Chapter 186 Interstellar Escape Birth (39)

After reaching that planet, the spaceship landed at a private venue.

A group of people stepped off the spaceship one after another and saw various aircraft coming and going, high-rise buildings standing out of thin air, colorful and fluorescent, and they really felt like they were alive.

They couldn't help cheering excitedly, and then thanked the captain again and again, and made an appointment to meet and talk in detail next time.

In Interstellar, all high-tech items can be used.

David took Zhu Jiayi's hand and called the brothers to leave first.

Finding a place where the optical eye could not detect, a technician took out the optical computer and tapped rapidly with his hands, while the rest logged in to the optical computer to check the new information.

Although Zhu Jiayi had some residual information in her mind, she had a book in front of her, so she couldn't use it flexibly at all.

She sat obediently next to David, taking notes of his operations.

"Hey, are you looking into my family's affairs?" After watching for a while, she couldn't help asking.

David hugged her neck with a smile, and handed the optical brain to her affectionately, "We have a lot of things to do, so if we are not in a hurry, we might as well check your things first."

Zhu Jiayi looked at it carefully, and found that the information was extremely comprehensive, and it was actually retrieved by David from the alliance information database.She has an elder brother who is three years older. He is very handsome, gentle and polite. The family has a little property. Although he can't marry a high-class girl, he has found a wife who is well-matched.

However, although Mrs. Zhu is the first daughter of a small family, her mother passed away early, and her father soon went to step-wife. No one taught her. Ms. Zhu is good-looking and can handle etiquette, but she has been raised to be poor and petty. .

Otherwise, she couldn't be easily provoked by a side branch, and sent Zhu Jiayi to Evil Star in a short-sighted manner, and no matter how Zhu Jinhao issued a missing person notice, she couldn't find any news!
In the information that David showed her, it actually recorded all of her sister-in-law's every move, and even the expression of hatred and joy she showed when she coaxed the original owner was very clear.

Zhu Jiayi sighed slightly, now that Zhu Shi just broke out that she was three months pregnant, Zhu Jinhao was very happy, and her attention was temporarily diverted.

David hugged him tightly, "Have you softened your heart? Do you think Mrs. Zhu is pregnant, so you can only settle accounts after the fall?"

"Otherwise?" Zhu Jiayi pursed her lips tightly, "Although the child is only three months old, it is still a small life."

"Why don't you think about it, what will it be like if you can secure the position of the head wife of the Zhu family with Zhu's temperament? With such a short-sighted, greedy, and stupid mistress, the Zhu family has no future at all.

And what kind of children could she teach? said David disapprovingly.

"Brother likes her," Zhu Jiayi suddenly smiled and shook her head, "My brother has already married, although he has his heart for a girl like me, he will never go beyond his wife and children.

If I was really left on Planet Evil, my brother might still divorce her.

But I came back unscathed, my brother might take it lightly, after all they have a child. "

She is not the original owner, so she doesn't have much regret and sourness.

The technicians quickly pulled out all the people on the blacklist. Since their ID cards had been confiscated, they went to several places to reissue them in batches based on reasons such as ID expiration or legacy.

After getting the documents, they set up various communications, silver cards and other items, and each took David's orders to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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