Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 20 Scene 2 - When apologizing to someone

Chapter 20 Scene Twenty - When apologizing to someone
Chapter 20 Scene Twenty - When apologizing to someone
Apologizing is an effective means of communication to resolve conflicts in interpersonal relationships. ?
"No one is perfect, and gold is never pure." Everyone will do wrong things and offend others.
If the other party is psychologically unbalanced, the atmosphere will deteriorate, emotions will fluctuate, and conflicts will arise as a result.But if you can promptly and sincerely

Apologize, and the conflict will be resolved in time.A sincere apology can often remedy one's mistakes and win the other party's understanding.

recover some losses.Sometimes it can even comfort one's conscience, as in the following example: ?

A patient came to a doctor with headaches, insomnia, and indigestion. Physical examination could not find the to patient
Said: "You have to tell me what's wrong with you, so that I can treat you." He was embarrassed at first, but after some

Hesitant to accept
He admitted that he had lied to his younger brother who lived abroad when dealing with his father's estate.The doctor asked the patient to write to his brother sincerely

I apologized, asked for forgiveness, and sent a check as a preliminary act of compensation, and then took him with me to mail the letter.after mailing

, the patient cried. "Thank you," he said, "I think I'm cured." He really recovered. ?
A heartfelt apology can not only make up for a broken relationship, but also strengthen the relationship, but this kind of heartfelt guilt does not use "

I'm sorry" can be fully expressed in three words, and it also requires us to use different skills for different situations:?

([-]) Do you need to be sincere in apologizing?
An apology is sometimes nothing more than the simple three words "I'm sorry", but sometimes it is an external manifestation of spiritual beauty.

A Chinese visiting scholar once encountered such a thing in the United States.One day, she buried her head on the road, thinking about the problem while walking
Because I was a little distracted, I didn't notice a man walking on the cross road. I couldn't stop for a while, and stepped on the man's shoe.

Of course, she blurted out: "I'm sorry!" But what surprised her was that while she was apologizing, the man

Also said: "I'm sorry!" The lady asked curiously: "I stepped on you, why do you apologize to me?"

The man said very sincerely: "Ma'am, I think you stepped on my foot because I was in your way, so it was me."

I should apologize for getting in your way! "From these words, we can see that people who are brave enough to apologize are often those who are good at empathy.
People who forgive others and are good at putting themselves in the shoes of others. ?
An apology is not a shame, but a sign of sincerity and sincerity.Great men sometimes apologize too.Churchill initially had a bad impression of Truman

, but later he told Truman that he had underestimated him before—an apology in praise.Although some people say

I'm sorry, but I always want to find excuses for my mistakes to save my face.Doing so will only make people feel that you are not sincere.

meaning.An apology without sincerity will not be forgiven by others. ?
There used to be such a thing: ?
Once, after two days of intense work, Mao Zedong gradually fell asleep under the gentle massage of the guard Li Liancheng.

After a while, there was a snoring sound.He is so tired. ?
At this time, Li Liancheng walked quietly towards the door, and suddenly he found that the window was not closed, and it would not be long before the dazzling sunlight outside
Sun on Mao Zedong's body.So, he walked over lightly and closed the window holding his breath, for fear of making a noise.but because too

Nervous, accidentally, the blinds fell with a "click", awakening Mao Zedong who was sleeping soundly.his eyes are red

With bloodshot eyes and slightly swollen eyelids, he angrily ordered Li Liancheng to stand in the yard. ?
After all, Mao Zedong was worthy of being a great man of his generation. Afterwards, he took the initiative to apologize to the guards.He said many very emotional things: ?

"You made a little mistake, my mistake is bigger than yours, I shouldn't lose my temper so much."?
"Don't blame me, I work a lot, I have a lot of things on my mind, it's not easy to sleep, I'm irritable, and my emotions are hard to control."?
"I've wronged you, don't blame me, I've already admitted my mistake. Am I busy too, I think too much about national affairs, disturbing my sleep and disturbing me

think.Am I human too, people always have a bit of a temper, we have to be considerate to each other. "?
Although Mao Zedong was a great man of his generation, he also made mistakes. He got angry with his guard Li Liancheng because of a trivial matter.
Let the guard feel aggrieved.However, Mao Zedong candidly apologized to Li Liancheng and admitted his mistake afterwards, and confided that he was too busy with work.

