Chapter 17
Lao Tian's wife brought in hot water, Liu Qiqiao picked up a hot sweat towel and applied it, and rubbed vigorously while pressing it.Xiao Zhang's breasts haven't come down for a few days, and the top is as hard as a rock, and it hurts even if you touch it, not to mention such vigorous rubbing, only makes Xiao Zhang scream in pain.After several hours of shouting, people passing by Tian's house asked, "Didn't your daughter-in-law have already given birth? What are you doing all day shouting like killing a pig?"

According to Liu Qiqiao's instructions, Mrs. Zhang felt that it was softer when she pressed it, so she let the baby suck it. Slowly, the left and right sides seemed to be a lot lighter.

Liu Qiqiao had long hands, and her fingers were so sore that she couldn't hold them together anymore, but seeing the baby sucking the milk contentedly in Xiao Zhang's arms, she immediately felt that everything was worthwhile.

"Remember from now on, don't be lazy, express the milk every hour and a half, don't stop expressing just because the child won't eat. The more you express, the more milk you have. Your problem is not that there is no milk, it is the milk. Too many, understand?"

While Liu Qiqiao was talking, Xiao Zhang nodded. Looking at the baby sucking in her arms, her eyes became red again.

"Qiqiao, if it weren't for you, I feel like I'm going to die, why don't I just feed her? Where is there so much knowledge, I never knew."

Liu Qiqiao smiled and said, "You'll know how many times you've been a mother, has this girl been named?"

Mrs. Zhang shook her head and said, "I know she's a girl, but she doesn't look happy. Who remembers Zhang Luo's name?" Let her choose a name, and I will let her recognize you as a godmother!"

Liu Qiqiao thought for a while, the Laotian family must be counting on Mrs. Zhang to give birth to another son. The name should be more pleasing, and it can't be anything fancy, so she frowned and thought, "So Let's go, your mother-in-law wants you to add another son to Lao Tian's family, then this girl will be called Tian Zhaodi, what do you think?"

"Zhaodi, Zhaodi... what a good name!" Mrs. Zhang laughed happily, pinched her daughter's face and said, "Xiao Zhaodi, you must recruit a younger brother for your mother!"

Liu Qiqiao looked at the smiling little Zhang mother and daughter lying on the kang, and thought to herself, how could they be so easily satisfied with the same people?Immediately, I felt satisfied.

Liu Qiqiao stayed at Lao Tian's house all afternoon, not to mention that he cured the problem of Lao Tian's daughter-in-law not having milk, but the milk was good, and the young daughters-in-law who were breastfeeding around saw it, and they all thought it was right I can't live with my own baby.

(End of this chapter)

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