He was reborn by my scumbag villain

Chapter 115 The Little Boy Who Knows Gratitude

Chapter 115 The Little Boy Who Knows Gratitude (2)

The locks of all the rooms have been picked, even if there is nothing important, all of this reveals a piece of news.

Someone has been in.

It didn't take much time to search up from below, Yuan Ruan glanced at the signal he had written, cut it off with a gritted teeth, and began to race against time to clean up the traces he had caused.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and as soon as they were about to reach the door, Yuan Ruan decisively unplugged the power and rushed towards the window, intending to use the method of getting in before leaving.

The only fortunate thing is that she didn't get in by stuffing the wire through the keyhole. In the eyes of outsiders, this room is probably safe.

There was a knocking sound of keys at the door, and Yuan Ruan groped towards the window with a steady mind.Before she got close, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the darkness, one covering Yuan Ruan's mouth and the other holding her waist, dragging her into the darkness without resistance.

With a click, the door opened.

In Fortier City, the capital of Country S, which is more than 300 kilometers away from the Nuoyavelli Mountains, in a room of a hundred square meters, multiple computers were running at the same time, and everyone had a serious look on their faces.

Suddenly, someone raised his head from the computer: "We found it!"

"Found it! A signal was found near Mount Noavelli!"

"Quickly inform sir!"

"Wait! There seems to be something else!"

Yuan Ruan didn't know anything about what happened more than 300 kilometers away, and she was shrinking in a small cabinet at the moment.The lights in the room were turned on by someone, and the dazzling light came in through the gap in the cabinet and fell into Yuan Ruan's eyes, making people dizzy.

However, she didn't dare to move, and even her breathing was slowed down to the point where it was inaudible.

Facing her, huddled was the little boy who had been having trouble in the mountains before.

The little boy had no expression on his face, but the tightly clenched hands in front of him still revealed the tension in his heart.

Yuan Ruan didn't know when the little boy came in, or even whether the little boy came in before her or after her.But Yuan Ruan knew that if he hadn't dragged her in just now, even if she rushed out of the balcony, she would be caught by the guards downstairs.

so close.

The people outside said something, some people opened the drawers to look through things, and some people stopped by the window while walking.

Yuan Ruan's heart became a lump.I began to recall whether I had left any dirt footprints by the window, and wondered if there were any footprints on the thick velvet that hadn't bounced up.


The windows were closed and locked.

Then, the crowd withdrew and turned off the lights.

The room returned to darkness.

"Let's go." The little boy moved his stiff neck, pushed open the cabinet door and crawled out.

"Thank you." Yuan Ruan also crawled out, and fell to the ground in shock, not wanting to move at all.

But no, these people can leave here so easily, apart from the fact that the lock of this room has not been broken, it must be because the things they saw just now are still there and have not been touched, so——

She cheered herself up, then got up and began to search for the sound she heard just now.

It is a locked drawer, which is perfectly fitted in the bookcase, and there is no key, unless Yuan Ruan can smash the drawer with something.

"You want something inside?" The little boy didn't leave this time, but followed behind Yuan Ruan.

He raised his head and stared at the drawer blankly, then stretched out his hand towards Yuan Ruan.

Yuan Ruan stared at that hand, and after three seconds, he suddenly felt blessed, and took out the iron wire picked up at the door with both hands, and handed it to the boy.

In less than 2 minutes, the drawer was pulled open by a thin wire.

 Yuan Ruan: I really love flowers when everyone sees them.

(End of this chapter)

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