Lord of Ten Thousand Races: I have a god-level fusion system

Chapter 83 Sell Mysterious Iron, Buy Various Resources

Chapter 83 Sell Mysterious Iron, Buy Various Resources

[Phew, just after hearing the leader's first sentence, I was so frightened that I lost my mind. 】

[Fortunately, this is our familiar and lovely leader. 】

[I think the leader's price proposal is good, then sell 10 units of black iron for 15 energy points. 】

[Yes, yes, everyone has something to earn, and the price will not make other lords despair. 】


[Then it's settled, you inform other ore merchants to unify the market price. 】

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly closed the regional channel.

This price of 1:1.5 is definitely a high price, directly catching up with the price of copper.

You know, Qin Yuan offered a price of 1:1 yesterday, and only a very small number of lords chose to buy it.

Of course, the situation is different now. Under the dual circumstances of Qin Yuan killing Yuwen Anze and the resource business alliance, the one-hour black iron trading window has made many lords unable to bear it.

Now that Xuantie is monopolized, it can be described as a seller's market.

Compared to someone offering a price of 1:2 or 1:3, Qin Yuan's price is more reasonable, and at the same time, it just stepped on the critical point of the lord of the ten thousand races.

If you don't buy it, the territory cannot be developed.

Gritting his teeth and squeezing, he could only accept it.

"Sell [-] units of black iron first."

Qin Yuan opened the trading system, put in 2 units of black iron, and set it to be purchased in batches, with a minimum purchase amount of 20 units.

20 units of black iron, exactly 30 points of energy.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that no extra handling fee will be deducted.

After finishing, Qin Yuan checked the product links of Fire Dragon Wood and Blood Crystal Grass.

A bunch of messages below.

【Qin Yuanda, I have ten units of fire dragon wood. This is an extremely rare and rare tree. I have worked so hard to obtain it. One unit has 10 points of energy. If you pack it, I will give you a [-]% discount. 】

[I have 150 units of black iron, only [-] energy points. 】

[Dragonwood is a rare tree?I'm everywhere here, why no one wants it?Boss Qin Yuan, buy mine, 5 points of energy per unit, cheaper than all of them. 】

[By the way, what is the effect of dragon wood? 】

[Who knows, anyway, it’s better to use than ordinary wood, and it’s pretty good for building a house. 】

[Boss, 3 points of energy per unit, unlimited supply, please add me as a friend if you need it! 】

[1 point of energy per unit! 】

[You are too much, I have never seen you lower the price so much! 】


Under the fire dragon wood commodity, a bunch of lords actually started to cut prices of each other in order to sell fire dragon wood.

The market price of ordinary wood is 200 units of wood/10 points of energy.

Even if it sells 1 unit of Huolongsen/1 point of energy, it is 20 times that of ordinary wood.

Compared with resources such as black iron and grain, the supply and demand of stone and wood are relatively stable, and the price is also very stable.

Since the second day, there has been little fluctuation.

"Sure enough, introversion is the most frightening thing. I haven't lowered the price yet, and this group of people are intriguing."

Qin Yuan sighed softly.

He seemed to see the fate of the plummeting food prices again.

Fortunately, he has controlled the price of black iron, otherwise, when a large amount of black iron is mined, the price will probably fall to the bottom.

Now establish a resource business alliance and unify prices.

Qin Yuan can't guarantee that the price will not fall, but at least it can be effectively controlled to ensure a steady decline and not a sharp drop.

However, as a qualified and honest businessman, Qin Yuan would not buy Fire Dragon Wood at a high price.

So far, there are very few people who need dragon wood resources.

Even if it is for sale, basically no one cares about it.

"It seems that although fire dragon wood is relatively rare, there are places where it is abundant. In addition, its function is unknown now, so it can only be regarded as high-quality wood."

According to the messages of these lords, Qin Yuan made an analysis.

In fact, the current market is extremely polarized.

Some just-needed and scarce resources have been pushed up at high prices, causing people to loot them.

Instead, there is a large amount of inventory, or resources with unknown functions, which are seriously undervalued and no one buys them.

[100 units of dragon wood/10 points of energy]

Qin Yuan hung up the purchase link and prepaid 1000 energy points, which should be able to collect 1 units of fire dragon wood.

As for the Blood Crystal Grass, there were fewer lords who left messages, less than a hundred.

The growth environment of blood crystal grass is rather picky, and even if there is a suitable environment, the output is not like that of dragon wood, which is often hundreds or thousands of units.

After a while of comparison, Qin Yuan set a price of 10 points of energy per Blood Crystal Grass and bought 100 of them first.

At that time, the output of these two types of resources can be analyzed based on the acquisition speed.

If the output is sufficient, the price can be slashed further; if the output is very small, the price should be raised a bit.

"Well, there are also food and meat, and then each buys [-] points of energy."

Qin Yuan posted two more acquisition links.

What he gained after killing Yuwen Anze made Qin Yuan a rich man again.

Therefore, it is also possible to purchase various resources.

While Qin Yuan posted several product links, the lords of a large number of resource business alliances also listed black iron products, all at the price of 1:1.5 set by Qin Yuan.

And, contact black iron merchants in other regions to unify the price, and start to screen in the world channel.

At first, when the lords of the ten thousand races heard the news, they cursed and even threatened not to buy black iron.

However, there are too many lords of the Ten Thousand Races. Some lords upgrade their castles and camps, and they really only need black iron resources. They have no choice but to spend more money to buy a little black iron.

In just half an hour, more than [-]% of the black irons on the shelves were snapped up.

Especially for Qin Yuan, who is the leader of the resource business alliance, the number of visitors to the homepage at one time reached a million.

And the 2 black iron he hung up was almost instantly wiped out.

Even if one person buys 20 units of black iron, it can only satisfy a thousand lords.

The ratio of visitors to buyers is more than one thousand to one.

And the food, meat, dragon wood, and blood crystal grass he hung were also discovered by many lords.

In just a few minutes, Qin Yuan received the feedback.

The four types of resources purchased are all collected.

The 2 black irons were sold out.

"So fierce!"

Qin Yuan, who was still in the air, couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the transaction records.

Of course, the reason why he was able to go so fast was because of his high reputation.

Some lords saw that the price of black iron was the same, and they all came, so they bought it from you.

As for food resources, the price has always been miserable.

Some lords wanted to buy black iron, but they almost had no energy, so they could only sell the grain for black iron, which was also a helpless move.

The same is true for fire dragon wood and blood crystal grass. Don't worry about getting fewer lords, but Qin Yuan has a large visitor base for merchandise, and even if one person sells a little, it is completely enough.

"The remaining [-] black irons are also sold!"

Qin Yuan thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

Although he used a large amount of black iron, but with an extra gold mine, he hardly had to worry about the black iron problem.

(End of this chapter)

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