Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 38 Scene 38 - When others make things difficult for you

Chapter 38 Scene 38 - When others make things difficult for you
Chapter 38 Scene 38 - When others make things difficult for you
In daily life, there are often some people who make things difficult for others for some purpose, either with actions or words.

Make trouble such as
If you can use some skills to counter the opponent, the opponent will be speechless, and you will turn from a disadvantageous situation to a favorable situation.Down
The following are some commonly used methods and techniques:?

([-]) Empathy in return?

When others use unrealistic words to make things difficult for you, using the technique of retaliation with empathy can often achieve unexpected results. "Empathy

"It is to use the other party's logical concepts to retaliate in the same way, and its lethality can often make the other party passive.

The following is the application of the "empathy in return" method:?

Afanti opened a dyeing workshop, and a rich man became malicious. He took a piece of cloth to make things difficult for Afanti:?
"Afanti, you dye this piece of cloth into a color that is neither black, nor white, nor red, nor green... not all colors."?
Avanti said: "Okay, you can put it here!"?
The rich man asked: "Then when will I pick up the goods?"?
Afanti replied: "It's not Sunday, nor is it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday to pick up the goods."?
Avanti retaliated by making things difficult for the opponent, which had a remarkable effect.The words of the rich man obviously violate the laws of logic, and at the same time

The method of retaliation by reason is to use this method that violates the laws of logic to retaliate to the other party, making the other party shoot himself in the foot. ?
There are also some people who, for some purpose, create "rumors" out of nothing or out of thin air to attack and slander others.

Make the other party bear unwarranted charges.At this time, if the method of "returning with the same reason" is adopted, that is, to create a false impression against the other party's pretentiousness.

"Rumors" use the same method to retaliate against the other party by fabricating a rumor that offends the public, so that the other party loses its reputation in front of the public.
Credibility, its rumors are self-defeating.Please see the following example: ?

One day in 1917, Mayakovsky encountered a woman in a cap and carrying a purse who was yelling and viciously slandering
Slander the Bolsheviks.Seeing this, Mayakovsky immediately rushed to the "agitator" and said:?
"Catch her! It was she who stole my purse yesterday."?
The woman panicked and said: "Where did you say that, you have misunderstood the person!"?
Mayakovsky insisted: "Yes, yes, it was you. Wearing a hat with yellow flowers, stole 25 rubles from me."?
The crowd around the woman began to laugh at her and gradually dispersed.When everyone was gone, this woman glanced
With tears and snot, he said to Mayakovsky: "My God, sir, look at me, it's the first time I see you
ah! "?
Mayakovsky replied: "Isn't it so, ma'am, you just saw a Bolshevik for the first time, and you talk so much about Bolsheviks.

The Bolsheviks are coming... I advise you not to take revenge on your cook when you get home. "?
Mayakovsky used the technique of reciprocating with empathy to prevent the opponent's plot from succeeding. ?
([-]) Pointing at Sang and scolding Huai?

Accusing Sang and scolding Huai means accusing someone or something on the surface, but actually blaming another person or something.its

The feature lies in the skillful use of the polysemy or pun of words to make a fuss.It adopts the method of indirect accusation, which can advance or retreat
, it can not only avoid direct open conflict, but also inspire or attack the other party while letting the other party understand, so as to achieve effective persuasion or subdue
the other party's purpose. ?
The essence of pointing at mulberry and scolding Huai Huai lies in insinuation.That is to say, the words spoken by the speaker, from the literal meaning, do not seem to be

Directly targeting the person being accused, but implying the deep meaning of attacking the other party insinuatingly, so that the other party is aware of it but cannot catch it
The handle, had to be dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and he thought he was unlucky. ?
Legend has it that there was a pedant named Chen Xiguai. He and two students went to a beef shop to drink beef and radish soup.

Radish does not hold meat.When Chen Xigui saw it, he became angry.After thinking for a while, he deliberately said loudly to the students:?

