Chapter 178
That must be a part of the Taoist book.

Because it has the same pattern as her bracelet, maybe Mu Meixin's face was surprised when she saw the jade pendant, or maybe the man also noticed that Mu Meixin said that the bracelet was the same color as his jade pendant.

The same face was surprised, and asked: "The pattern of your bracelet..."

"Yes, it has the same pattern as your jade pendant, can you show me your jade pendant?" Mu Meixin said pleasantly.

The man nodded, and handed the jade pendant to Mu Meixin, but when he handed it to him, he said, "Can you also show me your bracelet? I'm curious that someone has the same pattern as my jade pendant. "

"Okay." Mu Meixin quickly took off the bracelet and handed it to the man.There was a smile in the man's eyes, and he also handed the jade pendant to Mu Meixin.

Her bracelet is hot.

When the man received Mu Meixin's bracelet, he was accidentally scalded by the bracelet, and suddenly shook his hand, almost throwing the bracelet away.Mu Meixin said embarrassedly: "My bracelet is a little hot now, don't mind."

Not just a little hot, but very hot.It was so hot that he, a demon, couldn't bear it. He would use demon power to protect his body, but this bracelet was so hot that it burned his heart. No matter how good his defense was, he could still feel that his mind was hurt. The power of the weapon.

He was in awe in his heart, but he corrected his previous joking mentality.

The man thought down, with a slight smile on his face, sighing secretly that he almost lost face just now, and now he wants to test Mu Meixin, how could he let himself lose face in front of her before testing her?

This can't happen anyway, why are you?
Because this man is the monster that protects the Daoshu Collection, and is also the pet of Cangtian Laodao, the creator of the Taoism Collection. The status of becoming an immortal is not high, and he is still the pet of the immortals, so he eats and drinks but does not want to cultivate immortality.

Cangtian has no choice, although he likes his pet very much, but he doesn't want to become a fairy beast, he can't force him to learn it, and he has to learn it by himself, he doesn't want to learn it, it's because he forced him to death It won't make him immortal either.

And Cangtian is also a nostalgic person, and he likes pet foxes very much, so after he ascended alone, he gave him the last part of the invisibility in his Taoism book for safekeeping, and said to the fox: "You can learn this invisibility , in the future, if you meet my apprentice looking for this invisibility technique, you can wait for me to examine his temperament."

In this way, the fox has learned the invisibility technique in the Taoism book, and has a very high level of cultivation.

This fox is lazy, but he is not stupid either. He does not go to the fairy world, and he has no desires or desires in the world. He sleeps all day, or plays with small fish and shrimps. He has a very leisurely life. If Mu Meixin hadn't found this place by accident, maybe he would have lived here for the rest of his life.

And now I want to say the name of this fox, he is called Nine-Tailed Fox.

Nine-tailed Fox is the name Cangtian gave him, which is easy to remember and is also the characteristic of this fox. I think that when the Nine-tailed Fox was a little fox, he had nine tails, so Cangtian took it as his name. up.

At this time, when Jiuweihu saw Mu Meixin, he naturally remembered what his master Cangtian had said to him. It was said thousands of years ago, and he still miraculously remembered it now.

How to test the master's future apprentice?Now it seems that the master's apprentice is okay, at least he hasn't exposed any unforgivable mistakes, and he doesn't have a despicable character.But the character can only be known through long-term observation, as the master said before.

The owner said that when meeting a person at the beginning, that person will disguise himself and show his best side to others.

But after a long time, that person will reveal his natural character.If he wants to test his apprentice, he must observe for a long time, at least five years, to ensure that his apprentice is upright and not a person of great evil.

The master is very considerate, but this is really troublesome!

Nine-tailed Fox thought so, and looked at Mu Meixin. Mu Meixin was looking at the jade pendant that was going from him with fiery eyes at this time. I like it very much.

Nine-Tailed Fox's eyes moved, and he thought to himself, this jade pendant is the last piece of the Daoshu book that his master gave him, the invisibility technique, this woman seems to come here looking for this, if you don't give it to her, she won't give up, then...

He had a plan right away.

At this time, he was playing with Mu Meixin's bracelet in his hand, since he already had a plan, he was not in a hurry, but this bracelet was very hot to his soul, making him uncomfortable as if being roasted on fire.

"The things I gave you, I didn't expect your things to have such a function, and they would generate heat by themselves." He sighed and showed interest in the bracelet.

"Hehe, yes, this function of my bracelet is better." After Mu Meixin took back the bracelet, it became even hotter this time. In the sleeves, where it is not close to the skin, she will not be burned.

