Seventy's delicate and fierce daughter-in-law

Chapter 602 Planning to Raise a Cat

Chapter 602 Planning to Raise a Cat
"Is mother dog hungry?"

Mengmeng tugged at her mother's sleeve and asked softly.

Even when she looked at this embarrassing old yellow dog, she didn't feel afraid, maybe it was because this dog was really too thin and old.

Wang Sijing thought quietly, she could see that this should be an old dog that has been raised by the family for many years, so it is so docile and trusting to humans, but she doesn't know where its owner has gone.

The kitten also looked over, its green eyes were full of vigilance, it was still young but it had already begun to look wild.

Wang Sijing suspected that this kitten should have been abandoned at birth, and it is normal to be so cautious after living a hard life.

"Mama, can we give the dog food?"

Mengmeng begged pitifully, looking at her, it was written in her eyes that the dog is so pitiful, mom, let's give the dog some food.

Wang Sijing really wants to remind her if you still remember that you came here for Maomao in the first place.

"Isn't there still half a steamed bun in your schoolbag that you haven't finished eating? Take it out and throw it to the dog."

Wang Sijing couldn't resist her daughter's eyes, she nodded in agreement.

"Okay, thank you mom."

As soon as she got her mother's consent, Mengmeng immediately took off the small schoolbag from her back, opened the zipper, and took out the steamed buns.

Then he eagerly looked at the old yellow dog.

Now Wang Sijing will no longer follow her.

"Throw it directly, don't get close to the dog, use more strength."

No matter how docile this dog looks, it is not her own, and it still looks like it has been hungry for a long time, she is crazy to let Mengmeng come closer to feed it.


Mengmeng lowered her eyes in disappointment.

"Be obedient, don't worry mom."

Wang Sijing reached out and touched her daughter's little head, and then moved down to get the steamed bun in her daughter's hand.

It's safer to throw it yourself.

"No, Mom, I'll do it myself."

Sensing her mother's intentions, Mengmeng quickly refused and then threw the steamed bun out with force.

It was indeed very hard. The steamed bun that was intended to be thrown in front of the old yellow dog flew over the old yellow dog and flew into the alley.

"Wang Wang Wang-"


Startled by the movement, the cat and dog barked at the same time.

It's just that one yelled at Wang Sijing and the others, then quickly turned around and ran towards the steamed bun.

The other is to quickly pounce on the wall of the alley.

"What is mom kitten doing?"

After the dog ran away, Mengmeng's attention was immediately attracted by the black cat.

"It wants to go up the wall and leave." But he forgot that he is just a kitten now, and his jumping ability and paws are not comparable to adult cats.

What's more, it is not easy for even an adult cat to climb this straight wall.

Soon the kitten fell straight down because of a miss.

"Meow meow meow!!!"

"Cat Cat!"

Seeing the kitten falling down, Mengmeng subconsciously went up to pick it up, but Wang Sijing grabbed her.


Mengmeng turned her head puzzled.

"The cat will be fine, you see."

Such a small distance is not a problem at all for cats.

Unfortunately, this time she miscalculated.

Mengmeng turned her head obediently and saw that the fallen little black cat landed steadily, but after landing, somehow, her front feet were discounted and she jumped on the ground.


The soft cat meow lost its strength and was filled with sadness.

"Mom, what's wrong with cat? Is its leg broken? Didn't you say it's going to be fine?"

Mengmeng clenched her little hands and looked at the little black cat nervously, not realizing that there was a trace of complaint in her tone.

Wang Sijing raised her eyebrows when she heard it, but didn't say much.

Well, I did make a mistake in my judgment, and I didn't see that the little black cat was injured.

No wonder he didn't run away immediately when he confronted the old yellow dog.

"The kitten's leg was injured and the fall made it worse so it can't move now."

Wang Sijing simply explained to her daughter.

But he sighed in his heart, and was ready to raise a cat.

Sure enough, Mengmeng said the next second after hearing this: "The cat is so pitiful, mom, let's save the cat, okay, it's so cold outside, the cat's leg is broken and it will die if it can't go home."

Mengmeng thought this kitten was raised by someone else.

Wang Sijing thought about it and explained:

"This kitten should have no owner, Mengmeng, do you want to keep a pet?"

While talking, she led Mengmeng closer to the cat.

Who knows where the yellow dog went, and now there is only one cat left at the entrance of the alley, so naturally Wang Sijing dared to approach it.

"Ah, doesn't the little cat have a home? It's still so small, why doesn't its parents want it?"

Mengmeng covered her mouth in surprise, as if she didn't expect this to happen.

"Mom doesn't know, but if Mengmeng is willing to raise it, maybe it can have a home."

Wang Sijing said softly.

The idea of ​​raising a cat didn’t come out of nowhere, but it had been there before. It was mainly based on two considerations. One was that Mengmeng was still young and she and Xu Dongming were busy with work. If she had a pet, she could accompany her; !

Wang Sijing's face was slightly distorted, and she didn't want to recall the scene when she met the mouse face to face.

She really didn't expect the mouse to be so bold.

At night, her doors and windows were closed, so where did the mice come from?

Although Xu Dongming said that he was very good at hunting mice, he could only fight them but could not deter those elusive gray mice. Their family still needed an expert mouse catcher—a cat.

Wang Sijing's original plan was to wait until spring to ask her colleagues if there was a newborn kitten that she could bring back to raise, but now she has changed her mind after seeing this skinny little black cat.

"I am willing!"

Mengmeng replied loudly without even thinking about it.


This sound startled the black cat, even though its legs were broken and could not move, the little black cat still managed to arch its back and growl at Wang Sijing and the two.

"Don't be afraid, cat, mom and I are here to save you and won't hurt you. Come home with me, okay? I'll give you dried fish."

Mengmeng squatted down and said in a low voice.

At the same time, Xiang stretched out his hand to touch the little black cat.

Wang Sijing quickly held her hand.

"Don't irritate the kitten."

Wang Sijing said softly.

The kitten is obviously in a state of panic, and has no trust in them at all. Mengmeng stretches out her hand at this time, 100% will be scratched or bitten.

In order not to surprise the cats and Mengmeng's health, Wang Sijing of course wants to stop her daughter.

"I know my mother is wrong."

Looking at the little black cat Mengmeng who was slowly shrinking back and grinning, she lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

She scared the kitty, woo hoo.

"Okay, the kitten is just not familiar with you now, and it will be fine when we get acquainted with you in the future. Now let's take the kitten back first."

As Wang Sijing spoke, she took off the scarf around her neck and planned to use it to wrap the cat.

(End of this chapter)

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