Chapter 13 Scene Thirteen - At the Prom
Chapter 13 Scene Thirteen - At the Prom
When attending a ball, unless you are bringing your lover or lover into the dance hall, the first thing you have to face is how to invite the dancer.
partner problem.Generally speaking, it is always the man's business to invite a dance partner, so first of all, you must overcome your shyness and encourage you to be a man as a man.
Human courage, this is the first step to successfully invite a dance partner.Remember you're just asking people to dance, it's not
have what

Big deal, there's no reason to be nervous about it; besides, if you're unlucky enough to be rejected, it's not a big deal.
What an embarrassing thing, not to mention that after you have mastered certain invitation skills, you should have enough confidence in your invitation

heart. ?
([-]) Express your appreciation through praise?

Women are more likely than men to be complimented by others.Therefore, it is heartfelt and appropriate to send compliments to the women on the dance floor and express your own

Appreciation is definitely one of the important skills to successfully invite a dance partner.Here is an example of this: ?

Xiao Wang didn't bring a partner with him when he went to the dance one day.When he saw a lady in a long skirt sitting next to him, he decided to invite her

dance.He approached the lady and praised: "Miss, your long dress tonight and the lights of the dance hall are simply fairy-tale!"

It's so charming to feel like a woman descending from the world!If it weren't for you, I don't know if there is a mall in this city.
However, there are such beautiful dresses on sale!I have admired you quietly for a long time, and finally I couldn't bear to invite you to dance,

You wouldn't turn down one of your admirers, would you? ! "The young lady smiled and agreed to Xiao Wang's request. Xiao Wang is here to use praise.
The way of beauty made the lady dance with him.Generally speaking, this trick is often effective, but it must be natural and generous, not

To make the other person feel numb, it will backfire. ?
([-]) Talk about your feelings to find a sense of identity?
You might as well "wrong" yourself once, "dress up" yourself as a lonely and depressed person, and tell the woman
own feelings.There is no doubt that as long as you are "true" and "sincere" enough, and what you say is more suitable for women at this time

Fang's mood, then the woman will not fail to respond. ?
Once, when Li Feng went to the ballroom alone, he found a girl sitting alone in the corner of the ballroom.

He brought a dance partner, so he went up to the girl and said, "Miss, did you come alone?" The girl nodded, and Li Feng continued:
"Maybe it's because of the rain. I always feel wet in the dance hall tonight. I don't know if you feel that way? Oh,

Maybe coming to the dance floor alone, there will always be some strange feelings..." The girl showed a look of understanding in her eyes, and then answered

I accepted Li Feng's invitation to dance. ?
Li Feng succeeded because he told the other party his "feelings" and aroused the other party's sense of identity.normal person
There is a desire to be close to those who have the same feelings as you. ?
([-]) Find an appropriate conversation topic to gain the other party's favor?

If you feel that it seems inappropriate to directly invite strangers to dance, then you may wish to find an appropriate topic and match

Chatting with each other, or grasping a certain detail of the other party to express your kind attention, so as to win attention and favor. ?
A young man invited his partner in this way. He said to the intended partner, "Miss, are you from Sichuan?" The lady was slightly surprised

, "How do you know?" "Oh, I'm purely intuitive. Because among the Sichuanese I've met, I always feel that

He (she) has a very special smell on them, and this smell is particularly obvious on you. "Miss is interested

: "What kind of taste is that?" The young man made a big impression on the Sichuan girls because of their sweet looks and pungent personality.
I praised it a lot.It goes without saying that the young man successfully found his own satisfactory dance partner. ?
([-]) Ask someone else to introduce it for you?
If there is indeed a warm acquaintance between you and the person you invite, then you'd better take advantage of it and ask him to represent you.
Introduction, first of all, it saves you from the tension and trouble of speaking in person, and secondly, because it is through the mouth of a third party, so your various attraction
The attractive brilliance can also be fully displayed, which can also make the other party look at you differently in a short period of time.please see

Mr. Zhang is a writer. Although he writes beautiful and good articles, he hesitates when he speaks.

It doesn't match.Every time he went to the ballroom, he always found a partner who was good at talking.when he wants to invite a dance partner

At this time, he let his partner go up first, and the partner encouraged his tongue, and praised Mr. Zhang to Mr. Zhang's hopeful partner.
In particular, Mr. Zhang's literary talents are unparalleled. When the girl cast an envious look at Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang greeted him and said: "

Would you please do a dance? "Mr. Zhang's trick has been tried repeatedly. ?
When you take part in a ball, you only need to use certain methods and skills according to the time and place to make the other party feel that you are sincere and enthusiastic.
Only then will the other party agree to your request.

(End of this chapter)

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