"I have already returned the bracelet to you, so can you return my jade pendant to me?"

The man smiled and held out his hand.

Mu Meixin immediately became embarrassed while holding the jade pendant, she now knew that the jade pendant was what she needed, the last invisibility technique in the D Dao Art Collection.With invisibility, she can do many things.How good it is to be able to walk around without being seen by others, especially now that she is going to Mo Pai to save people, this invisibility technique is even more needed.

He really didn't want to give the jade pendant to the man, and Mu Meixin would not lie to herself, so the man saw Mu Meixin blushing and laughing, but the hand holding the jade pendant didn't stretch out, but held it back. He tightened his grip.

This is the meaning of not wanting to return it to him. The man laughed a little. He knew that Mu Meixin wanted this thing, but he didn't get his permission. He wanted to see what she would do?
Will you come directly to grab it?If she really robbed her directly, the quality of this woman would not be very good.Then he wouldn't give her the last piece of invisibility in this book of Taoism.

Mu Meixin held the jade pendant with both hands, and really didn't want to return it to the man.

At this time, the man had already asked her for it, but she still pretended to be deaf and dumb and refused to give it to him. The man's eyes were serious and turned cold, which meant displeasure.

She was stunned, and quickly opened her hand and said to the man: "Hehe, I just saw that this jade pendant looks very similar to my bracelet, so I want it. I'm so sorry. I just came in and said I was looking for something, and that thing is This, can you sell me this love? Don't worry, I will definitely give you a fair price. "

Mu Meixin said flatteringly, and returned the jade pendant to the man.

The man saw that she didn't snatch the things she desperately needed, so he had a good impression of her, took the jade pendant with a smile, and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, you can ask for any of the things in my room." , but that’s the only way I can’t sell it. You’ve also seen that this is the jade pendant I carry with me. It’s a token from my friend. He said that I can use this token to find him in the future. You said I can give this to him You?"

When the man said this, his face was serious and sincere.

Mu Meixin's heart sank, and she secretly thought that she couldn't.This jade pendant is of extraordinary significance to this man, so why do I want to come?But I can't do without this jade pendant, I still have to learn the last invisibility technique in the Daoshu Collection.This invisibility technique will definitely not be learned by him from this man, it is a waste of a good treasure.

Thinking in this way, Mu Meixin did not expect that her master personally gave this man this invisibility technique.She thought that the friend the man was talking about was just an ordinary person, and she gave it to the man only because the jade pendant was good rain and the tricks were unusual.

So I didn't doubt the man's identity, and persuaded him: "Young master, you are right, this jade pendant is indeed of great significance to you, but your jade pendant and my bracelet are a pair, maybe there is a big secret in it ? Do you want to find the secret with me?"

What Mu Meixin said was purely made up by her on the spur of the moment, the credibility was not high, it was just a conjecture.But it was precisely because she didn't say absolutely, but only conjectured that the man would not be suspicious. Instead, the man's face was startled, and he became thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he said to Mu Meixin: "What you said makes sense. It is indeed as you said. My jade pendant and your bracelet may really have something to do with some treasure or secret. Otherwise, I'm with you to find the connection, what do you say?"

"Together? How to be together? How to find a relationship?"

Mu Meixin didn't understand what the man meant, so she asked back. In fact, it's not that she didn't understand the man's meaning. She didn't believe her own understanding. The man was not familiar with her, and because the jade pendant had the same pattern as the bracelet, she asked Together with her, and looking for the connection among them, he also said that the bracelet and jade pendant are the keys to unlock some treasure, he really thought too much, his jade pendant is obviously just a treasure of Taoism, there will be no treasure.

How strange this is.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do in this pool, so I can go to find the secret of this bracelet and jade pendant with you, madam. What do you think, madam, if you don't agree, then forget it, I'd better sleep in my pool gone."

Nine-tailed Fox seemed surprised to see Mu Meixin's alert look on his proposal.Immediately, he was not in a hurry to say that he would follow her, but instead showed a dispensable expression and told Mu Meixin that it was fine even if he didn't go with her.

And he knew that Mu Meixin needed his jade pendant to activate the invisibility technique for her, and she would not refuse him.

So he has nothing to fear.It really made Mu Meixin believe that he didn't have any malicious intentions.

Human nature is like this, if the Nine-Tailed Fox showed a very eager look and said that he wanted to follow Mu Meixin, then Mu Meixin would definitely warn him, wondering if he might have malicious intentions and plot against her or something.

(End of this chapter)

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