Lord of Ten Thousand Races: I have a god-level fusion system

Chapter 68 Zitian Dryad, charming little goblin.

Chapter 68 Zitian Dryad, charming little goblin.

recruit! 30 lizard dragons!

Qin Yuan spent another [-] points of energy, [-] units of black iron and [-] units of meat, and recruited [-] high-level troops.

Needless to say, lizard dragons have extraordinary combat power.

Especially in the battle against the Warhoof tribe, the two Gale Dragons played a huge role.

Moreover, the Gale Wyvern has a dragon-like body shape, which often makes the enemy mistake it for a real dragon. It has a great blow to the enemy's morale and can exert unexpected effects.

Especially once Longwei is released, many creatures are so frightened that their hands and feet go limp, and they can't even hold weapons, let alone fight.

Moreover, it is now a top Bronze-level unit, and after a few more days of recruitment, when there are enough Lizard Dragons, it can be fused into an extraordinary unit of Silver-level!

It takes 729 heads and 72900 energy points to fuse the black iron one-star lizard dragon into a silver-level extraordinary unit.

As for ordinary orcs, 729 ordinary orcs are needed to be fused into a one-star bronze orc king, and 19683 ordinary orcs are needed to be promoted to a silver-level extraordinary unit, which consumes 19683 energy points.

Although the lizard dragon consumes more energy, the number is only 729. Moreover, the lizard dragon is a purely fighting creature, unable to engage in production work. Instead, it consumes a lot of food every day. Too many will cause a burden on the territory.

Ordinary orcs are fused into extraordinary arms, close to 2, and it takes about 20 days to give birth to an extraordinary arm.

However, ordinary orcs can engage in productive work such as logging, construction, mining, and more.

The production value of 2 ordinary orcs far exceeds that of one extraordinary creature.

"Ordinary arms can only be transitioned in the early stage, and only a part of advanced or top-level arms need to be integrated."

"Those recruited in the future will be used as production units to build the territory and create value for the territory."

"After all, for a territory to be prosperous, it needs a large number of population units. Of course, it also needs high-end combat units to protect the territory."

"As for high-level arms, it is easier to promote to extraordinary or even higher arms."

Qin Yuan's future plans for ordinary arms and advanced arms are completely different.

Then merged into a bronze one-star Gale Dragon.

In this way, there are 3 Gale Dragons and 19 Lizard Dragons.

After the quota is refreshed tomorrow, there will be another wave of recruitment.

After exhausting all the recruitment quotas in the Lizard Dragon Camp, Qin Yuan turned to the Bauhinia Tree Camp.

Before, due to lack of energy, only twelve redbud trees were recruited.

The Bauhinia tree's recruitment quota has never been fully recruited.

Now you don't have to waste your quota!
recruit! 100 redbud trees!

In an instant, the resources lost 10000 energy points and 1000 units of copper, and one after another, the redbud trees slowly moved out of the camp.

The goblin kingdom is the target of the next battle.

The zombie town is the second target of the battle.

The restraining effect of the redbud tree on zombies is vivid.

Moreover, the redbud tree has made an indelible contribution to the defense of the territory and the accumulation of energy.

Of course, the most important thing is that these redbud trees will bear fruit.

After Qin Yuan's attribute points and talent points are full, selling it to other lords is also a huge gain.



Black iron one-star redbud tree!
Black iron two-star Bauhinia iron tree!
Black iron three-star Bauhinia demon tree!
The purple sky tree demon with a bronze star!

A towering giant pair, soaring into the sky, reaching a height of 60 meters, with a dark purple trunk, as thick as a ten thousand year old tree, dense roots, branches and leaves, covering an area of ​​200 meters, almost covering the entire castle. shrouded.

This is only visible to the naked eye, the countless tree roots under the ground are the scary part of the Purple Sky Demon Tree.

[Name: Purple Sky Tree Demon]

[Race: Iron Tree Clan]

[Level: Bronze One Star]

【Strength: 60】

[Physical: 150]

[Agility: 30]

【Spirit: 50】

[Skills: Ten Thousand Roots Attack, Bronze Wall and Iron Wall, Spirit of All Things, Source of Bauhinia, Immortal Vine, Heavenly Demon Transformation Spirit (Birth of the tree spirit and the tree world, the tree spirit can move freely, the tree world has its own space, can accommodate the body, the tree spirit Possess all the attributes and skills of the tree body, plus an additional 30 points of agility.), return to the source of life (possesses a strong vitality, after suffering a fatal injury, all vitality can be turned into a seed, and the strength will be quickly recovered within ten days) 】

[Specialty: Barbaric growth level 5, result level 5, energy gathering level 5]

[Evaluation: This is a Bauhinia tree that has become a spirit. It is not an exaggeration to call it a monster. It has the ability to transform spirits and has countless possibilities. 】

"Spirit transformation! This is really a goblin!"

Qin Yuan was surprised.

The attributes of the Purple Sky Dryad, except for constitution, the other three attributes are not very outstanding.

However, the ability of the sky demon to transform into a spirit completely changed the quality of the purple sky tree demon.

You must know that for tree arms, the biggest limitation is that they cannot move quickly, and with their huge size, they are easy to become the target of concentrated fire.

Generally, it can only be used as a defensive weapon, but it is difficult to be used as an offensive weapon.

Before Qin Yuan recruited the Bauhinia tree, it was just to serve as the guard of the city wall.

However, the transformation of the sky demon means that the purple sky tree demon can become a mobile fortress, which can be attacked in advance and defended in retreat.

If you can beat the enemy, you can pursue it.

If you can't find it, you can run away quickly.

From a single defensive arm, it has evolved into a comprehensive combat arm!
It is indeed the top unit of the bronze one star!

This fusion is definitely worth the money!
Suddenly, the towering giant tree in front of him turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared.

And in front of her eyes, there appeared a stunning girl wearing a lavender thin smoked veil scattered flower skirt, her figure was looming, her waist was tied into a big bow with gold silk soft smoke, and her lower body was as white as jade. Long legs, a voluptuous figure, a flawless face, and a charming charm in her purity, her gestures and gestures seduce people's souls.

【Click to view the picture】


Qin Yuan secretly swallowed his saliva, which is a normal behavior of normal men.

She really is a charming little fairy!

"Purple Sky Dryad?"

Qin Yuan looked at the beautiful purple-clothed girl in front of him.

"Yes, Master!"

The purple-clothed girl blinked her beautiful eyes, pursed her red lips lightly, and made a tender voice.

The girl's heart of the old man!

Damn that charming little goblin!
I will teach you a good lesson later.

"Well, let me give you a name first. You are dressed in purple, why not call you Zixuan."

Qin Yuan said seriously.

"It's a nice name, thank you master for giving me the name."

Zixuan blinked and said with a charming smile.

"You can move freely, what about your body?"

Qin Yuan asked.

"I form a tree world in my body, which can accommodate my main body. Although I am a tree spirit, I am closely connected with my main body. As long as I go, my main body will be there, and I can come out at any time."

The Purple Sky Tree Demon said. "Of course, the main body and I can also be separated. For example, the main body is stationed in the territory and I leave the territory. But in this way, the main body only has the most basic instincts left, and I don't have the ability to remotely control the main body yet."

(End of this chapter)

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