Wear it to the age and become the best mother-in-law

Chapter 623 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 623 Ginger is still old and spicy

The next day, early morning.

Liu Yiwen and Song Li got up early, and they went to the place they stepped on before, only caught a big wild boar, put it on the trailer, and tied it up.

"Uncle, why didn't you kill it? It's so troublesome to tie it up like this." Song Li was very puzzled.

"It's all for you. If we want to get your things, we have to go around a long way. Is this pork still fresh? So we have to knock it out."

Liu Yiwen looked at his fists. The strength was really difficult to control. It was easy to kill but difficult to knock out. He hit several fists, but only this one passed out, and the others took the opportunity to enter the space.

"Oh, so that's the case." Song Li nodded clearly.

He saw the big wild boar's tusks as scary, so he took a few more ropes and tied another one around the mouth, so as not to bite himself, this bite was enough.

Song Li led the way with a picture. He really didn't know which way to go, so he just stuffed the picture into Liu Yiwen's hand, "Uncle, you should take it. I found that you are the best at reading pictures."

In desperation, Liu Yiwen had no choice but to find the direction by himself. He completely relied on this picture and his position on the mountain to judge. After all, he could see far away.

"Uncle, you are so powerful, you can find your way just like this." Song Li kept praising him.

"Sycophant, don't fix those vain people for me, and give me something affordable." After Liu Yiwen finished speaking, he glanced into Song Li's arms.

"Oh, don't drop the things at the back, I'd better go to the back and push them!" Song Li made an excuse and slipped away.

Liu Yiwen shook his head and continued to be an old scalper in front.

He looked at the map, and it should be in this direction. Looking at the sign, he should walk a few hundred meters further, but it is all dense forests and covered with thorns, making it difficult to walk.

He decided to hide the big wild boar and some other things here, take a sickle, and walk along the way, so that it can be faster.

They hid their things and were about to go in when they were stopped by Song Li.

"Uncle, my grandfather said that if you want to dig, you must bring this."

"Realgar?" Liu Yiwen searched the depths of the forest. It was dark and damp, and it was the place where poisonous snakes came and went.

This place is not far from the foot of Remaining Mountain, and there is a village nearby, but few people go up the mountain from here, so this is the reason.

"Why didn't you take it out earlier?" Liu Yiwen tied his trouser legs tightly.

"I'm afraid that if I open it for a long time, it won't work. I thought about talking about it nearby, but I forgot it when I thought about it." Song Li also followed Liu Yiwen's example and tied up his trouser legs.

Liu Yiwen found it quickly, and the trees were clearly marked.

There were two corpses there, covered by some withered grass and rotten branches, looming, as if they had died of poisoning, and the bones had turned black.

But it is also possible that he took too much western medicine during his lifetime. The possibility of this is very small. How could a person who has been bedridden all year round appear here.

Liu Yiwen suddenly thought that when Song Li and the others first entered the mountain, there were two other people, and it seemed that they were not separated, but that there was something else wrong.

The old man found out that they were wrong, and deliberately buried the things here, not only to lure the wicked away, but also to deal with them. If he really complied with that sentence, Jiang is still old and spicy.

Song Li didn't care about these things, he saw too many in the deep mountains, but rarely saw human bones, most of them were the bones of wild animals.

Liu Yiwen opened the way with a stick. Although he was shocked and walked away a lot, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time. They quickly dug out the boxes, and there were two of them.

These two portable wooden boxes are about the size of a medium-sized suitcase. After being buried for so many years, there is no sign of decay at all.

Song Li took out the key, and he wanted to open it to have a look. What exactly is the thing that Grandpa treasured?
There are sparkles in a box, it should be a good thing!The other box was full of paintings, but he couldn't see anything anyway.

"Oh, you are quite rich." Liu Yiwen sighed.That's right, he heard the old man say that he is very well-known, and he is a well-known local rich man.

One box is full of calligraphy and paintings, all preserved intact, and the other box is jewelry, which is priceless at first glance.

He patted the box and couldn't help admiring: "It's really good wood!" Although he didn't understand it, he didn't know what kind of wood it was made of.

"Uncle, if you like it, I'll give you another box when I get back."

Song Li originally wanted Liu Yiwen to choose the box inside, but this person fell in love with the box outside, so it would be easier.

Liu Yiwen shook his head and refused: "You'd better keep it for yourself! This box is a treasure, don't change it, if you damage the contents inside, you will definitely regret it when you grow up."

Song Li couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he didn't like it. When will he really grow up and understand this?

They quickly returned to the location of the trailer and put the boxes on it.

Song Li looked at the motionless big wild boar and said, "Uncle, won't this pig die?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, the pig let out a howl. Although the sound was not loud, it should be the reason for the tied mouth, but it startled himself.

He casually punched the pig's head, and the pig fell silent immediately.

Liu Yiwen quickly checked: "Why did you beat it to death?"

But that's fine too, if you deal with it while you're alive, don't yell anymore, it will definitely be discovered by someone, so you should pull the trailer and go back quickly, so that it will be fresher.

Song Li was very excited and cheered loudly!
"Uncle, I am as good as you, I can kill a wild boar with one punch."

Liu Yiwen shook his head, he was so cheeky, he really didn't bother to talk to him, he was a grown man, why didn't he know what to do?

The pig was dying, maybe its skull had been cracked a long time ago, and after tossing and tossing all the way, it could hardly stand it anymore, maybe the big bumps would kill it.

"Uncle, why don't you talk? Are you jealous of me? I am already so powerful at such a young age. When I am as old as you, I must be much stronger than you."

"Song Li, since you are so energetic, come over and pull the cart, and let me have a rest." Liu Yiwen thought, let's find him something to do!Otherwise, it would be noisy to death.

"Well, what, it seems to be coming soon. I'll go ahead and take a look." Song Li quickly changed the subject and ran a few steps forward.

He really wasn't being lazy. When he set out, he tried it, but he couldn't move it. It seemed that he still ate too little.

When he ate as much as Liu Yiwen, he must have the same strength.

Liu Yiwen took a long breath, and his ears finally became quiet. It turned out that this kid was afraid of working, and he was really a lazy egg.

They went around a long way before rushing back to the village.

"Song Li, go ahead and explore the way. If there is nothing unusual, just wait for me at the door."

"Okay!" Song Li happily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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