chapter 16
When she saw me, she said: "I'm not sick, but hemorrhoids are suffocating me. Because I have a hemorrhoid, I often feel itching and secretions in the anus. Sometimes the itching is so severe that I want to scratch it." , but it was daytime, and I was at work most of the time. This problem made me uncomfortable all day long, and I was about to get sick.” Although hemorrhoids are not a serious disease, they are also very common among adults. How do they form? What about?From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are mainly the following aspects: 1. Improper diet: eating fatty, sweet and greasy food often causes dampness and heat in the body, and the dampness and heat will be injected into the anus, causing congestion and burning pain in the anus, causing hemorrhoids.

2. Overwork: Sitting for a long time will lead to poor blood vessels, resulting in congestion, which will flow into the anus and cause hemorrhoids.

3. Constipation: Long-term defecation, heat accumulation in the large intestine, bad bowel habits, such as reading books and newspapers when going to the toilet, resulting in prolonged squatting time, easy to cause congestion in the anus and cecum, and cause hemorrhoids.

Therefore, we should start from the above aspects to develop good living habits: eat more coarse grains, vegetables, fruits and other foods with high fiber content to enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine.Do not drink alcohol frequently, and do not eat too much spicy food. These bad habits may irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, dilate blood vessels, cause colon dysfunction, and cause hemorrhoids.

When you have hemorrhoids, it may be too late to find the cause, and the top priority is to cure the disease first.Seeing my friend so haggard, I said, "You have come to the right place. My father, Wang Xu, is a well-known Chinese doctor in the country. He has more than 50 years of experience in anorectal medicine. I asked him for a prescription." Back When I got home, my father told me a recipe called "Ma Ni Jian".It includes 15 grams of purslane, 15 grams of Glauber's salt, 10 grams of licorice, and 15 grams of dandelion. Soak the above drugs in water for half an hour, then add 2000 ml of water, fry on high heat until boiling, and then switch to low heat Fry it for another 15 minutes, and apply wet compress or fumigation to the affected area with the boiled syrup every night.

A month later, a friend called me and told me that her hemorrhoids were almost gone.Later, when my friend came to thank me, I saw her walk with her head held high, wearing high heels, and she regained her previous spirit. I was really happy for her.

The main function of the prescription "Ma Niu Jian" is to clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is especially effective for hemorrhoids caused by heat knot and constipation.

As a traditional Chinese medicine, Glauber's salt in the prescription mainly enters our large intestine meridian. It has the effect of purging heat and laxative, removing fire and reducing swelling. It can relieve constipation due to excessive heat, dry stool, stagnant abdominal pain, and swelling and pain of hemorrhoids. effect.

Licorice is a tonic Chinese herbal medicine, which can invigorate the spleen and Qi, clear away heat and detoxify, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, relieve spasm and relieve pain, and harmonize various medicines.Dandelion is very familiar to everyone. It is also a plant that can be used as both medicine and food. It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dissipating stagnation. Symptoms are well relieved.Moreover, its flowers can be decocted into medicinal juice to remove freckles, and it can also be regarded as a herbal medicine for beauty treatment in traditional Chinese medicine.As I write this, I can't help but think of those stubborn and lovely figures that can be seen everywhere in the fields, valleys, and hillsides - dandelions.They do not have the beauty of peach blossoms, nor the fragrance of roses, but they spread the breath of spring, exude tenacious vitality, and at the same time have such a magical effect of preventing diseases and relieving pain.

After reading the introduction of various herbal medicines above, you should now understand why Ma Ni Jian is so amazing!When hemorrhoids are red and swollen, hot pain or pus after ulceration, internal hemorrhoids are swollen and painful, anal fissure, thrombotic external hemorrhoids, inflammatory external hemorrhoids, etc., you can try it.

Next, I will introduce to you a simple method to relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids.This is a herbal tea for daily drinking. It does not need to be washed outside. Its name is Huaijiao detoxification tea. The specific method is: take 10 grams of Huaijiao, 20 grams of dandelion and honeysuckle, and 6 grams of licorice. After cleaning, put it into a cup, brew it with boiling water and drink it as tea, and drink it several times a day.This herbal tea can relieve discomfort caused by inflammation of external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids due to heat and blood in the stool.

I used to have a classmate who suffered from hemorrhoids. He didn't want to take western medicine, so I asked him to drink it according to the prescription I said for nearly a month, and his symptoms basically disappeared.Here Huaijiao can relieve stool bleeding. Dandelion and honeysuckle are good medicines for clearing away heat and detoxifying, and have the effect of internally regulating the body. Therefore, if you have hemorrhoids, you can drink this Huaijiao detoxification tea I recommend first.

Relieve palace cold and keep women warm all their lives

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, men have "five internal organs and six internal organs", while women have "six internal organs and six internal organs". Compared with men, which internal organs do women have more?In fact, the extra viscera is the uterus, which is also called the uterus in Chinese medicine.

