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Chapter 12 The Dowry Saved For You

Chapter 12 The Dowry Saved For You (3)
But today Liu Xiaokai was in a very bad mood. Usually seeing Liu Qiqiao was always sticky and wanted to be lazy on her body, but today she snorted in disgust and ran to her room with a schoolbag on her back.As a result, the threshold of the room door was too high, and Liu Bashun fell and ate shit if he was not careful.

Liu Qiqiao lifted Liu Bashun up and saw that the golden peas were still hanging on his face.

"What's the matter? A man won't flick his tears easily, do you understand?"

Liu Qiqiao took out the handkerchief given by Wang Laosi, just in time to wipe Liu Bashun's tears.

"Sister, can you stop delivering babies in the future? My classmates make fun of you. I can't stand it. I argue with them and get laughed at." Liu Bashun burst into tears because of grievance.

Liu Qiqiao wrinkled her nose, frowned and asked, "Why are they laughing at me?"

"They said that you are not ashamed, you became a midwife at a young age, and you will definitely not get married in the future!"

Liu Qiqiao thought for a moment and said, "I'm not ashamed, and I've been a midwife since I was young, but I might not be able to get married!"

Liu Qiqiao picked up Liu Bashun and rubbed his head: "Just to fight with others because of this? You should tell them that even if my sister can't get married, I will support her for the rest of my life because she is my sister! Do you understand? ?”

Liu Bashun nodded half-understood, his face puffed into a bun, and he clenched his fists and said, "Sister, even if you never get married, I will support you for the rest of your life, because you are my sister!"

Mrs. Li heard what they were saying, so she hurried over and pretended to be angry and said: "You are talking nonsense, what are you talking about? You should say that your sister will definitely marry the best in the future." Mrs. Li stepped forward , picked up Liu Bashun, and went into the room to wipe his face.

In the evening, Mrs. Li specially prepared some pastries bought by Mr. Liu in the city for dinner, and went to visit Mr. Liu's daughter-in-law and the third aunt Liu of Mr. Liu's family.When the two heard that they were taken to a neighboring village to see the land, they were as happy as if they had eaten honey.

When she was sleeping at night, Aunt Liu shook Liu Laosan on the kang, with a look of envy on her face: "You said Li's life is so good, when your father also went to the capital with her father-in-law, how come Did your father come back in disgrace? Now look at the second son's house, he is a popular and hot drinker, and he will go to the landlord to buy land tomorrow, won't he become the landlord of our Niujiazhuang?"

Liu Laosan had been running all day and was panicking with exhaustion. He started snoring after hearing her nagging.Third Aunt Liu didn't forget to listen to him when she saw him, and angrily kicked him off the kang.

Liu Laosan suffered from pain, got up from the ground rolling and crawling, pointed at her and scolded: "You are fucking endless, buzzing like flies all night, you envy other people's second brother and daughter-in-law, and you don't Take a basin of water to see your face, do you deserve it?" Liu Laosan had enough scolding, hugged the quilt to a corner, and ignored her.

When Third Aunt Liu heard that her man was angry, she felt anxious. All these years, the life of the family was better because of Liu Laosan running around.

Third Aunt Liu was in a hurry, she rubbed against Third Liu's body and said, "Father, don't be angry, can't I be short-sighted?"

(End of this chapter)

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