Grandpa's Heart Candy

Chapter 125 Something I Used to Like

Chapter 125 Something I Used to Like

She used to collect it, and she used to like sweets, which is the only thing that can make a little sweetness appear in her heart.

For a while, I especially liked items made of crystal diamonds, and I specially picked beautiful boxes to buy candy.

From the bottom of my heart, I feel that even the box is so beautiful, and the candy inside is naturally delicious, but I don't know that it is just a means used by the seller to seduce people.

Even if you know it, you can't help being tempted to buy it.

It's a pity that the sweetness of candy can't cover up the craving for cigarettes in the barren land after all. People say that like a father, like a daughter.

Her father was addicted to gambling, and she smoked, drank and fought, her life was a mess, and she had a family that couldn't support her.

Why should she care about a home that her father doesn't want to maintain.

Every time I pass by, the neighbors will point out: "That's not the daughter of the old Su family. She hangs out with men all day long and doesn't care. Look at that dress? I'm ashamed of her if she's so naked. "

"If it's my daughter, I have to put her head in the water to keep her awake, and it's not a pity to kill her."

"I bet that the child born will have something good. It's not that the family doesn't enter the house."

"Although Lao Su is an asshole, her daughter is pretty. Others have the capital to pick up men, but it's just pitiful to be born in such a family."

"You still feel pity for her. She didn't learn well at such a young age, and imitated others to be a vixen."

"Before I heard that the one from the head of the town came to her house to propose a marriage, but it turned out that the bride price was too small. For a daughter like that, it's not bad if she is willing to accept the offer. She is insatiable."

She could pass by without paying attention, and the words she heard had no waves, but their strange eyes seemed to have pierced her heart.

Until she became more and more tyrannical, and gradually became manic. Once she heard what was said about her, what she didn't like to hear, she would get angry and beat people when she disagreed with her.

He even lost his temper with his father every now and then, throwing things at home at his feet.

She sent the neighbors to the hospital, and the attack was extremely vicious. Several people were seriously injured and bleeding, their eyes were injured, their mouths were smashed, or their skulls were cracked.

Afterwards, he was arrested by the police and put into a detention cell, where he squatted for two months.

She was not afraid because of this, but her character became worse and she started to touch knives.

Everyone said that she was insane, a psychopath, and no longer dared to provoke her, even if she talked about anything, she was sneaky, and she would hide when she saw her.

Su Qi recalled the past inadvertently again. When she decided not to go back, she had already drawn a clear line with that place.

Call her ungrateful or indifferent.

Her fate is bound to that place, a shadow that cannot escape until death.

And the candies in those beautiful boxes have long been forgotten in the corner with the messy arrangement, and some of them have been thrown away.

He raised his eyes and took a deep breath, suppressing the rising complex emotions.

After thinking about it, I put the sugar on the cabinet so that he wouldn't turn around to take it.

The last time I saw him eating candy, he looked like a dog and couldn't tell that he was also addicted to sweets.

Su Qi shook his head and put aside his thoughts.

After finishing the documents and waiting for a few minutes, Zhanfang stepped out of the hotel and was ready to meet the client.

The two made a rough calculation, and there was still time, so they went to the restaurant together after breakfast.

"Didn't sleep well?"

Zhan Fang was wearing a white shirt with a blue jacket, long-legged trousers matching the color of the clothes, and his newly dyed silver hair was a little messy.

He looked up several times at Su Xi's absent-minded expression.

(End of this chapter)

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