Fairy Mercenary

Chapter 134 Immortal Legion

Chapter 134 Immortal Legion
No.40 Six-section Immortal Legion
For a moment, an open space was formed in a radius of one kilometer, and no more biochemical beasts could enter.To give the three who had been fighting bloody a precious chance to breathe, they quickly took this opportunity to meditate and rest together to recover their strength.

Of course, the same is true for the two sisters. Although the power of this attack is not very strong, the area is too large, and it has the effect of continuous attack, so it consumes a lot of their mana.

"I said, everyone, shouldn't we break through immediately?" At this moment, the young man who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

"How to break through?" The little man gave the young man a white look and said, "There are such black dogs everywhere around here, how can they escape?"

"We can fly out!" The young man said coldly.

"What?" The little brawny man suddenly became furious, and his face flushed with anger, "You said you flew out and let our brothers feed the dogs here?"

"There is no way to do this. You have seen the current situation. We can't kill all these dogs. We can't implicate us all for you, right?" the young man said helplessly.

"You~" Although the little man was angry, he knew that what he said was true, so he said cruelly, "Xu Zhi, I can stay, but I don't care what you do, in short, you must let my brother go out! "

"This~!" Xu Zhi looked at the big man's weight of at least three or four hundred catties, and was immediately defeated, and said with a helpless wry smile: "I still reluctantly take your figure out, but him, this is too embarrassing It's me!"

"Brother, you go first, I'll stay!" The big man became extremely shrewd at this time.

"Fart, I'm the big brother, you have to listen to me!" Then the little man yelled at Xu Zhi: "You must take my brother out!"

"Sorry, I can't do it, what do you like!" Xu Zhi said coldly, and then he ignored the little man, but turned to the two girls and said, "You two sisters, get ready and go out with me." ?”

"Go on your own!" At this time, one of the two women said coldly: "The brothers of the Shi family saved my sister's life on the battlefield, and our sisters are not ignorant beasts. Drop them."

"Sister of the Han family, we brothers have accepted your wishes, but there is no need to drag the two girls because of us? You should go!" At this moment, the little man persuaded them to leave instead.

"Brother Shi, don't say too much, save some energy and kill a few more animals!" Another girl said decisively.

As soon as the little man heard it, he knew that they had made up their minds, and he knew in his heart that their stubborn temper could not be changed, so he didn't try to persuade them any more, but said: "Forget it, let's fight these beasts together. Don't worry, you guys, as long as our brothers don't die, they won't touch a hair of yours!"

The two sisters nodded and stopped talking.

Seeing this posture, Xu Zhi didn't want to mention how unpleasant it was. He originally thought that he and the pair of sisters could be a double cultivator, but unexpectedly, something like this happened. It seems that his image in their hearts has been exhausted. Destroyed, there is no possibility of a relationship.However, they probably wouldn't be able to survive this time, and he didn't bother to argue with the two dead people.Then he snorted coldly, and said to the rest of the middle-aged scribes: "Brother, let's go!"

The middle-aged scribe hesitated for a moment, then sighed, and said, "Senior Brother, go first, Senior Brother is here to cut off the heir for you. I know Junior Brother, you want to go back and bring reinforcements to save us, Senior Brother, I am here waiting for you!"

It has to be said that Jiang is still old and spicy. What the senior brother said really gave Xu Zhi a good chance to escape.This is countless times more beautiful than what Xu Zhi said.

When Xu Zhi heard this, Jun blushed, and immediately came to his senses, and quickly said: "Yes, that's what the younger brother planned, please rest assured, I will come back to save everyone as soon as I go back and call someone!"

But the little man didn't appreciate it, and said to the middle-aged scribe with a sneer, "Fang Jing, you're the only one who has a lot of fun. I've never heard of such a goddamn move to rescue the soldiers. Throw the subordinates on the battlefield, and the commander will go back to rescue the soldiers." reason!"

"Yes, sisters Han should go!" The big man suddenly said shrewdly at this time.

"You!" Xu Zhi was so angry that his face turned green, but he couldn't find anything to refute the words of the two brothers.

"Everyone, I know that my senior brother is young and ignorant, and I lacked what I said just now. I, this senior brother, will make up for it for everyone!" The middle-aged man smiled wryly and bowed his hands to everyone, and then said: "As for who will move the rescuers?" I think it's more suitable for my junior brother to go, after all, his Zijin Tianlong Slash is the fastest, and he can call the rescuers as soon as possible. Besides, his efficiency in killing dogs is not as good as that of the Han sisters' Frost Demon .So, with the sisters from the Han family here, we will last longer! I wonder what you think?"

