. She took the scissors from Feng Yao's hands, made Feng Yao squat slightly with her back to her, then lowered her head, and carefully trimmed Feng Yao's hair.

With steady hands, she scissored a few times and cut Feng Yao's ear-length short hair.Feng Yao smiled forcedly at Xiao Yuanjing, and said without saying anything: "It looks good if you cut it short. The last time I cut my hair was three years ago. At that time, all my classmates cut it, and I also cut it. I cut it off, but when I got home, I was scolded by Zhang's mother. Zhang's mother called all girls who cut their hair little nuns."

Moxi also smiled, but she didn't see the beauty of short hair with ears at all.She likes long hair, long hair is a woman's appearance, and short hair is a man.

After trimming Feng Yao's hair into shape, Moxi put down the scissors and took a towel to clean Feng Yao's hair stubble.After tidying up Feng Yao, she said, "I won't cook at noon, I want to eat buns, meat buns."

Feng Yao smiled, "Are you a puppy?"

Moxi pushed her, "Go buy it for me, I just went to the canteen and waited for boiling water for a long time, my hands hurt from the cold."

Feng Yao took her hands and squeezed them tightly, then put on a padded jacket and took some change and went out.Through a glass window, Mo Xi looked at Feng Yao's back, seeing that Feng Yao really turned the corner and walked towards the gate, she turned her head slowly and stretched out her hand.

Stretching out her hand, she picked up the small scissors in the thread basket.Good ideas never come to mind, but she has her own outrageous and stupid way.This method has existed since ancient times and has been passed down from generation to generation, and it will always work, as long as you are willing to let it go.

After hiding the small scissors in the sleeve of the padded jacket, she stepped out.There was no need to lock the door. Before the bell rang for the last class in the morning, she walked quickly across the playground in the cold wind and went straight to the principal's office.

The headmaster's office is at the end of a row of brick buildings.Because this school is the only middle school for girls in the three surrounding counties, even though it is all inconspicuous one-story buildings, it is already considered quite large.Moxi strode to the door of the principal's office. Before knocking on the door, she squinted at the sky.

It was almost the end of get out of class, and the aroma of hot dishes and meals was already wafting from the direction of the dining hall, and she would have about twenty minutes.She withdrew her gaze and turned to the door. She didn't knock on the door, but just stretched out her hand and pushed it.

As she expected, the door opened - there are gentle and polite people in this school, and they would never rush into the headmaster's office rashly, and the headmaster naturally didn't have to close the door in broad daylight.After entering the door, she closed the door tightly, and Moxi raised her eyes and looked forward, only to see a bookshelf and a desk in front of her, and behind the desk was an old lady who was writing like a book, it was the principal herself.

Looking up in surprise, the headmaster watched Moxi adjust his glasses, and then asked kindly and coldly, "Who are you?"

Mo Xi walked over to the desk, and looked down at the table—very well, it was a very ordinary wooden table without a large glass plate.

"I'm Bai Fengyao's younger sister." She opened her mouth straight to the point, her small face was covered with frost, and all the heat and temperament were concentrated in her eyes.Staring straight at the principal, she continued on her own: "Today my sister went back to the dormitory and cut her beautiful hair with scissors. She said that you scolded her for seducing your brother, and you asked her to cut it. No wrong?"

The principal opened his mouth, feeling that Moxi's eyes were wrong, as if he wanted to eat people, but Moxi didn't wait for her to answer, and then said: "Principal, let me tell you, Bai Fengyao is not my real sister, we are not a father nor are we A bitch. She is honest and she is a softie, but I am not honest, I am not a softie! You should understand what your coquettish brother is! Your brother has pestered my sister several times, and you can’t get rid of him or break up. We haven’t said anything yet What, you beat him up instead, what's the matter? You think your younger brother who is obsessed with sex is a piece of meat, everyone loves it?" Moxi sneered at this point, "Hmph, I'm yuck!"

This time, he spat hard, like it was raining, spattering the sky with saliva.After poohing, she waved her hand and showed the small scissors hidden in her sleeve.

When the principal saw the murder weapon, his face immediately changed, and he wanted to get up and back in a hurry.Seeing this, Moxi didn't say a word, and didn't stop her, she just grabbed the scissors and lifted them up high, then stabbed them viciously towards the desk surface.Hearing a loud bang, Moxi let go, and the scissors had been stuck vertically on the table.

Looking up at the principal, Moxi said in a low voice: "If your younger brother dares to be a toad and wants to eat swan meat again, I won't pierce wood with my scissors. You know what?"

The headmaster had already stood up and hid behind the chair, shaking his head tremblingly.

Mo Xi said without emotion: "I stab someone!"