There was a woman who asked her son to wash radishes in the river, but her son was playful and was washed away by the river accidentally.see this woman

The son didn't come back, so he found the river.However, there were only radishes and no sons left by the river, so she burst into tears: "My heart and liver
Whoa, where have you been?Why do I only see carrots but not meat? My son?where is the meat oh my son
While scooping up the bowl with chopsticks, Chen Xiguai imitated a woman's voice and cried, making the two students and the neighbors eat beef
The soup man laughed.Where is the boss?Knowing that I have been scolded by others, I have to knock out my teeth and swallow it, embarrassing
It goes without saying. ?
The "Sang" in referring to mulberry and scolding Huaihuai can be real, but it can also be fictional.The debater can completely according to his own purpose
And it is necessary to fabricate something that has substantial similarities with the other party as the object of "swearing" to achieve the truth of "pointing at each other and scolding this".

Right purpose. ?
There was a man who was a guest at a friend's house and drank every day. He stayed for a long time and had no intention of leaving. The host really hated him, but

It's not easy to chase customers face to face.Once the two of them drank wine face to face, the host made up such a story:?

On remote roads, tigers often come out to hurt people.A merchant who was selling porcelain suddenly met a fierce tiger with its mouth open.

, rushed over.It was too late to say it, but soon, the businessman hurriedly picked up a porcelain bottle and threw it over. The tiger didn't leave, so he took another bottle.
A porcelain bottle was thrown over.The tiger remained motionless.A load of porcelain vases is almost gone, and only the last one remains.So he pointed to the tiger
He cursed loudly: "Bastard! You only have this bottle if you leave, and you only have this bottle if you don't leave!"?
Through fictional stories, the owner condemned the "tiger" who was similar to the other party's "not leaving". On the surface, he was scolding the tiger.
The above is to denounce the other party's brazenness, expressing it heartily and penetratingly. ?
([-]) Control falsehoods with falsehoods?

Fighting poison with fire is only used on certain occasions.Sometimes the views on both sides are just a false fallacy that was not meant to be
Bad words hurt people.Faced with this situation, we should adopt a reserved attitude and use the other party's fallacious logical concept to create a similar
Such naive and ridiculous fallacies, in order to remind the other party and let the other party realize themselves. ?
Legend has it that during the Warring States Period, there was a witty and clever child named Gan Luo in the State of Qin.One day, he saw his grandfather who was working in the palace behind him.

Walking up and down in the garden, he kept sighing, and asked why.When he learned that it was because the King of Qin wanted to eat the eggs laid by the rooster, he was very anxious.
When he was a civil and military official, he volunteered to go to court for his grandfather. ?
Early the next morning, Gan Luo really went to court for his grandfather.He walked into the palace unhurriedly and saluted King Qin. ?
The King of Qin asked: "What's the trouble here, little baby! Where's your grandfather?"?
Gan Luo replied: "My lord, my grandfather can't come today. He is giving birth at home. Let me go to court for him."?
King Qin laughed and said: "You child, how can you talk nonsense! How can a man's family have children?"?
Gan Luo asked back: "Since the king knows that men cannot bear children, how can roosters lay eggs?"?
Gan Luo imitated the absurd arguments of the King of Qin to carry out the same argument, and used the absurd to control the absurd. He created an argument that the grandfather gave birth to a child, and

The argument that the rooster lays eggs is absolutely ridiculous, even more absurd than King Qin's, so King Qin was naturally speechless, so he let it go.

Give up the idea of ​​eating male eggs. ?
([-]) A clever change of subject?

In life, no one dares to say that he knows everything, so when those with ulterior motives attack you, if you really can’t
Answer, you can use the method of "smartly turning the topic".In this way, no matter what type or motive of questioning you encounter, you

Not to lose face in front of others. ?
Once, a smart person posed a nerve-wracking question to the great Swiss educator Pista Loki: "Can you
Can you see what kind of person a child will become when he grows up? "?
"Of course I can," replied Pista Ritchie simply, "if it's a little girl, it will grow up to be a woman; if it's a
Little boy, will be a man. "?
What Pista Roche encountered was a boring and tricky question, for which even the best educators could not

Simply answer positively with one or two sentences.But Pista Roche used the "big truth" (actually,

turn the subject) to hit him back.Originally, this question would embarrass Pista Roche, but instead he put the person who asked the question in danger.
situation of laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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