Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 28 Scene 28 - Speech Contest Opening Remarks

Chapter 28 Scene 28 - Speech Contest Opening Remarks
Chapter 28 Scene 28 - Speech Contest Opening Remarks
Gorky once said such a sentence: "The most difficult opening is the first sentence, just like music, the tone of the whole song

It is all determined by it.It usually takes a long time to find. "Gorky here compares the prologue to the tone of the music,

Fittingly, the same goes for speeches.The opening statement of the speech is a bridge between the speaker and the audience.

A well-built approach bridge can communicate the feelings between the speaker and the audience, focus the attention of the audience, open up the scene, and introduce the main topic.

If the approach bridge is not well built, the speaker and the audience cannot communicate well, and it will be difficult to lead the audience's interest to the right direction.

It is very difficult to talk about the topic.Therefore, the opening remarks of the speech must find ways to attract the attention of the audience.
Let the audience follow the train of thought of the speaker.To do this, you must be able to capture the psychology of the audience.This requires a special opening statement
The colorful, distinctive opening remarks can leave a deep impression on the audience, and can concentrate the attention of the audience in an instant, making the audience

Get the audience interested in your speech, thus laying a good foundation for telling the topic.The following are the methods and techniques for opening speeches

([-]) Straightforward opening remarks?

A straight-to-the-point opening statement is to tell the audience the basic purpose and theme of the speech in highly condensed language at the beginning, arousing
The desire they want to hear below is then elaborated and elaborated in the body.This is a straightforward means of immediately
That is to say, get to the point, don't be devious, don't be long-winded, don't have any excessive

The rest of the redundant words and wedges.This method can firmly grasp the minds and feelings of the audience, and is one of the most common methods of opening speeches.
The method is widely used in speeches.This is how Li Yanjie opened his speech in "Country, Nation and Righteousness":?
Every young person is concerned about the fate of their own motherland and nation.The righteousness of the country and the nation are the unity
Encourage the masses to be positive

The great upward force is an important spiritual pillar for the prosperity of a country and a nation.Today I want to use "country, people
Make a speech on the topic of Family and Righteousness. ?

Li Yanjie made a clear statement here, straightforwardly stated the theme of the speech, and the hearts of the audience were firmly grasped at once.

Mr. Lu Xun also often uses this method in his speeches. On January 1924, 1, at the Alumni Association of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University
At the meeting, Lu Xun made a famous speech - "Before There Was No Genius".In this speech, he aimed at the literary and artistic circles at that time "

The "grand voice" demanding the birth of geniuses expounded the relationship between geniuses and the people in a popular, vivid and simple way, and refuted the

There were some erroneous arguments in the society at that time.At the beginning of the speech, Lu Xun said straight to the point:?

Genius is not a monster that grows in the deep forest and wilderness by itself, but is produced and bred by the people who can make genius grow.

Therefore, without this kind of people, there is no genius.Napoleon once said when he crossed the Alps: "I am stronger than the Alps."
high! "How heroic this is, but don't forget that there are many soldiers behind him; if there are no soldiers, it will only be captured by the enemy on the other side of the mountain."
Whether to stay or rush back, his actions and words have exceeded the boundaries of a hero, and he is about to be classified as a lunatic.So I figured, after asking
Before asking for geniuses, we should first ask for people who can make geniuses grow. ——For example, if you want to have trees, you must have good soil;
Without soil, there would be no flowers and trees; so soil is actually more important than flowers and trees.Flowers and trees must have soil, just as Napoleon must have good soldiers
Not the same. ?
Mr. Lu Xun pointed out at once that "genius is not a monster that grows in the deep forest and wilderness by itself, it is a monster that can make genius grow.

The people are born and bred, so without this kind of people, there will be no geniuses", directly cutting into the topic. The audience will understand

After understanding the speaker's point of view, his train of thought will follow the speaker's train of thought.

([-]) Question-style opening remarks?

Question-style opening refers to the use of questions, questions or rhetorical questions at the beginning of a speech.This form is like a goshawk volleying in the sky,

Coming out of nowhere, it grabs the audience's psychology at once, and usually achieves excellent results.Many people use the

this form.Introduce them separately below.

1?Question opener?

