Grandpa's Heart Candy

Chapter 511 The Opposite

Chapter 511 The Opposite

Su Ju turned her head to look.

A man who appeared out of nowhere, with a slightly fat body and a protruding belly, his lower body was casually wearing a pair of ripped pants, and there were tattoos on his fat arms.

Looking scary and scary.

The tattoo covered the entire arm, and there may even be a lot of it inside.

As for what was engraved on it, she couldn't tell.

After all, she is not very interested in this kind of tattoo.

Just curious, doesn't it hurt when he gets the tattoo?

With him like this, how can a tattoo artist just sit back and do nothing?

I heard that there are some acupuncture points on the human body that cannot be strewn with random lines.

She used to like tattoos very much. Every time she went to school, she would take a second look at the tattoo parlor when she passed by, and even stopped to look at the formed carvings.

Give her a great and painful feeling.

Su Ju had many thoughts at the time, and she also wanted to get a tattoo, even if it was an anniversary.

She waited there for a long time.

When I finally decided to get a tattoo, I still couldn't get it.

While waiting, I saw a man coming out with his tattoo covered.

It was red and swollen, and it looked too scary.

All of a sudden she ran off.

It's useless for the tattoo parlor to retain this customer, because she casts a shadow.

From then on, when she passed by that tattoo shop, she didn't even dare to raise her eyes, for fear of seeing something she shouldn't see.

Su Ju felt that if she really got a tattoo.

Then she might not come back with her life.

That's really, really scary.

Su Ju had seen such a scene in her heart.

The man approached her slowly, seeing her appearance clearly, his eyes glowed.

Small eyes stared straight at her.

Even looking up and down a bit, I am more and more satisfied.

I feel like I've earned it.

I haven't seen such a stunner in this world for a long time.

To have a figure, to have a look.

It was such a surprise.

"Little sister, are you waiting for brother here?"

The man said as he walked, looking at him with blazing eyes.

"Uncle, who are you? Do I know you?"

Su Ju tilted her head slightly, and said with an innocent expression.

Fortunately, she is a girl who just came out, a student who just turned one year old.

This still looks pure and innocent, which makes people feel that she is very easy to deceive.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me, and it's the same if you know me now."

"Are you lost? I know how to get here, tell me where to go, do you need my brother to give you a ride, and I promise to take you home."

The man stared at her chest, where there was a shallow scar.

But closely can not see any scenery.

He continued to approach, almost wanting to bump into Su Ju.

Su Ju backed away without a trace, and let the man sit on the other side of the seat.

She hooked her lips.

An inexplicable emotion flashed in his eyes.

"My family said that you can't go home with others casually?"

Her voice is soft and weak, but with a unique softness.

People can't help but want to spy.

The man just looked at her attire and thought that she might be the daughter of some rich family.

He wanted to make a fortune and do some private things by the way.

It's a once-in-a-century opportunity, and it's not easy to meet a charming girl.

How could I just let it go like this.

Unexpectedly, she felt a little silly, as if she was immature.

Makes one feel like a child.

Not a bit of IQ online.

She looks like a normal person on the surface, but behind the scenes she is an immature girl.

Is this the chance God gave him?A door is opened for you and a door is closed.

But the result is also the opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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