Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 15 Look for the goal and go all out for the dream in my heart

Chapter 15 Look for the goal and go all out for the dream in my heart (3)
One day, a well-known American time management expert gave a lecture to a group of business school students.He gave a demonstration on the spot, leaving an indelible impression on the students for a lifetime.Standing in front of those students with high IQ and high academic qualifications, he took out a jar and put it on the table in front of him, and said, "Let's have a quiz." Then, he took out a bunch of fist-sized rocks and carefully Pour into glass jars piece by piece.Until the stone was higher than the bottle mouth and could no longer be put down, he asked: "Is the bottle full?" All the students responded: "It's full." The time management expert asked back: "Really?" Take a bucket of gravel, pour some into it, and tap the sides of the jar to fill the gaps between the rocks below. "Is the bottle full now?" he asked a second time.This time the students hesitated, "Maybe not yet." A student replied. "Very good!" said the expert.He reached under the table and took out a bucket of sand and began slowly pouring it into the glass bottle.The sand filled all the gaps between the stones and gravel, and again he asked the students, "Is the bottle full?" "Not full!" the students shouted.He said again, "Very good." Then he took a jug of water and poured it into the carafe until the water was level with the top of the bottle.He looked up at the students and asked, "What does this example illustrate?"

An anxious student raised his hand and said, "It tells us that no matter how tight your schedule is, if you really work hard, you can get more done!" I'm sure most of you would answer that.However, a time-management expert dismissed the student's answer, saying, "That's not what it really means. The example tells us that if you don't enlarge the rock first, you can never put it in the bottle again. Then , What are the big rocks in your life? Do your beliefs, education or education guide others like me? Remember to deal with these 'big rocks' first, otherwise, you will never be able to do it in your life. "A person must have a goal in life, no matter it is lofty or small, it is meaningful to strive for the goal in life.

If you are reading this essay today, try asking yourself this question: What is the "big rock" in my life?Then, please put them into the bottle of your life first.

A teacher warned students to concentrate on doing things, so that they will achieve success in the future, and half-hearted is not good for doing things.In order to let the students have a personal experience, the teacher asked a student to come on stage, hold a piece of chalk in each hand, and draw pictures on the blackboard at the same time: draw a box with the right hand, and draw a circle with the left hand.As a result, the students drew squares but not squares, and circles did not make circles, which was a mess.

As this little story says, a person has two goals at the same time, even if it is as simple as drawing a box and a circle at the same time, neither of them can be achieved.Without a clear goal, it is equivalent to having countless goals.In this way, thinking is easy to be confused, there is no distinction between seriousness and severity, it is difficult to eliminate interference, and it is impossible to concentrate limited resources and go all out.The result can only be nothing, or even a mess.If you want to control your own life trajectory, you must take it as a warning, set your own goals specifically, and don't let your goals stay in a vague dream state.If you feel that your level is low and your ability is weak, you can't ignore your goals, and you can't relax your control over your life trajectory.Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to even get a chance to play tricks on the big stage of life.

"You can't become a big fat man by eating in one breath." Naturally, if you want to achieve a career, you can't achieve it overnight.Rational people tend to formulate some plans, which undoubtedly become the goal of struggle. It is these clear goals that plan the future direction.

always on the right path
The so-called lifetime does not refer to anything else, it is nothing but the accumulation of years, months, and days.What happens in those short periods of time will determine your overall success in life.To achieve self-discipline, one must restrain the impulse of human emotion.Yet we still act on impulse all the time, which is terribly frightening.Each one must have the self-discipline not to let others pull you off track with secondary plans or irrelevant things.We have to have self-discipline and keep our minds free from distracting thoughts.When there is a fork in the road ahead, we must think rationally.

A small river has experienced many obstacles, bypassing mountains and rocks, passing through forests and fields, rushing all the way, unimpeded, and it began to be complacent about its achievements.Finally, it came to the desert, Xiaohe thought: I have overcome so many difficulties before, so I should be able to succeed this time too!However, its efforts failed again and again, and the water seeped into the sand, and it was unable to move forward.Xiao He sighed and said: "My best skills are useless, it seems that I am doomed to be mediocre, and I will never reach the sea. I will give up, just dry up here, and enjoy the last days of my life!"

Breeze came to comfort it and said, "I can cross the desert, and you can too, but you have to try to change yourself..."

"Change yourself, sublimate yourself!" Xiao He said silently, "But I have never done this before, can I do it? If not, wouldn't I dry up earlier?"

"You think like this just because you never realized that you still have huge potential, you didn't recognize your own essence, you can do it!" Breeze encouraged.

Xiaohe summoned up his courage and said to himself: "Change yourself, sublimate yourself!" So, it fell into the embrace of the breeze, evaporated, and turned into light water vapor.The next day, it turned into raindrops again, and finally merged into the vast sea.

