You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 991 Cardamom in that year, who promises who will live forever

Chapter 991 Cardamom in that year, who promises who will live forever (5)

Seeing that Gu Lanbing didn't speak, Ye Qingxue asked Ye Yitian, "Dad, isn't it?"

Ye Yitian said awkwardly: "It should be called sister-in-law."

Ye Qingxue curled her lips, "That's right, but my brother said no."

Gu Lanbing sneered at Ye Qingxue, "Okay, Xueer, let's talk about the future when you grow up. Now that you are still young, you don't need to know these things so quickly."

Ye Qingxue: "..."

We have to wait until she grows up again!
Could it be that everyone thinks she is stupid now?

When Ye Qingxue was nine years old, she cheated too much in some subjects, and she was very poor in mathematics, and she would fail every time she failed the exam.

The previous few times, Ye Qingxue didn't dare to show it to her family, but in the next semester, the teacher will require parents to sign it.

All the way out of school, Ye Qingxue was thinking about who should sign this parent's signature.

When they saw her test result, did the grandparents have a better temper or did the parents have a better temper?
In short, she absolutely dare not ask Ye Mohan to sign.

Ye Qingxue thought about it all the way, and finally decided to ask Grandpa to sign.

Grandpa has never been cruel to her. Seeing that she scored 46 points in the test, he probably wouldn't be cruel to her!

The driver took Ye Qingxue back to Ye's house, but Ye Qingxue was still in a daze.

The driver turned around and reminded Ye Qingxue, "Miss, get out of the car."

Ye Qingxue looked outside, only to realize that she had already arrived home.

He said "Oh" to the driver, grabbed his schoolbag and ran to the living room.

Running to the living room, I didn't meet my grandfather as I wished. When I saw Gu Lanbing, I asked, "Mom, where is grandpa?"

Gu Lanbing: "Grandpa has gone out and won't be back until very late. What do you want to do with Grandpa?"

"It's nothing." Ye Qingxue shook her head hastily.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and ran upstairs, then turned to Gu Lanbing when she thought of something, and said, "Mom, tell me when grandpa is back, I'm going to do my homework first."

Gu Lanbing smiled at Ye Qingxue, "Okay."

Gu Lanbing stared at the back of the little girl, her eyes were full of happiness and sweetness.

She can still clearly remember the little girl in her arms ten years ago, and the little girl was nine years old in a blink of an eye.

In a few years, she herself will be approaching her forties.

Although her family, Mo Han, will be able to find a girlfriend in a few years, and if she finds a girlfriend, she may have a grandson in her arms.

But Mo Han is going to marry her Xueer in the future, and Xueer is still so young...

So she should not think about holding a grandson for the time being.

Ye Qingxue ran back to her room and finished her Chinese and English homework first.

As for mathematics, Ye Qingxue started to feel sleepy after reading two questions, and she couldn't do more than half of the math questions.

Ye Qingxue didn't do it at all, she wrote and drew on the practice questions, played around with the pen, and waited for her grandfather to come back and sign the test paper for her.

After waiting for a long time, her grandfather did not come back. Ye Qingxue gradually became sleepy, forgot to collect the practice questions, and was afraid of falling asleep on the table before she knew it.

Unexpectedly, instead of waiting for grandpa, Ye Mohan came instead.

Ye Mohan was going back to his room, but when he passed by Ye Qingxue's room, he would always involuntarily go in and take a look, the position on his chest was inexplicably reassuring.

Seeing Ye Qingxue fell asleep lying on the table, her homework hadn't been put away yet, her brows almost knit together.

Taking long steps, she walked over and prepared to hug Ye Qingxue on the bed to sleep.

But the moment she saw Ye Qingxue's math grades, her handsome face was immediately clouded.

(End of this chapter)

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