Question-style opening remarks, also known as "questions leading the way."As soon as the speaker takes the stage, he asks the audience a question, asking the audience and himself to
Think together so that you immediately get the audience's attention and make them think quickly while listening, no

It is conducive to concentrating the audience's thoughts and controlling the scene.At the same time, the audience listens with questions, which will greatly increase their
The depth and breadth of understanding of the content of the speech.For example, when speaking to the employees of the financial and trade system, a speaker opened like this
: "Our comrades in the financial and trade system are jokingly called the 'God of Wealth'. Everyone here is an expert in financial management.

expert.Now, please allow me to ask you a question: (slight pause) Morgan, the richest man in the top ten financial conglomerates in the United States,

When he came to America from Europe, he was so poor that he had to sell eggs for a living.He got three baskets of eggs, but after selling them for three days, none of them came.
It didn't sell.On the fourth day, he asked his wife to sell.As a result, it was sold out in less than half a day.may I know what is the reason? "

In this way, using the "magnetism" of business to attract the "iron" of interest from the "God of Wealth" is naturally very attractive.
the heart of the audience. ?
2?A question opening?

A question-setting opening remark means that the speaker asks a question to the audience at the beginning of the speech, so as to catch the audience's psychology at once.
, and then answer this question.Questions from the audience were also resolved.This question-and-answer format allows the audience to
I immediately understood what the speech was about.Here's an example of this: ?
On November 1917, 11, the gunfire of the October Revolution opened up a new era in human history and established the first society in human history.
socialist country.As the leader of this revolution, Lenin should first tell people what the task of this new regime is

.To this end, Lenin delivered a brief but exciting speech at the Petrograd Soviet of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers' Deputies that afternoon.
speech.He said:?

Comrades!The workers' and peasants' revolution, which the Bolsheviks always considered necessary, has succeeded. ?
What is the significance of this worker-peasant revolution?The significance of this revolution is first of all that we shall have a Soviet government, an absolute
Our own organs of government without the participation of the bourgeoisie.The oppressed masses will establish power themselves.The old state institutions will be replaced by

Completely shattered, and a new governing body, the Soviet organization, would be established. ?
The workers' and peasants' revolution was successful, but the Soviet regime still needs Russian workers and peasants to survive in the encirclement of the powers.

Class support defends.But most workers and peasants don't really understand the significance of the workers' and peasants' revolution, so Lenin started his speech with
Pointing to the crucial question "What is the meaning of this worker-peasant revolution?" and then answering it, eliminates the
The broad masses of workers and peasants are puzzled.So that they can truly stand up and defend their own regime - the Soviet regime.


Between 1919 and 1921, Lenin delivered hundreds of speeches. "What is Soviet Power" is one of the most popular among the masses
one article.He started it like this: ?
What is Soviet power?This new regime that most countries are unwilling or unable to understand

What is the essence?day

The essence of the new regime, which is more attractive to the workers of every country, is this: formerly it was always the rich or the capitalists who ran the country, and now

For the first time the state was run by the most numerous class that was oppressed by capitalism.Even in the most democratic and free republic

In a country, as long as the rule of capital and private ownership of land are preserved, the people who run the country are always a very small number of people, and nine out of ten are capitalists.

family or wealthy. ?

By the time Lenin gave this speech, that is, in March 1919, the Soviet regime had been established for less than two years, and the capitalist world treated it greatly.

They wantonly slandered, and the masses don't quite understand the essence of this new regime.Lenin's speech is to the Russian people and the people of the world

Explain the substance and historical significance of this latest regime.How to explain the essence of a new regime to the masses in a relatively short period of time, so that

The crowd understands, accepts, and embraces it, which is the problem with speeches.How did Lenin solve this problem? ?
Here he used the method of asking, "What is the Soviet regime? Most countries are still unwilling or unable to understand

What is the essence of this new regime? "Use two consecutive questions to focus the audience's attention on the most critical question at once.

Come, and then gave an answer, the audience followed the speaker's train of thought to listen and think, and achieved very good results
. ?
Many celebrities in China have also adopted this method in their speeches, such as Lao She's "Literary Creation and Language--at the Hunan Writers Association
Report at the Chapter's Literary Lecture" Opening remarks: ?
"What does literature and art do? It is to create. Literary and artistic products are diverse and colorful. Although writers cannot
Adding a mountain and a river to the ground, we are not so capable, but we can create people.Writers are like gods in this

. So many girls in "Dream of Red Mansions" and so many heroes in Liangshanbo were all created by our seniors.history

There may not necessarily be those people in the world, and some people are unknown; but they are more prominent than those who have been seen in the classics, and they can be passed on to

Now when I see a weak girl, I call her Lin Daiyu; when I see a reckless child, I call him Meng Zhangfei.World
The original book is not so personal, I will add one to it, this is the writer's creation.It is not easy to create a human being.After liberation our little
It is said that drama creation has made great achievements, but how many people have the writer created?I don't see many things, I can say it, such as

There are characters in the novels of Zhao Shuli, Zhou Libo and others. They live in our hearts.

