Wear it to the age and become the best mother-in-law

Chapter 164 Did My Wife Really Guess It Right?

Chapter 164 Did My Wife Really Guess It Right?

The more Su Lanlan asked, the more the girl cried, and finally she stopped asking.She asked Xiaoxue to help clean up the kitchen.

Zhang Dani pulled Su Lanlan, "Mom, I can do it alone, don't delay Xiaoxue's study, I really like working, I was just too happy just now."

Su Lanlan raised her forehead, this explanation is really weird.In the end, she had no choice but to surrender, otherwise the crying bag wouldn't stop, and she didn't know where so many tears came from.

"As long as you stop crying, this kitchen will be handed over to you, otherwise, go into the house quickly."

Zhang Dani nodded happily, followed by two more tears.

Su Lanlan went back to the house as if fleeing, and Liu Xue continued to go back to study. When she heard some movement in the east room, she quickened her pace. It was her husband who came back.

Liu Yiwen hugged Su Lanlan and said, "Honey, all the things that should be done this time have been done, and I will hold you at home for a few days to live a happy life."

Before, he thought it was not good to be locked up at home, but then he thought about how beautiful it would be to have his wife by his side every day!

"You're still in the space with Xiaobai Tuanzi, sorting out all the grain you collected before, and packing them in bags of one hundred catties."

"Okay, I will do it well." Xiaobai Tuanzi happily agreed.

Just as Liu Yiwen was about to object, he was preempted by this little sycophant. He couldn't lag behind, so he reluctantly nodded.

This little guy has a long-term age, not a long-term mind.I'm so happy to do something, I really don't know how my brain grows.

"Wife, are you worried that it's not enough? I probably looked at it, and it must be enough. Later, I collected a lot."

"I also want to know how much food we have? It's good to know. How about we also get an account book, so we can't go on in such a muddle.

Besides, we can't always sell it like this, it's too conspicuous.It's still not good if we keep these grains and don't take them out. The main reason is that there is too much shortage outside, so we might as well find a chance to donate some.Anyway, we will have a steady stream of food. "

"I sold quite a lot on the black market this time, and I made almost enough money to donate it. Make up your mind!" He didn't bother to think about it.

At this time, the courtyard door was knocked.

Liu Yiwen opened the door and saw the people outside the door stunned for a moment. He took a closer look at this group of people. In addition to senior military officials, some people should be government employees.Was it really guessed by my wife?In this case, let the soldiers come to block, and the water comes to cover it!

Liu Yiwen didn't fully open the door. He stood there looking at them and said, "You can't knock on the wrong door. We are all ordinary people. You guys will scare us."

Head Du was already worried, but seeing that his eldest brother was unhappy, it was because he didn't say hello in advance, so he brought a large group of people.

"Brother, our matter is urgent, so we can only bite the bullet and disturb you."

Su Lanlan used her mental power to see the scene at the door, and immediately put on her shoes and got off the kang to see what was going on.
The biggest officer stepped forward and said, "Comrade, we really have something to do, can we go in and talk about it?"

Head Du looked at Liu Yiwen with begging eyes.

Liu Yiwen nodded and said, "Then come in!" But he was thinking in his heart that if he dared to make a fool of himself, he would not sell you a grain of grain.

Only a few people followed into the main room, and the others were waiting in the courtyard.

Liu Bing saw the situation outside from the window and reminded his younger brothers and sisters not to let them go out.You can't disturb Dad and the others to talk about important things, it seems that it is more complicated than I guessed.

Su Lanlan asked them all to sit down, poured water again, and then entered the east room, and then looked at everything outside with mental strength.

Liu Yiwen was the first to speak: "What's the matter with you, please tell me!"

The biggest military officer said: "Our province has raised a sum of money, which is donated by patriots from all walks of life. They want to buy supplies and transport them to the disaster area. It's not that we just reported that we can buy food. They heard the news I found it."

Liu Yiwen was relieved when he heard it, and then said to Captain Du: "Didn't I tell you? I don't know that person, and I can't contact him. , I don’t even know his last name.”

A man in a Chinese tunic suit stood up and said excitedly: "What can we do? We thought there was hope. Comrade, you don't know that we have spent a lot of effort to raise this fund. It's really unfortunate." easy.

Unexpectedly, it is even more difficult to buy supplies. Nowadays, no matter how high the price is, you can’t buy food, and you can’t ship it back if you buy it from abroad. The price is too high. "

Liu Yiwen frowned, is it so difficult now?There are still two years left, how are these days going, so what should we do now?My wife has said it all, so I won't let myself get mixed up, and I can't get mixed up anymore.

The highest officer, seeing that this comrade is really like what Commander Du said, he has a high level of consciousness, and when he hears about the country's difficulties, he becomes so worried.

Liu Yiwen felt that his brain cells were not enough, and suddenly remembered, and then he had an idea.

"Then it's useless for you to come to me. It's better to go to that old factory to try your luck. The main reason is that I don't know that person. Even about that factory, I just heard him talk about it."

Head Du slapped his head, how could he forget about this matter, and then reported the matter of the factory in detail.

The officer shook his head after listening, "How could you ignore such an important matter." Then he said to those few people: "Let's go to that factory, maybe we can really get in touch."

He said to Liu Yiwen: "Comrade, you have met that person once, can you accompany us? We can talk easily when we meet. We will never use power to oppress others. Now everything can be bought." Food is the main thing, and how to buy it is no longer a concern.”

As soon as Liu Yiwen heard people say that, he couldn't refuse anything, and his wife only said that he would not let him go out alone, and being with them, wouldn't it be safer?

"Okay, I'll tell my wife and let's go."

Seeing her husband coming in, Su Lanlan said before he could speak: "You go! Leave the rest to me, and there will be nothing wrong."

After Su Lanlan sent them away, she went back to the room and entered the space, wrote a few lines, put them in a big box, and asked Xiao Baituanzi to put it in front of the factory gate.

Not long after Liu Yiwen got in the car, he became acquainted with the big military officer. He is the direct leader of Commander Du, and he is also a great commander.Several people chatted very happily, and said that they would go to have a few drinks after finishing their affairs at night.

Liu Yiwen didn't know it yet, but because he went up the mountain to save people, he had already registered in the army.After receiving the report, Mr. Zhang has already started to investigate him, and this time he came here specially to take a look.


PS: Ask for all kinds of tickets, thank you for your support! !

(End of this chapter)

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