The uterus is the place where women give birth to life, and it is also the secretory organ of various hormones, which is especially important for women.In life, the most common problem encountered by the uterus is palace cold.In layman's terms, the uterus is cold, and the gynecological problems that women often encounter such as abdominal distension, pain, and leucorrhea may be related to the cold uterus.

In addition, the most serious consequence of palace cold is that it is not easy to conceive a baby.Why?Metaphorically speaking, a seed must be warm to grow, and if the soil or surrounding environment is too cold, it will not germinate.The uterus is the "soil" for a woman to conceive a child. If this place is too cold, how can she conceive a child?

There are many reasons for the palace cold, such as blowing air conditioners, wearing navel-baring clothes, eating cold food, improper weight loss, miscarriage, etc., all of which will invisibly make our uterus invaded by cold air.If it is not adjusted in time, it will cause many gynecological problems, and it will be more difficult to adjust it at that time.

What to do if the palace is cold, the first thing to do is to nourish the uterus.How to replenish Yang?In fact, we need to pay attention to the small habits and small details in our daily life.For example, eat less cold food; drink less cold water; wear less navel-baring clothes, and wear less skirts in autumn and winter.In addition, some girls are unwilling to "get close" to the sun, because they are afraid that the sun will darken their fair and tender skin, but they don't know that sunbathing is the best and most natural way to replenish yang.But there are also tricks to basking in the sun. When basking in the sun, we should face the sun with our backs. At this time, the effect of nourishing yang is the strongest, because the back is the yang of yang.

I also have a method of nourishing yang through diet for everyone.This method is very simple, that is, from the second day of menstruation, eat a "safflower warm palace egg" every morning.

The specific method is: open an egg, then add 1.5 grams of saffron, stir the egg with chopsticks and steam until cooked.Take one tablet every morning for nine consecutive days. This is a "course of treatment" and it can relieve the symptoms of palace cold.

In ancient times, if women had problems such as dysmenorrhea and irregular menstruation, doctors would prescribe saffron to help them recuperate.

If the palace cold is serious, I suggest you try moxibustion.Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that uses burnt moxa sticks to hang moxibustion on the acupoints of the human body.

The specific method is: Moxibustion at the Guanyuan and Qihai acupoints at night.These two acupoints are also easy to find. The Guanyuan point is 1.5 inches below the navel, and the Qihai point is 3 inches below the navel.Before going to bed at night, moxibustion these two acupoints with moxa sticks for 15 minutes each.

Qihai point, which is what we often call Dantian, moxibustion here can replenish vitality, promote qi and blood circulation, and dredge the qi of the Ren channel.Guanyuan point is an important point for caring for the uterus.

If there are gynecological problems such as dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia, moxibustion at this acupoint is the first choice.

Chaofan reminds everyone that the uterus is a "barometer" to measure a woman's gynecological health. If you can take good care of it and make it full of yang and warm like spring all year round, many gynecological problems will naturally stay away from us.

Passing through the menopause, being an excellent woman requires someone to love and love, but many women lose the care and understanding of their families during menopause, a period when they need more care.In the outpatient clinic, I saw many women sitting in front of me sobbing softly and complaining about their grievances because of the physical and mental discomfort brought about by menopause.

There is one Ms. Zhang who impressed me the most.Her menopausal symptoms are very obvious: she can't sleep at night, sometimes she falls asleep with difficulty, and she wakes up suddenly, sweating all over her body after waking up.She said that sometimes she loses her temper because of a little thing, because she doesn't realize it, so she can't control her emotions.Over time, her husband and children were unwilling to talk to her, and said that she was unreasonable and unreasonable all day long.

After a woman enters menopause, her menstrual flow will gradually decrease, and her essence and blood will also gradually decline, which cannot nourish the five internal organs.I have always said before that women use blood for their functions. At this time, the yin does not control the yang, and the body will act in vain and disturb the mind, so it is easy to lose control of emotions.According to medical books, menopausal women will "be sad and cry for no reason, crying and laughing impermanently".A series of symptoms that women experience during menopause are collectively referred to as menopausal syndrome.

Here, I would like to recommend to you a small dietary method for treating menopausal syndrome--
Ganmai jujube porridge.The specific method is: buy back 50 grams of barley and japonica rice, 10 jujubes, and 15 grams of licorice.First fry the licorice, remove the dregs, and then add japonica rice, barley and jujube to make porridge. Drink it twice a day on an empty stomach. You can also add some sugar to taste according to your own taste.

Drinking this porridge regularly can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, neutralize the urgency, invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, and can significantly improve various symptoms of menopause.

My mother's menopause had more serious symptoms. At that time, she seemed to be arguing with others all day long, which made her family members reluctant to get close to her.Later, I asked her to cook this medicinal porridge, and after a while, she herself said that her mood was much better, and her nagging problem could be restrained.Later, my mother not only fell in love with drinking porridge, but also made it for the family every day. Slowly, she passed the menopause smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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