Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 16 Scene 6 - Techniques for Connecting Calls

Chapter 16 Scene Sixteen - Answering the Phone

Chapter 16 Scene Sixteen - Answering the Phone
In addition to calling others, you will often receive calls from other people as well.The eloquence of answering the phone also directly affects the
Party exchanges.Pay attention to certain methods and skills when answering the phone. ?
([-]) The other party is looking for someone?

When you answer the phone, you must first say: "Hello." Then ask the other party for specific matters.If the other party proposes to find someone, there are

The following situations:?

1?When the other party designates someone to answer the phone, you must say: "Please wait a moment." Then hand over the phone to the designated person.

people. ?
2?Sometimes the person named by the other party happens not to be there.At this time, you should not just answer "absence" and hang up the phone, you should

The person named should be sought as soon as possible.At this time, you might as well say to him: "Mr. ×× is not here, I will go to him now, please
Wait a moment. "?
If you have already found him, you might as well say to the person on the phone: "Mr. ×× is coming soon, please wait a moment."

3?Sometimes, the person who is designated to answer the phone happens to go out. At this time, you can say: ?
"Mr. X happens to be out, can someone else listen to it?"?
Then, wait for his reaction. ?
If you know what time the person designated to answer the phone will come back, you can say: ?

"Mr. XX will be back at XX o'clock. May I ask him to call you then?"?
If the other party agrees to do so, you can say:?

"Excuse me, may I ask for your phone number?"?

"After Mr. X comes back, I can tell him on your behalf, what is your business?"?
If the other party has something to confess, you'd better record it with a note. ?
([-]) The other party chatters endlessly?

For example, you meet a person who chatters to you on the phone, and you really have something urgent to do, so you put down the phone arbitrarily and don’t listen
It is impolite, at this time you can say to the other party: "I'm really sorry, I have an important appointment now, the time has passed, we
Can we talk another day? "If you are at home, you can say: "What a coincidence, a guest is here, I will wait a while

Can I call you again? "?
([-]) The other party pesters unreasonably?

Sometimes when you answer the phone, you often encounter such a situation, and the other party has malicious intentions and entangles you unreasonably.Be tactful in this situation
treat.For example, an American actress has her own tricks.She often receives calls from unreasonable stalkers, and when she understands that the other party is not
When he was kind, he said, "I'm so glad you called. You know, I always—" Click, and the phone disconnected.When the other party
However, she didn't expect that she hung up the phone by herself, thinking that something went wrong, she would immediately call again.the actress then

Not answering for now.Therefore, she would never be at the mercy of someone who called suddenly. ?
([-]) Precautions for answering the phone?

Sometimes you need to record when you answer the phone. At this time, you need to use written language, listen and write down, and ask questions if you are unclear: "I'm sorry."
Please repeat this point. "In particular, people's names and street names must be written clearly to prevent confusion of homonyms.
Numbers, phone numbers, etc. must be repeated and written down.After all the main points have been recorded, you should repeat it to the other party to get

You can hang up the phone until the other party approves.This kind of speech processing is troublesome, but it can ensure the accurate answering of important calls. ?
There is another situation to pay attention to. If the caller is a teacher, superior, or elder, after the conversation is over, you must hear the confirmation of the other party.
Hang up the phone only after putting down the microphone to show respect and due courtesy to them. ?
When answering the phone, how to use the basic language of the phone correctly?Let's give some examples to illustrate (the previous ones are inappropriate
words, followed by the correct term). ?
1? "Hi!" (inappropriate term)?

"Hello!" (Correct term. The same below)?

2? "Hey, who are you looking for?"?
"Hello! Which one are you looking for?"?
3? "Find me ××."?
"Can you help me find ××? Thank you!"?
4? "Wait."?
"Please wait a moment."?
5? "He's not here."?
"He moved away, please call him directly, the phone number is..."?
6? "He is not here right now."?
"Sorry, he's not here, if you have something urgent, can I pass it on?" or "Please call back later."?
7? "who are you?"?
"Excuse me, who are you?"?
8? "What's your business?"?
"What's the matter with you?"?
9? "Are you finished?"?
"Do you have anything else to do?" or "Do you have any other orders?"?
10? "That can't work!"?
"Sorry, it didn't go as you hoped."?
11? "I can't forget!"?
"Don't worry! I will definitely do it."?
12? "What? Say it again!"?
"Sorry! Could you please say that again."?
13? "Tell me your address and name."?
"Excuse me, could you leave me your name and address."?
14? "Your voice is too small."?
"Sorry, I can't hear you well."

(End of this chapter)

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