You are more beautiful than the stars

Chapter 153 I'll Call You Wife

Chapter 153 I'll Call You Wife

Ye Qingxue frowned immaturely, thinking about whether to leave.

The little boy sat beside her, "If you don't speak, I'll call you wife!"

Ye Qingxue frowned even deeper.

Little boy: "If you don't speak, I'll take it as your agreement."

Ye Qingxue tilted her head and asked, "What is a daughter-in-law?"

"Well... a daughter-in-law is to marry me when she grows up, and being my daughter-in-law can eat lollipops every day."

When Ye Qingxue heard Lollipop, she completely ignored what the little boy said in front of her.

Many lollipops seemed to appear in front of her eyes, repeating like a foodie, "Lollipops..."

Instead, he showed an innocent smile, and said in a sweet voice, "Can I really eat lollipops every day?"

She really wanted a lollipop, but no matter how much she begged or acted like a spoiled child, Ye Mohan wouldn't buy it for her.

I remember one time when grandma gave her a lollipop, but Ye Mohan found out that she snatched it and threw it on the ground. She was so distressed that she burst into tears
I don't know what to say to grandma, and in the end even grandma didn't buy it for her.

The little boy nodded, "Every day is fine."

Ye Qingxue jumped up happily, "Okay, okay...I promise you."

After being happy, she didn't know the name of the boy in front of her, so she asked him, "What's your name?"


Ye Qingxue tilted her head, and laughed in the next second, "Haha... your name is so strange..."

She only had lollipops in her eyes, and she didn't know what daughter-in-law meant, so she thought it was just a title.

In this way, the little boy gave Ye Qingxue a lollipop every day, and the relationship between the two of them became better and better over time.

The little boy called his wife and daughter-in-law from behind her every day.

They picked up a beautiful stone at school, Lu Jingxu took it home and the next day the stone was cut in half, and the other half was given to her.

She nicknamed him Little Stone.

She no longer asked for lollipops at home, Ye Mohan just felt strange, but did not investigate.

Later he knew that he knew that someone gave her lollipops at school.

He was furious and forbade her to associate with Xiao Shitou again.

Later, Xiao Shitou left the school.

She was ignorant at the time, and thought that Xiao Shitou left her and thought Ye Mohan was behind it, so she lost her temper for several days and ignored Ye Mohan.

He still said that when he grows up, he will marry Xiao Shitou, but every time he gets back, Ye Mohan shuts himself in the room facing the wall and thinks about his mistakes.

After growing up slowly, she understood some things, and she was sure that Ye Mohan had nothing to do with Xiao Shitou's leaving school.

"Do you know why I called you daughter-in-law when I saw you?" Lu Jingxu evoked a smile, but the smile was tinged with desolation.

Ye Qingxue was stunned, her eyes flickered slightly.

Then I heard Lu Jingxu say: "Because every time I see you sitting on the bench alone watching them play, your smile is the most beautiful and romantic I have ever seen!
At that time, I just wanted to tease you, and slowly I found that I liked you more and more, but at that time I didn't know that feeling was liking.

Later, I went to the United States without saying hello to you. In the United States, I missed you all the time, and wanted to continue to call your wife to continue watching you smile, and the feeling in my heart became more and more profound.

I have finished college in the United States, and I came to University A to meet you.I confess to you that you agree, know how excited I am?But the excitement only lasted for a day, and then I fell to pieces. "

Speaking of this, Lu Jingxu slowly closed his eyes with a sad expression, took a deep breath and continued: "I just want to know, why did you break up the next day after you agreed?"

Lu Jingxu stared at Ye Qingxue seriously, not missing the expression on her face.

Maybe she has something to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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