After saying this, she stretched out her hands to hold the scissors, and pulled them upwards with all her strength.While tucking the scissors back into the sleeves of the padded jacket, she said, "To tell you the truth, both of us, my sister and I, are living on 15 yuan a month. Whoever makes it impossible for us to survive, I will let someone keep us company." Go! Don't believe me? Just try!"

After saying this, she fixedly stared at the principal again, and saw that the principal's face had turned white, and the gold-rimmed glasses were sliding down the bridge of his nose to the tip of his nose, and his whole body was trembling as if a switch had been stepped on. Only then did she turn around with a satisfied face.

Steadily pushing the door out of the principal's office, Moxi was blown by the cold wind, and only then realized that she was sweating profusely.The pair of scissors stuck on the table just now is the same as the kitchen knife that was cut on the tree of the white house back then, both of which are bluffing.She just pretended not to die, she appeared vicious on the surface, but in fact she was not a real desperado, she was afraid and cowardly.

Fortunately, she thought, she was lucky, the people she met these two times were all cowards, and they were honest when they were frightened.If it was changed to a powerful one, and he fought with him with real swords and guns, his little life might be confessed.It was a risky move, but it was worth it. Moxi reckoned that in the next few months, Feng Yao would not be "insulted" again.

Moxi doesn't know much about "insulting". From the age of three to seven, she lived under the fence and received several times of scolding every day. The scolding made her skin as thick as leather. It was almost impossible to scold and cry her alive. Things, unless the one who scolded had a hard mouth.

Moxi thought as she walked forward, while keeping her head in check, not allowing herself to turn back.She knew that the principal must be peeping at her through the glass window. If she turned around at this time, she would not be arrogant enough. It was very intimidating and terrifying, and she would disappear four or five points out of thin air.

Walking to the middle of the playground in this way, she looked at the school gate ahead and suddenly stopped in her tracks.A pair of eyes widened uncontrollably, and she even opened her mouth slightly in the cold wind, showing a silly look.

She saw a group of small cars slowly driving up on the main road outside the school gate, all black and shiny, all new cars!The size of the leading car is extra large, with bright five-color flags on the front of the car, and heavily armed guards standing on the door pedals.The big car stopped right in front of the school gate. The guard jumped off the pedal and opened the rear door. A tall officer in a black cloak bent over and jumped out of the car.Immediately, he stood upright holding the door of the car, and looked forward with his head held high. Under the winter sun, he showed his good face with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

He is Wan Jiagui!
Moxi stood alone on the empty playground, staring blankly at Wan Jiagui, her mind suddenly stopped. She didn't know if it was a second or 1 years later, she suddenly heard a cheer—it was her own cheer !

Then she involuntarily spread her legs, and ran towards Wan Jiagui with her teeth and claws all the way.It is said to be running, but it is actually running wildly. She ran against the wind and became a shooting star chasing the moon. No, it is not a star, nor is it a moon. She is more like a wild rabbit.Feet skimming the ground, skimming the weeds, she was a wind against the wind, flying towards Wan Jiagui through the clouds and fog.

However, seeing that she was about to hit the school gate, she tripped suddenly and fell forward on the spot.Subconsciously, she hurriedly supported the ground with her hands, and at the same time she felt a sudden pain in her forearm.After getting up from the pain, she didn't take it seriously, and continued to rush forward until she reached Wan Jiagui's arms.

It's in my arms, and it's not in my arms.Wan Jiagui walked through the half-open school gate and walked quickly in front of her.Two big hands wearing leather gloves stretched out to hold her small shoulders, he looked down at Moxi's face, there was nine parts of a smile and one part of annoyance in his piercing eyes, "Why are you running around? Are you crazy? "

Moxi panted and raised her head, her sweat-drenched hair on the temples was jet-black, clinging to her rosy and shiny face.Staring at Wan Jiagui without blinking, she was so happy that her heart was going to explode—it was really going to explode, how could such a small heart hold so much happiness?Opening her mouth to Wan Jiagui, she showed her neat and white teeth, as if she wanted to speak, but the corners of her mouth turned up uncontrollably. She didn't speak in the end, but gave Wan Jiagui a big smile.

It wasn't her ideal smile, and she had rehearsed it many times in her dreams.She had already made up her mind that once she saw Wan Jiagui again, she must "smile cleverly", not only to be clever, but also to express affection with her eyes.But when things came to an end, all her good ideas flew to the sky, she looked up, only a smirk remained on her face.

However, Wan Jiagui immediately asked the next sentence: "Where is Feng Yao?"

The smile froze on Moxi's face, but before Moxi could answer, Wan Jiagui turned his head as if he had sensed something, and saw Feng Yao standing outside the school gate.

Feng Yao nodded lightly to Wan Jiagui, holding a paper bag in her hand, which contained steaming meat buns.

(End of this chapter)

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