Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 25 Scene 25 - When Asking People Questions

Chapter 25 Scene 25 - When Asking People Questions
Chapter 25 Scene 25 - When Asking People Questions
There used to be such a story, it is said that in a church in a certain country, one day, when a priest was worshiping, he suddenly
Unable to bear the craving for cigarettes, he asked his superior, "Can I smoke while praying?" As a result, he was reprimanded by his superior.later
There was a priest who also became addicted to cigarettes, but asked in a different way: "Can I pray while I smoke?" The boss actually smiled,
Granted his request. ?
It can be seen that speaking requires eloquence.The same request is asked in different languages, but the effect received is completely different.subtle question
It can enable you to obtain the information, knowledge and benefits you need, and help you understand the needs and pursuits of the other party, so as to achieve the relationship between people and people.
The exchange and mutual assistance among them contribute to the success of the exchange.So how do you ask the right questions? ?
([-]) Question depends on the object?

Questions should vary from person to person, that is, starting from the other party's age, identity, occupation, personality and different national and cultural backgrounds, choose

Choose different questioning methods and techniques.For example, to an elderly person, it is not appropriate to ask: "How old are you?" Instead, you should ask: "Are you old?

""You live a long life? "For example, ask a seemingly ordinary question to a lady who is feeling that the years are passing by and is approaching old age: "You
How old are you this year? "Although you have no malicious intentions, you will definitely make her unhappy. Secondly, different ethnic and cultural backgrounds have different

The same way of asking questions and greetings.In our country, friends, colleagues, and neighbors usually ask when they meet: "Have you eaten?"

Where are you going in a hurry? "The other party will feel kind and friendly. But the same problem, for foreigners such as Britain and the United States,

They will cause misunderstanding or produce unhappiness.Ask him if he has eaten, he will mistakenly think that you are going to invite him to dinner, ask him where he is going,

He thinks you are meddling in his private affairs.Again, ask questions based on the knowledge level of the other party.For example, a reporter went to a

The machine tool factory interviewed a worker who had been to Egypt, and wanted to ask him to talk about how the Egyptian people opposed British colonialism, how this culture

Workers with a low level did not understand what the reporter meant at all, and were stuttering and unable to speak.Later, the reporter changed the question
: "How do the Egyptians treat the British?" Now the other party understood, and started chatting endlessly as soon as the chatterbox opened.

Four journalists also obtained the materials they needed. ?
([-]) Do you need to seize the opportunity to ask questions?
Asking questions should grasp the best timing, and the effect of asking questions will be good.Two good friends from the past have just started working, and one

They met by chance and asked each other: "How is your company treated? How much is your salary? Are you in a relationship?"
It seems both intimate and natural, but also reasonable.But if a girl is introduced to a guy she's never met
Meet at the park.The two went to the appointment on time, and after a moment of silence, the girl looked up and asked, "Have you ever been in love? Is work easy?"

?How much pay? The ending can be imagined. Chinese people like to ask when they meet and greet: "Have you eaten?" "if

It’s okay to say this before and after dinner time, but if you meet someone you know on the bus around three o’clock in the afternoon, you can also ask this question.

In one sentence, it will inevitably make people feel a little inexplicable.

([-]) Questions should pay attention to skills?
To achieve better results in questioning, in addition to targeting the target and grasping the timing, the skill of asking questions is largely related to
Whether you can get a satisfactory answer, the following are some commonly used questioning techniques in daily life. ?
1?Straightforward question?
Directly grasping a key question of the other party, asking straight to the point, so as to put the other party in a passive position, this is straightforward questioning.

The key to frank questioning is to grasp the essence or loopholes of the other party's words and ask questions directly. Therefore, the form of questioning is not stick to one pattern.

Questions can be asked once, consecutively, or in parallel. ?
Since the frank question goes to the core of the question, the other party is directly exposed to the questioner, so he has to answer the question directly
, which is the most common way of asking questions. ?
2?Contradictory question?
When you realize that the other party's point of view or a certain sentence contains self-contradiction, but it is difficult for your own side to clarify it with a statement tone,

At this time, it is convenient for oneself to ask a question to expose the other party's self-contradiction and put the other party in a passive position.

This is a question of contradiction.For example: A shoe dealer took advantage of the sports meeting to promote its new sneakers, bragging: "Who bought my sneakers?"
, whoever can run No.1. At this time, someone else asked: "If two people who run 100 meters buy your sneakers, who will get them?"