Script, how much was created?I think it is also very limited.When we talk about improvement, we cannot improve without starting with creation.Therefore, should

Work on it. "?

This opening statement asks questions and then answers them, not only to interest the audience, but also to engage the audience with the speaker.

Use your brain to think and focus on the central content of your speech. ?
3?A rhetorical opening statement?

When giving a speech, asking rhetorical questions about a certain question and letting the audience think about it will immediately grab the hearts of the audience.

A powerful way.Take a look at the example below: ?
"Comrades: This knife, stained with the blood of the best sons and daughters of our motherland, has begun to wave. Open your eyes and see, nearly one or two
The facts of the past one or two months are obvious.Not only was our team not wiped out by them, but in the Soviet base area, in the
The Kuomintang-controlled area has grown rapidly.Everyone can use their brains to think about it, can this bloody butcher's knife convince us?This leather
Can the fire of life be extinguished? "?

The opening remarks of this speech adopt the method of rhetorical questions, which is imposing, like a rushing river, irresistible and extremely powerful.

([-]) Allusive opening remarks?

In many speeches, in order to make their speech more attractive and connotative, the speaker often starts with an allusion

White.An allusive opening is the opening of a speech with a story or a quote, aphorism, etc.This way table
Profound and inspiring.First of all, let’s look at the story-style opening remarks. The story-style opening remarks are to tell a story at the beginning of the speech.
Tell stories that are closely related to the content, thereby leading to the topic of the speech.For example, in a speech practice class, students are required to use "

When I walked into the university gate" was the beginning of the exercises, one of which opened like this:?
Everyone will remember such a legend: There is a magical cave in Arabia, which houses 40 gold and silver stolen by thieves.
Treasure and pearl onyx.As long as you master a spell, the cave door will open automatically.One day, a man named Alibaba

Knowing this spell by accident, he opened the door of treasure and became a millionaire. ?

This opening remark uses a familiar story to compare the gate of a university to the gate to wealth, which is very appropriate, and thus received

had a good effect. ?
Quoting a famous quote, aphorism or aphorism as an opening statement is also a way many people use when giving a speech.
public opinion and some hard data.The use of quotations can make the speech more appropriate, natural and bear
"When You Are Misunderstood" by Yanbo:?

There's an old saying that goes, "All beginnings are difficult".This is true for speeches, and even more so for impromptu speeches.However, I always feel
It's harder to feel like it's over.Many of our comrades here know that there is such a sentence in the "Book of Songs":

Gram has an end. "That is to say, everything has a beginning, but it is difficult to get a happy ending. But a good beginning is also

It is difficult, so I am glad that I was the first to step onto the podium for impromptu speeches. ?

Here we quote the proverb "everything is difficult at the beginning" to show that the speech is difficult at the beginning, and quote the verse from "The Book of Songs" "everything has an end" to show that speeches are difficult at the beginning.
It is more difficult to end the story, it is appropriate and natural, which is very conducive to opening up the scene and attracting people. ?
([-]) Suspenseful opening remarks?

The suspense-style opening is to deliberately not tell the audience clearly what to talk about first, so that the audience can care and guess, so that the audience can feel
The psychology of eager to listen.In this way, it is easy to grasp the emotions of the audience at the beginning and win the initiative to control the venue.Yu De

The beginning of Xin's "The Deceived God": ?

The title of my speech is: "The Deceived God".This is a deviant topic, and it is called "deviating" because it is religious

From the perspective of some people, it is clearly written in the Bible that everything was created by God, so how can God be deceived?call it "apostasy

"Because the materialist point of view is: There has never been a savior, so where can God come from, let alone a deceived God?
Do not! "God" exists, and "God" is you, me, and him.There is a saying that "the customer is God". ?
The beginning of this speech is relatively new and unique. First, he introduces the topic of his speech, and then denies the existence of God, and even denies the existence of God.

Deceiving the existence of God, and finally affirming the existence of God.This devious introduction creates suspense one by one, stirring the audience
The concern of them made their attention attracted by one problem after another. ?
When creating suspense, the ambiguity mentioned above is a way to tell the audience what to talk about.

A short story with vivid and wonderful content and an exciting plot, or a shocking fact to create suspense and make the audience more interested in the story

It is also a common way to express deep concern about the development of events and the fate of characters, so as to listen carefully.For example, Comrade Li Yanjie's
The speech "Love and Beauty" started like this: "In April last year, the secretary of the Youth League Committee of a company in Beijing invited me to give a report.
I couldn't shirk because of the nervousness of the teaching task.The secretary of the Youth League Committee said earnestly: "Mr. Li, you must go, this time we are

Please help me. 'I'm wondering..." Hearing what the speaker said, the audience also wondered: what happened,

Do you have to ask him to go?This opening is very attractive.