After being explained by the middle-aged scribe, everyone felt that Xu Zhi should go out to report the news, and the sisters of the Han family kept silent like logs.On the contrary, the little man said with some resentment: "Old Fang, you really bothered this junior brother!"

Fang Jing suddenly gave a wry smile, didn't say anything, but said helplessly in his heart: "The kindness of the teacher is like a sea, I can't let Fang not be dedicated!" '

In fact, this Fang Jing was actually a beggar orphan, because of his excellent bones, after being met by Xu Zhi's father, he accepted him as a disciple.I have worked hard to cultivate it for decades, and cultivated it into a master who is now alone.Naturally, Fang Jing's gratitude to his mentor is beyond words!That's why he defended Xu Zhi, the only son of his master.

And Xu Zhi's background is even more remarkable, his father is the sect master of an ancient sect of cultivation. According to legend, this sect was left by an immortal, and the sect masters of all dynasties are the direct blood relatives of immortals.Therefore, after birth, one has a very high root understanding, and the innate energy of the five elements is extremely majestic, which is almost definitely the best material for cultivating immortals.

This sect is actually a big family. Because it is good at using the strange flying sword Tianlong Zhan, it is also known as the Tianlong Xu family. After thousands of years of reproduction, the family has thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of disciples. On the planet, it can also be regarded as one of the top few big forces.

Xu Zhi was his father's old son, so he seemed to cherish it very much. It can be said that he wanted the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain, so it was inevitable that he would be tainted with arrogance.However, he can be regarded as competitive. It is true that he is a guy with the blood of an immortal. He is born with good bones, and he is also diligent the day after tomorrow. Just do what you can.

So much so that he finally defeated a bunch of competitors and officially became a member of the Immortal Clan Legion.Even relying on the support of his family background, he finally assumed the position of leader.It's a pity that he is used to smooth sailing and has never encountered any danger, so after being besieged this time, he panicked and said stupid things about throwing away his companions.

Although his senior brother Fang Jing had found a way for him and tried his best to excuse him, but even Xu Zhi himself knew that he was too stupid in this matter, and he was afraid that it would be difficult to get the brothers of the Shi family and the sisters of the Han family in the future. supported.

Speaking of which, these Shi family brothers are actually considered astonishingly talented people. Although the two of them come from small sects, their shamanic kung fu is definitely not to be underestimated.Each has the strength of level six, and their brothers are connected by blood and heart, so they are also good at the art of joint attack. If they work together, their strength will triple, and they are probably no worse than a level seven master.

Just because their father was saved by Xu Zhi's father, the two of them loyally supported Xu Zhi after joining the Immortal Clan Army.Unexpectedly, they were treated as abandoned sons this time. Naturally, they were very dissatisfied. It was only because of the favors they owed others that they kept holding back. Otherwise, according to their fiery temper, they might have started fighting long ago. up!

As for the sisters of the Han family, they came from a very hidden sect, the Hanyue Sect.The cold martial art practiced pays attention to controlling the enemy with cold air.Their master is Xu Zhi's biological aunt and Xu Zhi's father's sister.Because her younger brother is such a precious son, this aunt loves Wu Jiwu, and she also loves Xu Zhi very much.So I specifically told the sisters of the Han family to take good care of their precious nephew.

Therefore, due to various reasons, Xu Zhi got the support of five people, while there were only ten people in the Immortal Clan Legion. If six people formed a group, they would naturally have the absolute right to speak.In this way, according to the so-called democratic voting method, Xu Zhi, who was only ranked fourth in strength, became the leader of the fairy army.

Among the other four, two are stronger than Xu Zhi, even better than Xu Zhi's senior brother Fang Jing, but they are forced to obey Xu Zhi, how can they be convinced?

Next, the Immortal Clan Legion began to perform tasks. Xu Zhi's people are naturally not stupid, on the contrary, they are quite smart, and after more than ten years of careful training by his father, they can be regarded as talents, and they are also handy in command, at least not what a mistake.

In addition, this group of people is not only large in number, but also high in quality, so after several battles that were not too fierce, they easily won the victory.But at this time Xu Zhi's arrogance broke out, and he always thought that he had done the most, so he wanted to share an extra share of the spoils.

But how can others do it?Because generally speaking, in battle, it is the stronger person who kills the most enemies, contributes the most, and contributes the most.But Xu Zhi's strength can't even make it into the top three, so why should he lick his face and say that he has contributed the most?As a result, intense conflicts arose.

PS: Today is still desperately updating (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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