You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 471 Who Gives You the Courage to Kiss Your Mother?

Chapter 471 Who Gives You the Courage to Kiss Your Mother?
Ye Qingxue was elated by the little guy's teasing, and picked up the little guy and kissed him.

The little guy also kissed Ye Qingxue, but not on the face, but on the mouth.

Ye Qingxue looked at the little guy puzzled.

Xiao Nuoyu explained with a smile: "Mom, it's reciprocal!"

Ye Qingxue is seriously aware of a problem, her son's flirting skills are born with him...

Ye Mohan and her combined are not half as good as this little guy.

Ye Qingxue flipped a page casually, saw a story about a mermaid, and asked the little guy, "Are you talking about a mermaid?"

Little guy: "Yeah."

Ye Qingxue smiled at the little guy, and parted her thin lips lightly: "In the very, very deep seabed, there is a majestic castle, in which live six mermaid princesses, they are all very beautiful, especially the youngest princess, She has long golden hair and is prettier than her sisters..."

Ruan Nuo Nuo's voice is very soft, sweet, and very seductive.

Ye Qingxue told seven or eight stories before putting the little guy to sleep.

Seeing the little guy's sleepy and immature face, Ye Qingxue felt very satisfied and at ease...

Ye Qingxue gently kissed the little guy on the forehead, and hugged the little guy tightly.

Never thought that one of her children was still there!

She didn't accompany the little guy for three years, and she will definitely accompany her child to grow up more in the future, making up for what she lost in the three years.


The next day.

Ye Qingxue dressed the little guy, and led the little guy to the bathroom to wash up.

She waited for the little guy to finish her work before she went to work on herself, and didn't even look at Ye Mohan the whole time.

Seeing Ye Qingxue go to the bathroom by herself, Ye Mohan led the little guy to the sofa.

Suppressing his voice, he angrily scolded the little guy, "Who gave you the courage to kiss your mother? And the one who made you pester your mother to tell you stories?"

"I found my mother. I can kiss you if I want! You can kiss me if you have the ability!" The little guy replied confidently.

"Say it again!" Ye Mohan stared at the little guy and said sharply.

The little guy shrank his head in fear and dared not speak.

Ye Mohan suppressed his anger, and continued: "Let me ask you, who told you to lie to me that your mother has a child? Huh?"

Seeing that Ye Mohan's face was very ugly, the little guy swallowed and shook his head, "I didn't lie to you, I thought the little strawberry was born by my mother."

Ye Mohan's face softened a little, and he said lightly: "I will make a decision later when the matter is clear."

"..." Ye Nuoyu pouted unhappily.

Didn't you also figure it out...

Ye Mohan: "Did you hear that?"

Xiao Nuoyu nodded, "I heard."

Ye Mohan paused, and then said: "Today, no matter what, I will pester your mother home."

Finally able to stand on the same front as Lao Mo.

The little guy Chickie nodded fiercely.

Just as Ye Qingxue came out of the bathroom, the little guy ran to Ye Qingxue's side with his calves, held Ye Qingxue's hand, "Mom, let's go home now!"

Ye Qingxue glanced at Ye Nuoyu, feeling troubled, "But mom's things haven't been packed yet."

Ye Mohan: "I will find someone to clean it up."

Xiao Nuoyu: "Dad has already found someone to clean up. Mom will go home soon."

Seeing that Ye Qingxue was still hesitating, Ye Nuoyu burst into tears.

"Mom, do you know that the baby can think of his mother every day in his dreams, and finally finds his mother, if the mother doesn't go back..."

Originally, he planned to pretend, but later the little guy was really worried that Ye Qingxue would leave again, couldn't suppress that emotion, and really cried out.

(End of this chapter)

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