In fact, everyone is a rushing river. You need to overcome many obstacles in your life along the way to make breakthroughs and progress.In this process, it is very important to be good at letting go of what you think you are like a river, and make corresponding changes according to your goals, so as to ensure that you are always on the right path.There is never a lack of persistence in life, but stubborn persistence does not necessarily mean success. Sometimes just the right changes are needed, because things cannot develop according to your plan, and the plan needs to catch up with the changes.

William is an admirable car salesman whose performance is often astonishing.He said confidently: "I have been in the car sales industry for a long time, and I have done a good job. The job of a salesman has given me great satisfaction. With my help, people can own a new car that is reliable, comfortable and safe. But In my car sales career, I still had to face some changes. For example, in order to cope with the soaring oil price, I had to make some adjustments in sales methods; Adjustment. During the period, I also made mistakes and suffered some small losses. Fortunately, I can bear them all. I am a person who adapts to changes. In the face of changes in the situation, I will adjust in time to ensure that I am on the right path. It’s the right choices over the years that have allowed me to be successful in sales.”

You have to be aware that change can happen at any time and you have to be fully prepared for it.If you are one step slower and have already taken a wrong step, then you must think rationally and don't continue to make mistakes, even if you stop and rest.On the wrong path, not moving on is a form of progress.

The road ahead is full of forks, choices are always there, and traps are everywhere.If you are smart, you have to learn to keep your eyes open to observe, clean your mind to feel, and think about which side is the right direction.

The one that suits your goals is the best
Life is a long process. In order to complete this journey, you must determine the goal that suits you, that is, choose a direction that suits you.This requires you to have a full understanding of yourself and the possible paths to success, make the most of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, and choose the goals that suit you.Castles in the air are not worth looking forward to, it is better to be down-to-earth.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been moving towards his goals all his life.Although his goals are ambitious, they are actually goals that can be achieved through a period of hard work, not invisible and intangible moons in the water.

Arnold Schwarzenegger did not enter the political arena to become a politician or enter the film industry to become a star. His goal is first to become a bodybuilding star.The most important thing about this goal is that I have personal interest and master the professional knowledge of bodybuilding; be able to endure hardships, be able to unremittingly undertake hard training with a large amount of exercise, and often participate in bodybuilding competitions.All of this does not require external resources and special care, nor does it require special talents, it just depends on oneself.As long as you like this sport, have enough perseverance, practice persistently, and accumulate a certain amount of time, you will be able to perform well and achieve this goal.

If you have successfully become a star in the bodybuilding field, with fame, you will have a good foundation to enter the film industry, and you will have a proper opportunity.At this time, as long as you work hard, you may become a big star after a while.In the future, with a bright light and a good reputation, it is not an illusory dream to enter the political arena and achieve success in the United States.Although Arnold Schwarzenegger's goals are ambitious, they are all ones he likes, and he has the resources to fight for them.If he had set his goal from the beginning to become a political figure, or if he wanted to first enter the film industry and become a star, it would be more difficult.

Although all roads lead to Rome, if you choose a road that is not suitable for you, you will not reach the end.Either rushing to a castle in the air that cannot be climbed, a moon in the water that cannot be obtained, or wasting one's own superior resources and begging for a golden rice bowl, half the effort.

An old man told his children and grandchildren about the understanding of the goal. He said: "Determining your goal is like going to the forest to cut a tree. There are many trees in the forest, and everyone is around the forest. They have their own machetes, For logging tools such as axes and chainsaws, you can choose a tree to chop down and carry it home. Among these trees, there are some you like very much, and some you don’t like; some you can chop with your knife, and some need a big ax You can only cut down; some you can carry, some you can't carry; some are close to your home, some are far away from your home, etc. You should choose a tree that you like and hold in your hand. The one that can be cut by your own knife, and the one that you can carry yourself and is not far from your home. You can’t choose what you don’t need, and you can’t choose what you don’t like very much; you can’t choose what you can’t cut with your knife. , and you can’t choose to cut it down in three or two strokes; you can’t choose what you can’t carry, and you can’t choose to carry it lightly; you can’t choose too far away from your home, otherwise others will carry their own trees back home. , you haven't cut down your own tree with the word "success" written on it."

This old man is undoubtedly a wise man. He told the children that there is an important prerequisite for choosing a goal, that is, it is suitable for them.To fully understand yourself, you must listen to your inner voice, and you must understand what kind of life you want to have.

In today's society, opportunities and challenges coexist.To find out today and in the future, in which fields are more likely to succeed, in what ways are easier to succeed, and what is the most important difficulty for oneself.After carefully analyzing these things, and then carefully recording and sorting them out, your goals will be clear.The goal determined in this way may not be perfect, but at least it is feasible. It is not self-deceiving, and it will not let yourself go on a path that is not suitable for you.

To live a wonderful life, you must have clear goals.This goal should be suitable for you and can be achieved through your own unremitting efforts, not an unrealistic illusory dream.At the same time, don't deviate from your own strengths, don't give up your strengths, and don't use your weaknesses to describe the trajectory of life.

(End of this chapter)

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