He was busy, rested badly and easily got angry, his tone was modest, and his attitude was sincere. After hearing these words from the bottom of his heart, Li Liancheng immediately
All resentment disappeared. ?
([-]) Do you need to apologize in time?
Apologize immediately when you should apologize. The longer you delay, the harder it is to say, and sometimes it is even too late to regret.there is always a

A fluke mentality, thinking that others will forget their mistakes in a short time, and time will heal everything, so it is too late to apologize.
Too late to say it.A foreign entrepreneur said something like this: "A few years ago, when I was a director of a certain foundation, there was

A young and energetic assistant suggested that the chairman be replaced and he should succeed him.We voted yes.We found out almost immediately that
After making a big mistake, the chairman should not have been resigned.I decided to tell him, but unfortunately before I had the chance to meet him
, he died of a heart attack.My apology has never been expressed enough, and it still hurts to this day. "?
([-]) Apologize in humor?
In some occasions, due to careless mistakes or inappropriate words, it often causes embarrassment to the other party. At this time, if you can
Apologizing in a humorous way can make others feel the apology, so that they can forgive you, from the following

An example will show this. ?
Once, Mr. Fei Xinwo wrote Meng Haoran's "Passing the Old Man's Village" to a guest, when he wrote "Open a noodle garden, talk about wine and mulberry
In a sentence, the word "话" was inadvertently missed, and the bystanders whispered with regret.Lao Fei drank a little today

, but it is easy to lose words (speech) after drinking, so Fei Lao patted his head and said repeatedly: "Drinking loses words, drinking drinks loses words!"
These four characters are added in small characters to show their absence.Fei Lao's words were full of interest, which changed the atmosphere.
Appreciate the wonderful, full of praise. ?
It's a pity that Mr. Fei accidentally dropped a word when he was in the mood to flick a penny, but he had an idea and used "wine
I justified myself on the grounds of "I lost my words later", with a pun and a sudden interest, not only expressed my apology, made up for the shortcomings, but also expressed my apology for this picture.

Mo Bao brought a funny story. ?
In daily life, we often encounter occasions where we need to apologize. At this time, a humorous way of apologizing can often make the other party feel better.

forgive you. ?
For example, Xiao Wang and his wife have been married for three years and have never blushed. Not long ago, there was a dispute over how to use a bonus.
This money will buy a fashionable dress, Xiao Wang wants to use this money to buy a small rice cooker.Due to differences of opinion, both sides hold one
Duan, refused to give in to each other, the wife was angry and refused to eat.Xiao Wang calmed down and felt that it was not good for such a trivial matter to affect the good relationship between husband and wife.
It was worth it, so he walked up to his wife, bowed and said: "Lady, don't be upset about such a trivial matter. Today's matter is about your husband, isn't it?

I hope my wife will be lenient and forgive my sins! "My wife was amused by what he said. Xiao Wang used the lines of ancient operas to express

It moves over to real life to a humorous effect.In addition, there are methods such as telling jokes and making jokes, which can also be amused.
each other, resolve conflicts. ?
([-]) Do you need to be unique in apologizing?
A direct apology may embarrass both yourself and the other party in some cases, resulting in a bad situation, but if you use
An apology in a clever and unique way can make the other party feel surprised and moved, and accept it readily regardless of past suspicions.Marshal Peng Dehuai once
This is the way to apologize.During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the fifth campaign of the Volunteers was about to start, but the 60th Army never
The line sent a telegram saying that the army has entered the standby area before the start of the battle, but some troops have run out of food, please replenish it quickly.peng
After reading the telegram, Commander Dehuai was furious. He sent someone to call Hong Xuezhi, the deputy commander in charge of logistics, and threw the telegram to him.
Said: "What did you, Hong Xuezhi, do? Let the army starve before the battle is over, what's wrong!" Hong Xuezhi was very calm, he
Said with confidence: "The situation in this telegram is not accurate." Peng Dehuai became even more angry, and he retorted: "The 60th Army's situation is inaccurate."
There is obviously a shortage of food, and the troops have started to exchange clothes for food. Why is there no shortage of food?The general offensive is about to start, you said this

Is the war still to be fought?You missed my military plane! "Hong Xuezhi still insisted that the 60th Army had food and would send people to investigate. Mr. Peng sent his own

The secretary went together.When we arrived at the front line, the commander of the 60th Army explained with an apologetic face: "We still have three days of food in stock, and the telegram reflected that

The situation is not allowed. "Commander Peng Dehuai at the headquarters was relieved after hearing the news. Later, he wrapped a pear and gave it to
Xuezhi smiled and said: "I blamed you wrongly. I will give you a pear. Eat a pear, eat a pear. I will pay you a pear (gift)!"
It will evaporate. ?
Peng Dehuai was furious at Hong Xuezhi without knowing the details of the telegram. After learning the real situation, Mr. Peng

Apologize to the other party by sending pears, which is unique in form and pun intended.Not only expressed his apology, but also dismissed the other party

Dark clouds in my heart. ?
([-]) Apologize in praise?
When apologizing, praise the other person, let the other person get a sense of self-satisfaction, know that they are right and others are wrong
, so that it is easy to get the understanding of the other party.For example, when you verbally hurt someone in the same unit that usually cares
After the colleague, you apologize to him, you can say something like this: "I have wanted to do a review for you for a long time, when we went to the unit together,

You have always cared about me like a big brother, but later you only blamed me for being ignorant and doing some inappropriate things..." "At the beginning

Some of the things I said were my fault. Knowing that you are magnanimous, you will definitely forgive my mistakes. "Generally, when apologizing, blame
We can do it ourselves, but we often forget to compliment each other a few words.In fact, the praise method is a good way to apologize.

(End of this chapter)

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