([-]) Praise-style opening remarks?

People generally have the psychology of listening to praise language.Saying something that makes your audience feel comfortable can do wonders.The speaker

Saying a few words of praise at the beginning can shorten the emotional distance with the audience as soon as possible.A speaker went to Yicheng to give a speech.
The opening line is full of praise: ?
"Someone asked me which folk song I like the most, and I blurted out: "Back to My Mother's Home"! Yes, it should be
The city is my natal home and my mother's land.I love Yicheng and praise Yicheng, maybe first of all because of the appearance of Yicheng people
beautiful.In ancient Yicheng, there was a great writer named Song Yu who wrote: "The beauty of the world lies in the state of Chu, and the beauty of the state of Chu lies in the ministers.

The most beautiful person is the daughter of the minister's east neighbor, and the daughter of the minister's east neighbor, if it is increased by one point, it will be too long, if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short, if it is applied to Zhu, it will be too red, and it will be powdered.

is too white. Song Yu said, the most beautiful person in the world is the girl next door to the east of my house, and that girl's increase by one point is too high.
Minus one point and it is too short; a little rouge is too red, and a little powder is too white.Fellow villagers, do you think we Yicheng people are beautiful?
ah? "(Enthusiastic applause)?
Clever quotations and affectionate praises captured the hearts of the audience at once.Then he talked about the people in Yicheng
How beautiful the soul is, and how lovely the hometown is, step by step, "Only by loving the hometown can you love the motherland. To love the motherland, you must devote yourself to the tide of reform, create

The theme of creating a valuable life” has received good results.

([-]) Expository opening remarks?

An expository opening remark is to give the reason or background of the speech to the audience, so that the audience can understand why the speech is made at once, and the speech will be
What is the reason for speaking; or explain the background of the speech and the original intention of the speech in this context.In this way start the usual,

Naturally, there are few waves, and it seems that there is no suspicion of being unconventional. It is the form that people use most and is the best to grasp.

This opening remark can harmonize the relationship between the speaker and the audience.For example, on April 1984, 4, U.S. President Ronald Reagan
The Great Hall of the People delivered the following speech: ?

Thank you, Dr. Zhou Peiyuan, and thank you, dear ladies and gentlemen.Today, I am very honored to be here, to be a
The first American president ever to address your country in the Great Hall of the People. ?
My wife and I have been looking forward to visiting China, one of the oldest ancient civilizations in the world, with you great people

Let the people meet to see the elegance of your country's historical treasure house.We are amazed by the broad avenues of Beijing, and the hospitality of the people of your country makes us feel

We are deeply moved.Our only regret is that this visit was too short.It seems that it can only be written by a poet in the Tang Dynasty

It's like "flying around and watching flowers".But there is another saying in China's "Hanshu" that "seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times", Nan Xi
I feel the same way.
This opening sentence can be regarded as a wedge for the whole article.As soon as Reagan came up, he expressed his deep gratitude to the host of the conference and all the audience.

, highly praised China and has a deep understanding of ancient Chinese culture.In terms of politeness and etiquette, this is very necessary

of.Through these words, the emotional bridge between President Reagan and the audience was quickly established.Then President Reagan said:?
Twelve years ago, when former President Nixon came to Beijing, he got off Air Force One and shook hands with Premier Zhou Enlai.Afterwards, President Zhou Enlai

Reason told him: Your hand is a hand stretched from the other side of the world's most vast ocean, after 25 years of complete isolation
Then he stretched out his hand again. ?
Since that handshake, both the United States and China have opened a new page in their history.I think now history is calling again.


These two passages are the introduction of the whole speech.Through the bridge of the introduction, the speech is quickly brought into the main topic, turning, connecting with nature,
Just right. ?
([-]) Opening remarks expressing emotion?

At the beginning of the speech, you express your emotions first, which can mobilize the audience's emotions as soon as possible and create an emotional atmosphere.At the same time, the lyrical
At the beginning of the style, the language is beautiful, the meaning is profound, and it has a strong appeal.For example, at the graduation ceremony of the first National Oratory Workshop
In the farewell speech given by Tianjin's Jiang Lanbo, he started with a lyrical style: ?
At the turn of summer and autumn, we carry the fragrance of Turpan, we carry the sound of the East China Sea, we kiss the blood-stained land in southern Xinjiang, we

With the heroism of Daxing'an Mountains overcoming the fire, they gathered in Jiangcheng from all directions: Mecca pilgrimage, learning skills and scriptures; exchanging information, forging
Practice your talents!The video recorder once captured our demeanor of listening attentively, and the figure of us writing at our desks was left in the classroom.
The garden path echoed with the sound of our speech practice... Goodbye, Jilin Normal University!Goodbye, "Speech and Eloquence" magazine
Chi teachers! ?

