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Chapter 1780 Was she also a stable woman in her previous life?

Chapter 1780 Was she also a stable woman in her previous life? (3)
Luliu just lowered her head and smiled and said: "Grandma still flatters me, and some women are quite scary, but when they heard that they could go to Zhao Wang's mansion to climb high branches, they changed their faces all of a sudden, what do you say? How can you be so snobbish, a slave?"

Liu Qiqiao thought for a while, then asked again: "Is there really such a snobbish person?"

"That's not right!" Lu Liu only said angrily.

Liu Qiqiao then said: "Then tomorrow, you go and return the money from the two families who redeemed themselves, and then reward each of them with one tael of silver. For the remaining seventeen people, each of them will be rewarded with two taels of silver. "

Hearing this, Luliu only smiled and said, "Grandma is going to vomit those climbers to death?"

Liu Qiqiao just leaned back on the couch, took a short rest and said, "Do I have one? The six families who became members of the Du family naturally deserve preferential treatment. Those who want to redeem their bodies are self-motivated, so naturally they are too." To encourage, I don't think there is anything wrong with doing so."

"It's very, very proper, I'll tell them about it tomorrow." Lu Liu smiled until her face bloomed, and was about to go out when Liu Qiqiao stopped her again and pointed at her. Pointing to a few books on the shore, he said: "Tomorrow, you still have things to do. These books are all things from the eldest princess's house. Before the people leave, you should count them all and put them in the box. If If anything is missing, just let the person in charge pay for it, and if it is damaged, it will be compensated according to the price. If you can’t pay for it, then scare them and say that you will send it to the court.”

Hearing this, Luliu just stepped forward to take the notebook, nodded and said, "Don't worry, grandma, I will definitely handle this matter well. Fortunately, grandma explained it in time. If it takes a few days, I'm afraid there will be some shameless slaves." , to embezzle these belongings privately."

Liu Qiqiao just nodded and said, "You only have one day tomorrow. From the day after tomorrow, the second young master will go into the yard to redecorate. By then, the yard will be full of men, so it will be inconvenient for you to go."

Luliu hurriedly nodded and said yes, and went out with the booklet. Du Wentao cried outside for a while, and Mrs. Zhao just hugged her in and said, "Grandma, please coax my brother, grandma is going out for another day today, and my brother has been crying all afternoon. I can't sleep well, and I always choke twice in my sleep, it looks so pitiful."

Liu Qiqiao hugged Du Wentao, he had grown so fast recently, his arms that looked like lotus root patted Liu Qiqiao's chest, obviously he was coming for the milk.Liu Qiqiao just smiled and pinched his little nose and said, "Greedy cat, I only think of your mother when I think of food. Is there anyone like you who is a son?"

Du Wentao saw Liu Qiqiao unbuttoning his clothes, dancing happily, the saliva in his mouth couldn't be contained, and it just kept slipping down from the corner of his mouth, which made people laugh.Liu Qiqiao couldn't help laughing and said, "You're in a hurry, are you a monkey?"

Du Wentao couldn't care less about listening to his old mother at this time, so he just grabbed Liu Qiqiao's chest and started eating contentedly. Liu Qiqiao hugged Du Wentao and leaned on the soft couch. After running for a day, she was also a little tired up.

When Du Ruo came in, he saw this scene. Liu Qiqiao was lying sideways on the couch, sleeping soundly. Du Wentao didn't care about his old lady's sleep, and kept sucking on his own milk bottle. Happy.

(End of this chapter)

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