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Chapter 792 The Princess Assassinated

Chapter 792 The Princess Assassinated (3)
The second wife over there was originally performing emotionally, but suddenly stopped, she only wiped her tears, and felt really shameless, so she pointed to the slaves kneeling on the ground and said: "Why are you crying, you are not yet die!"

At this time, the servant girl who had just gone to get the salt water had already arrived. Because she was afraid that the water in the bowl would be spilled, she just mixed a teapot with a pot full of light salt water and brought it over.Du Ruo hastily poured the salt water down to the concubine slowly, and took it together with Wang Baoming Dan that day, only holding down the pulse of the concubine, and her expression became more serious.

After Liu Qiqiao sewed the last stitch, she took two steps back, and the servant girl behind hurriedly helped her up.Over there Du Ruo only had a smile on his face, looked up at Liu Qiqiao and said, "Pulse is good, pulse is good, Qiqiao, my wife is saved."

At this moment, Liu Qiqiao already felt a little delirious. She didn't even know how long it took her to complete a surgical operation just now.If it were in modern times, she might still be able to apply for a Guinness World Record, but now she only cares about whether she can save the princess.

"Dr. Du, please help my wife apply some medicine for wounds and bandage the wound..." Liu Qiqiao managed to speak, but felt that there seemed to be stars in front of her eyes, just like the stars at night that she loved most, but they were usually so far apart. It is far away, but today it seems that as long as you reach out, you can get it.

Before Liu Qiqiao finished speaking, her whole body had already collapsed limply.

The two maids only hurriedly supported Liu Qiqiao, but when the stranger fainted, he didn't have any consciousness, and just leaned down with all his strength.Du Ruo hurriedly stepped forward, hugged Liu Qiqiao, turned her head and said: "Miss Qingmei, please call some women to send your wife to Qinglian Courtyard, so I can treat you together."

Qing Mei hurriedly nodded, stepped forward and touched Wang Hao's palm, it was no longer as cold as before, although there was not much blood on her face, but her breathing had become steady, not like just now, it seemed that there was air Looked unfazed.

Most of the servants in the palace already knew about the relationship between Du Ruo and Liu Qiqiao, they were not surprised to see Du Ruo leaving with Liu Qiqiao in their arms like this, they just gave way.

Over there, Qingmei has directed a few old mothers who are useful, brought a spring stool over, moved the princess's body up, and hurriedly sent it to Qinglian Courtyard.

The little maid in the courtyard saw that everyone was gone, so she hurriedly knelt down and asked, "Old Ancestor, what should we do with Aunt Lin's corpse in the room?"

On the way here, the old concubine had already heard about Aunt Lin's assassination, she said angrily, "What should I do? Take it out and feed it to the dog!"

The second wife over there was startled at first, but she didn't dare to say anything. On the contrary, Concubine Chen spoke up to comfort her: "I'm afraid the old lady is confused. This family should not be publicized. It's fine if Aunt Lin is dead. Although she Originally it was not given to our lord, but after all, he was also rewarded by the emperor, if it gets out, it may damage the reputation of the wangfu."

After hearing what Chen Choufei said, the old concubine woke up from her anger, and hurriedly turned to the second wife and said: "You should give orders immediately, and don't reveal anything about today's affairs. If there is any leak, ask Whoever comes out will be sold, and let them decide for themselves." The old concubine only took a deep breath, looked up at Concubine Chen who had just advised her, and said, "As for Aunt Lin's funeral, you and her will have to deal with it as well." I have been a neighbor for ten years, so I will help you settle down, and I will only say that Aunt Lin died of a sudden illness."

(End of this chapter)

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