He was reborn by my scumbag villain

Chapter 200 Walking the Story

Chapter 200 Walking the Story
Yuan Ruan didn't plan to go back to Dongyeqiu Palace, she went into the house when she was cold in the garden, and faced Yuan's mother's nagging.

Before sitting for half an hour, there was a knock on the door.

Yuan Ruan immediately got up and opened the door as if fleeing.

She sighed slightly, she really didn't want to face Mama Yuan's "When will I have a baby", "When will I have a wedding", "When..."

Yuan Yuan opened the door, and immediately saw Qin Xieyi standing outside the door.

Qin Xieyi was wearing a thin suit, carrying the night air and the coolness of autumn, and there was no expression on his handsome face.

"Mr. Qin?"

"Who's here?" Yuan's mother asked casually when she saw Yuan Ruan standing at the door, and the person at the door was also stunned: "Xiao Qin?"

She was in a daze for a moment, and looked at Yuan Ruan angrily: "Come and sit in."

Qin Xieyi nodded and entered the door, then closed the door, "Excuse me."

"If you bother me, don't bother me," Yuan's mother made tea and handed it to him: "Yuan Ruan is too ignorant."

Yuan Ruan didn't respond like a quail.

She just stared at Mama Yuan who was smiling like a flower and was slightly taken aback.

The appearance of Mr. Qin and Yuan's parents in the same frame always has a strange sense of disobedience.

Mother Yuan knew that she was married, and she was still mentioning it just now, but she didn't seem to be getting married until she saw Qin Xieyi.

just like……

Yuan Ruan frowned.

She couldn't describe this feeling, as if getting married was just a state she carried on her back, and what about getting married with someone, it was only when Mother Yuan saw Qin Xieyi that it could be considered as a trigger and continue to progress.

Shivering, Yuan Ruan put aside the strange thoughts in his mind.

Qin Xieyi came to pick up someone, so he didn't sit down much, went upstairs to meet Yuan's father, and took Yuan Ruan into the car.

During the period, Mother Yuan asked about the wedding, and Qin Xieyi also answered seriously: "I'm choosing a date. The exact time depends on Ruan Ruan."

In the car, Yuan Ruan stretched his waist, tilted his head and asked Qin Xieyi: "Is Mr. Qin here to pick me up?"

Qin Xieyi didn't answer, just glanced at her and started the car.

The brisk smile on Yuan Ruan's face gradually subsided, and the hand holding the seat belt was slowly tightened.

While she changed the original owner's persona and acted recklessly, she was afraid of being recognized by others; while enjoying the tepid but extremely comfortable relationship with Mr. Qin, she was struggling to find the reason why she was wearing a book.

What a contradiction.

Just as she was thinking, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and patted the top of her hair with a clumsy and poor grasp of strength.

"Don't think about it."

Yuan Ruan was shocked, and immediately straightened his back, looking at Qin Xieyi in surprise.

Qin Xieyi pursed the corners of his lips and was driving without squinting.

His voice is very low, with a soothing force: "It's fine to let nature take its course."

Qin Xieyi noticed that the little girl next to him was distracted within 5 minutes after getting in the car, and occasionally he could see the struggle and confusion in the little girl's eyes from the rearview mirror.

It was a strange feeling that made him feel in a trance and empathize for a moment.

Go with the flow.

It is not only for the little girl, but also for myself.

He wanted to know what was going on with him, and at the same time he didn't want the little girl to be hurt a little.

She is innocent.

The second round of the excellent design competition was held as scheduled.

Yuan Ruan, with a small bag on his back and a computer USB flash drive, sat in Qin Xieyi's car and met the young and old of the Yuan family at the entrance of the A University gymnasium.

(End of this chapter)

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