What about No.1? ” The shoe dealer was speechless. ?
3?Inducing questions?
Inducing questions is to consciously ask the other party to fall into a trap designed by oneself, so as to force the other party to admit or deny something.

Words and deeds to achieve their own goals. ?
The main point of inducing questions is to design a question according to the characteristics of the opposing party and the problems discussed, so that the answering of the opposing party falls into a trap.
A predicament or a passive position. At this time, you can evaluate or criticize based on the other party's answer, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

4?Ask knowingly?
Questions with clear answers or known facts are deliberately raised to ask the other party to achieve their own goals.This method is
Know why and ask. ?
In the process of knowingly asking, the answers to the questions asked can be true or false; the purpose of knowingly asking can be
Deliberately making things difficult for the other party can also be to guide the other party to think about the problem further, or it can be to persuade the other party.This is more in debate

is common.For example: The topic of the final of the Asia-Pacific Debate in 1990 was "Peaceful Coexistence of Mankind is a Realizable Ideal".

At that time, the Nanjing University team was the positive side, and the National Taiwan University team was the negative side.During the debate, the Nanjing University team asked a question knowingly

: "What is the greatest common interest of mankind?" Because the answer to this question is clear and well known, it is "peace and
Development", but the answer is obviously not good for the opponent, so the affirmative not only asked the question knowingly, but also kept asking. The opponent first replied repeatedly
evaded, but in the end was forced to answer irrelevant questions: "The greatest common interest of mankind is that the so-called South African problem has not yet been resolved.
At the time of the final decision, the racial issue in Russia came out again! "The Nanjing University team used the positive story form appropriately,

The opponent made a fool of himself and fell into a passive position. ?
Wrong words and deeds are always impeccable, and self-contradiction is its most prominent weakness.Taking advantage of contradictions in the other person's views or behavior,
Make it into a dilemma by asking questions.This is the dilemma. ?
The logical basis of the dilemma setting is the dilemma reasoning.Dilemma is based on two hypothetical judgments with sufficient conditions and one with two alternative branches
Alternative judgment is taken as the premise, and it is deduced according to the logical nature of hypothetical judgment and alternative judgment.It is a logic commonly used in debate

editing format.Because the two possible situations enumerated by making the minor premise that selective judgment lead to a conclusion that is difficult for the other party to accept
, can make the opponent fall into a dilemma and a dilemma.Dilemma questioning can also achieve this goal.The main points of its use are

: Ask the other party a question, and the answer to this question includes both positive and negative choices, but no matter what choice the other party makes, the result will be
The results are unacceptable. ?
For example: During Reagan's presidency of the United States, the issue of secret arms transactions with Iran (the "Iran-Contra incident") occurred.

). After the incident happened in 1986, it caused protests all over the country, because it is seriously illegal in the United States.Reagan in order to clean himself
He threw out several scapegoats one after another, but it was still difficult to pass.During a press conference, a reporter asked Reagan:
"As the president, did you know about the Iran-Contra incident in advance?" Reagan found it difficult to answer this question and fell into a dilemma.people say reagan

Lost to the reporter's move. ?
Why did Reagan have difficulty answering reporters' questions?It is because the reporter's question is a typical dilemma, which implies

Contains a dilemma: "If President Reagan knew about the Iran-Contra incident in advance, then the President himself seriously violated the law; if Reagan

The president did not know about the Iran-Contra incident in advance, then Reagan was seriously dereliction of duty (because he did not know what his subordinates were doing); or
known in advance, or not known in advance.In short, either President Reagan did something seriously illegal, or he seriously dereliction of duty.

Therefore, Reagan was unable to answer reporters' questions.?
([-]) Ask questions in a humble manner?
Since you want the other party to answer the question, you must pay attention to your attitude.For attitude, the most taboo thing is questioning.As one said: "Yesterday
It's the hottest day of the year. ’ Another questioned: ‘How do you know? "The other party may have said something wrong, but why?

How about giving him an embarrassing question first?Questioning is often out of the blue, and the person being questioned will be overwhelmed and has a bad temper

Will also become angry from embarrassment.Also, avoid asking certain questions.For example, Westerners are very afraid of being asked about income, and Western ladies are very afraid of being asked about income.
age.Some purely private secrets should also be avoided.If you know a woman in her 30s who is not married, be sure to

You can't ask her why, unless you have special work needs or are very familiar relatives and friends. ?
Questioning is an art. Only when you ask well can you get a satisfactory answer, achieve the real purpose of questioning, and conduct a successful

(End of this chapter)

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