Chapter 378 Su Cuiying's Fate
Since he was busy with his eldest brother's marriage this trip home, Gan Tiantian didn't know much about the gossip about De Ling. Even his best friend Tao Tao just saw her in a hurry, sent her some New Year's goods to her family, and was busy after a few gossips Something else went on.

In the fourth day of junior high school, she wanted to visit Fang Shaobai, but was told that Fang Shaobai had gone to the capital.This surprised Gan Tiantian, did Fang Shaobai go to find Han Rui?Not finding Fang Shaobai, she went to visit Bo Chun on the Fanjiang River, and suddenly found that Bo Chun's painting boat had disappeared.

She knew that Bo Chun was pregnant, and seemed to be about to give birth, how could she... go away too?

Could it be that Fang Shaobai was afraid that Bo Chun's birth here would cause dissatisfaction among the adults in his family, so he simply took her to the capital to resettle?
After once again condemning this era of backward communication, the curious baby Gan Tiantian could only hide his doubts.The two elder brothers and the younger uncle are not people who like to inquire about gossip. From their mouths, at most, they can know that the Jiang family's power has been greatly reduced now, and it seems that many industries have problems, but if they ask them the reason, they can't tell.

Alas, if Fang Shaobai and Han Rui were here, she would definitely be able to explain it to her in more detail... At the Jiang family, she knew that the wind and rain had caused a lot of damage, but the loss of reputation does not mean that the family is in decline, does it? Is there a deeper reason...

These thoughts just flashed through her mind, and did not attract her attention.So at this time, Gan Tiantian didn't know what kind of event happened in the Jiang family...

When he saw Su Cuiying being dragged away by a group of policemen on the pier, Gan Tiantian frowned and muttered to himself, "This man...he committed suicide again?"

Su Cuiying was instigated by Jiang Xuejiao to play against her, and Gan Tiantian also knew something about it.Of course I won’t sympathize with her at this time, thinking that I haven’t settled with you yet, you have sent yourself to the prison first, and it will save me effort...

After returning to Yujiang Xiangfang, she learned from several Xiangfang masters who were also Deling people that Su Cuiying had actually committed a murder case.And the reason why these master craftsmen know Su Cuiying such a little-known pawn is because... the other party in this case, that is, the victim, is a notorious old craftsman in the De Lingxiang industry and Gan Tiantian's old man. acquaintance.

One of the former stewards of Yujinfang, Steward Wei!

"Eh?" Gan Tiantian didn't know until now that Su Cuiying had that kind of relationship with Guanshi Wei... Wait, didn't Guanshi Wei have an affair with Aunt Xu?Why are you dating Su Cuiying again?

Besides, Aunt Xu and Guanshi Wei are about the same age, Su Cuiying, a young girl, actually abused herself like this... It is said that she couldn't stand Guanshi Wei beating and scolding after drinking, and accidentally smashed Guanshi Wei to death with a wine jar during the resistance.Afterwards, he fled in a hurry with Guanshi Wei's private money. Unexpectedly, he was arrested as soon as he fled to the pier, which was the scene Gan Tiantian happened to see.


After Gan Tiantian heard the story, even though Su Cuiying was her enemy, she couldn't be happy, only felt a burst of embarrassment.

"...Why. Didn't she want to harm you?"

Xiao Ji, who hadn't made a sound for a long time, is finally willing to show up!How rare!

Gan Tiantian didn't dare to tease him anymore, he always felt that after that incident, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit weird.

She sighed: "Yes, she is trying to harm me... She is short-sighted and narrow-minded. Since she knew me, she has treated me like an imaginary enemy, as if she has knocked me down. As if there is any benefit to be gained."

"Then it's over? Why are you sighing?" Ji Bingyun was very puzzled.


However, Su Cuiying is also a daughter of a poor family.Worse than her is that Su Cuiying did not take good care of her family. Gan Tiantian once heard her say that her brother and sister-in-law would like to weigh her and sell her for a good price to support the family. The household is not given at 01:30.

Su Cuiying didn't deserve sympathy, Gan Tiantian just lamented that in this world, it is really difficult to live well.If Su Cuiying didn't come from such a family background, if her parents were still there, loving her, she might not have come this far...

"I'm just waking up to myself."

In the cold night, Gan Tiantian hugged his thin shoulders and let out a long breath.

That's all.Each person's path is his own.

Didn't she herself have embarked on a road of Qingyun that is hard to turn back...

Before the Chinese New Year, the warehouse inspection operation, which had a vigorous start and a vague ending, seems to have completely disappeared after the new year.The Ji family didn't take any further action. Yan Bishuang was nervous for a long time, but he didn't wait for the Ji family's revenge.

Lin Qingyang wrote a letter, praising Yan Bishuang and giving her a reassurance.It seems that although Fangzhu is in the capital, the affairs here have not been left behind, Fangzhu, please don't make cannon fodder for me.

Gan Tiantian knew in his heart that Lan Yingwei's death played a role.

The Ji family received her warning signal.According to official sources, Lan Yingwei committed suicide by burning charcoal.And Ji Jinyun, who gave Lan Yingwei the poisonous cicada, would definitely figure out how Lan Yingwei died.

The real cause of her death was poisoning, and it was the Ji family's poison.

"Next, be extremely careful..."

She has almost come face to face with the Ji family, even though she is just a small perfumer.

Why did it come to this point so quickly?
Obviously she couldn't be more low-key, but the Jiang family and the Ji family insisted on forcing her to this point... If that's the case, there's no need to be afraid.

"What are you going to do?"

Ji Bingyun's tone was calm, but she was also worried about what kind of actions would be taken behind the strange silence of the Ji family.

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth... we will have to wait for Lin Qingyang to come back."

Unexpectedly, Gan Tiantian had not waited for Lin Qingyang to come back from the capital, but had waited for an unexpected letter.

Gan Tiantian was very surprised that the letter was sent from a post station, not a private car and horse company.Moreover, it was a letter from the capital... Ordinary people are not qualified to use the carriages and horses of the post station to deliver letters, and can only be delivered through carriages and horses and escort agencies.

Therefore, when Hu Qiuping told her that there was a letter from the capital, she thought of a certain possibility.

Could it be...


Ji Bingyun's brain is better than hers, and she has already figured out who it is.

As soon as the letter was opened, as expected, it was Han Rui's familiar handwriting.

He said he was familiar, but the strokes of his pen seemed to have become unfamiliar again, as if... Han Rui's writing had a lot less sharpness than before, and looked a lot calmer.

After the farewell, is he okay?

"……What did he say?"

Ji Bingyun was absent-minded for a long time after seeing Gan Tiantian read the letter, unable to restrain the slight jealousy in her heart, she blurted out and asked.

"He says……"

Gan Tiantian's eyes flashed with complex lights, there were relief, joy, but also a little melancholy and entanglement.

"His father has been disowned."

(End of this chapter)

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