Chapter 118 A Baby

"You have to go out."

Yuan Ruan raised the stone in his hand, but it was snatched away before he dropped it.

Tang Liang threw the stone away, looked at Yuan Ruan's face full of anger, and said word by word: "You have to go out too."

Yuan Ruan looked at him, nodded slowly, "Okay, let's go out together."

She relaxed her strength and fell into a semi-consciousness against the wall. She seemed to see someone's face before her consciousness became chaotic.

What about you, you haven't come yet...

Xiao Qiangwei and Tang Liang groped in the basement together, but found nothing.It can only be guessed that the explosives were probably buried in the surrounding stones in another way, but they were completely invisible in the basement.

"How about clearing the stones?" Tang Liang stood in front of the iron gate, staring at the large and small stones in the tunnel.

It was useless, not to mention the lack of time, even if they were really powerful enough to clean up all the stones, they would probably be facing them at the dark wooden warehouse entrance of the Weir Group.

"Better than being bombed and buried alive here."

Little Qiangwei spat, with deep shadows in her brows and eyes, as if something was out of control and irritated.

Weier Group, the study that was patronized by Yuan Ruan.

In the quiet study, I suddenly heard a slight clicking sound, and then, a secret door opened in the corner of the study, and a man in a suit and leather shoes came out.

He turned on the computer, but without seeing how he operated it, the computer began to automatically restore the operations that Yuan Ruan had done and then had their traces cleaned up.

Then, he hit enter, and the computer screen paused, leaving behind a screenshot of a dense mess of signals.

The man chuckled, with a sinister taste.

"Yuan Ruan, you really surprised me."

The signal diagram looks disorganized, but the man can distinguish some interesting things from it, such as tracking, such as positioning, and for example, decomposing the program and reassembling it.

It is this group of decomposition programs that allows Yuan Ruan to directly connect with that person's search through the world track.


The man touched his chin and turned his head to look at the French windows.

In the early morning, there was a mist in the mountains, and a red line appeared at the junction of the eastern sky and the earth in the distance.

A refreshing morning.

The moment he turned his head, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the mountains far away from here, and then, the flames shot up into the sky, causing a circle of air waves visible to the naked eye to spread.

What a pity to die.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on the old man's chair. Within three seconds, the man suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the window again.

There, more than ten helicopters were flying towards the place where the explosion occurred. The rotating propellers and the metal casing reflected the orange-red fire that had not been extinguished, which was very dazzling.

The moment the rumble sounded, Yuan Ruan immediately covered Tang Liang under his body, and at the same time his body was heavy, and it was Xiao Qiangwei who rushed forward.

The structure of the basement was unstable, and it collapsed quickly. Stones mixed with sand were poured down. Yuan Ruan still inhaled a lot of fine sand with his eyes closed, choking badly.

Her head was buzzing, and she was almost swiped by Am I Dead? Xiao Qiangwei's voice sounded very close and far away.

"What the hell is going on! Why did it explode at this time! People!"

The expected boulder smashing into the chest did not happen, and Xiao Qiangwei lifted her body from the fine sand, and immediately discovered the clue.

It doesn't look like an explosion.

She turned her head and saw people in black coming off the excavator and drilling machine.

Yuan Ruan was patted on the shoulder and barely looked up.

At this moment, she was staring at the golden stars, and only felt that she was hallucinating. Was it replayed before she died?Why, she seems to have seen... Mr. Qin.

Yuan Ruan blinked, then suddenly stretched out his hand, strenuously and firmly, grabbed Mr. Qin's hand, and pressed it on his chest.

here!There is her (deathly snatched) baby!

(End of this chapter)

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