The language at the beginning is so beautiful, the feelings are so true, there is both the joy of graduation and the reluctant love when parting
.Generally speaking, such an opening can quickly infect the audience and arouse the audience's feelings. ?
Many celebrities also like to start their speeches in this way.Churchill is one example. ?
On December 1941, 12, Japan successfully attacked Pearl Harbor.Since then, it has accelerated its attack on Southeast Asia, and the United States and Britain fought in the Pacific War

Suffered setbacks on the field, suffered heavy losses.While the United States is mobilizing for combat readiness, in order to further promote the cooperation between the United States and the United Kingdom, reverse the
Unfavorable situation, on December 12 of the same year, Churchill arrived in Washington for an official visit to the United States.On Christmas Eve, Roosevelt and Churchill stood
Bless people from the balcony.Churchill made a wonderful and inspiring sentiment to the crowd of more than 3 gathered in the gloom
Ample speeches.He captivated the crowd right from the start: ?
I'm far away from my home country, far away from my family, yet I can't really say I feel far away from home for this commemoration
festival.Whether it is by blood on my mother's side or by my many years of active living here

or by speaking the same language, kneeling before the same altar, and, to a great extent, pursuing
Sublime ties of affection that exist in the common cause of one ideal great people, here I am - Center of the United States

And the top spot doesn't feel like a foreigner.I feel solidarity and brotherhood, plus you welcome

My kindness, which convinces me that I have a right to sit by your fireside and share in your Christmas joy.
Churchill here expresses that although he is far away from his family and the motherland, he does not feel like a foreigner.He came to show that he was with the Americans

The friendship between the people and the heart, and secondly, the host country's warm welcome.He did not use diplomatic rhetoric in his speech, which demolished

Removing the geographical barriers, the speaker and the audience reminisce about old friendships like brothers, and bring the audience the warmth and tenderness of the festival.speech

Good results have been achieved. ?
([-]) Rendering opening remarks?

Rendering opening remarks, that is, using vivid and emotional language to start, create a suitable environment and atmosphere, and arouse the audience's response.
emotion, which in turn attracts the audience.For example, at the beginning of Engels' Speech at the Tomb of Marx: "At two o'clock in the afternoon on March 3th
For a moment, the greatest thinker of our time stopped thinking.Leaving him alone in the room for less than 2 minutes, waiting for us to go in again
At that moment, he was found sleeping peacefully in the easy chair—but asleep forever. "This opening remark, only use

With just two sentences, the audience was introduced into a solemn, solemn, and painful atmosphere, which inspired people's understanding of the revolutionary leaders.
The teacher's admiration and condolences are conducive to the audience's acceptance of the speaker's exposition in the text. ?
Rendering opening remarks can also start according to the specific scene of the scene, but first of all, we must grasp the scale.if the beginning is too far off topic

Eighteen bends, if the appetite of the audience is too high, their expectations will be relaxed and tired, and the effect will not be very satisfactory.followed by this

There should not be too many branches at the beginning of the species, the background should not be too complicated, and the clues should not be too chaotic.Because these will confuse the audience,
Create obstacles leading to the speech objectives.Again, this kind of beginning also needs to pay attention to the problem of accurately connecting with the topic of the speech.If present

If the scene is reluctantly tied to the topic of the speech, it will also be self-defeating.These three points need to be carefully grasped.please look below

example of:?

When former U.S. Secretary of State Everett gave a speech at the opening ceremony of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, the mountains in the distance, the eyes

The field in front of him, the standing crowd, and the solemn atmosphere aroused waves in his heart. He put aside the speech script and improvised:?

"Standing under the long clear sky, looking out from this vast field that has been cultivated by people all the year round and now rests quietly,
I dare not use my

This insignificant sound to break the meaningless silence arranged by God and nature..."
This opening speech is very exciting. The speaker was infected by the atmosphere in front of him, which triggered the inspiration, improvised, and every word shocked
shook the hearts of the audience. ?
The task of the opening speech is to let the audience understand and accept themselves.Therefore, according to different objects, measures should be taken according to local and time conditions, and

Focusing on the main theme, choose the most appropriate opening statement, which makes people feel friendly and natural, like a big magnet attracting countless small iron nails

, grabbing the listener right from the start.

(End of this chapter)

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