Chapter 161

Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and now when they compare each other, it is obvious who is superior.Although it's too obvious that the eldest princess's face is not good, and the relationship between closeness and intimacy is too obvious, but at the banquet, there are still many more toasts to Li Shanzhou than to Li Shanjun.

It was late at night when the guests dispersed, and Li Shanzhou had drunk a lot of wine. When he entered the door, he could smell the strong smell of alcohol from a distance.Yujun deliberately dismissed his mother-in-law and maidservants, seeing him lying drunk on the bed, it was extremely melancholy.

"I also said that I can drink a lot. On the first night of the wedding, I was so drunk and unconscious..." Yujun murmured, wiped his face with a wet handkerchief, and looked down, his face was drunk. Flushing, red lips, it looks alluring.

"Hey..." Yujun patted his face, he turned his head, and turned his face impatiently, it seemed that he had slept soundly, Yujun laughed, and blocked his nose with his hand, he held back Angry, he turned his head and frowned and let out a "hum", like a child.Yujun was so playful for a while, she simply rubbed his face with her hands, flattening and rounding his face, until she lost her original handsomeness, but she looked extremely cute.

Yujun laughed and let go of his hand. He was still sleeping peacefully, but with her thumbprint on his face, red and white.

"It made me nervous for a long time, but I just fell asleep like this..." Yujun complained in a low voice, and turned to pinch the handkerchief for him.But when she turned around, Li Shanzhou's eyes suddenly opened, and there were smiles in them.Since just now, he has been pretending to be drunk. Originally, he just wanted to play with Yujun, but unexpectedly, he had an unexpected harvest.

He lost his hearing at the age of five, and the whole world was silent to him, as silent as a dead city. He lived in silence all these years, and only when he met her did he feel that life had a bright light.If you have something in your heart, even a "husband" can touch your heart.

This is the blessing bestowed on him by God, Li Shanzhou recited silently.

Looking at her again, in front of people, one of them is a gentleman, unsmiling, and the other is a lady doctor, upright and precious, until now, when they meet the person they love, they can completely let go of their defenses and reveal their true colors.Like Yujun, showing such a childish side, in Li Shanzhou's eyes, it is simply extremely cute.At this moment, she turned her back and chanted like this, all the words fell into Li Shanzhou's ears, and he was going crazy with joy-this is Yujun, this is Yujun who has no scruples when facing him , only he can see Yujun.

He listened to her chanting, and saw her walking around the room wearing a phoenix coronet that he hadn't had time to take off yet, and the plain sense of happiness hit him so directly, he simply put his head on his hands, quietly Looking at her quietly, she heard her read again: "I can't sleep like this, I have to take a bath for him to sleep comfortably..."

When she was about to turn around, he quickly closed his eyes, and when he heard her approaching, he unbuttoned his jacket with trembling hands, muttering, "Let me know who got you so drunk, and I'll invite them back." , drug their wine, let them get drunk for a while..."

He closed his eyes and waited, waiting for how she would treat his trousers. Unexpectedly, after she finished unbuttoning her clothes, her hand fell on his waistband, and she was still unwilling to do it.He narrowed his eyes slightly to look at her, but saw her flushed face, biting her lower lip, and staring directly at him.

The boiling blood in Li Shanzhou's body rushed to his mind: In this situation, which man can control his lower body, what does Yujun mean by looking at him like this?
Do it!Li Shanzhou whispered in his heart.He moved his body slightly, and shouted in a hoarse voice: ""

"Okay..." Yujun replied in a low voice, and hurried forward to untie his belt, but it was okay if he didn't understand, the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't untie it.Li Shanzhou only felt that Yujun's hand kept rubbing against his waist, and every time the hand was only a little bit, just a little bit, he could touch his key parts. Li Shanzhou was about to collapse. After a long while, he heard her Said: "It's over...the belt is knotted...."

"..." She looked very clever on weekdays, but she fell off the chain at a critical moment!Li Shanzhou couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms.

Yujun staggered and turned around. She was already lying on Li Shanzhou's chest. The person who was still drunk just now looked at her with bright eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't know you were so stupid before. You can untie a belt and tie it!"

"'re not drunk!" Yujun was embarrassed by her actions just now, and she got up and was about to leave: "Why are you pretending to be drunk if you're not drunk! Clothes...clothes...well, you can take care of it yourself! Wash it quickly Wash off, you smell of alcohol!"

"I'm really drunk!" Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Shanzhou wouldn't do it!Under the candlelight, Yujun's face was flushed, such a shy look was so cute, Li Shanzhou felt his heart itch when he saw it, and he pressed her under him as soon as he turned over, "Everyone gets drunk if he doesn't drink!"

He murmured softly, leaning over and kissing her.The superficial touch of water just now can't quench his inner thirst at all, but it is like a spark that ignites a dry firewood. No matter how long he stays outside, the little flame that is just around the corner will burn for as long as possible. Now that he meets her, it is like a little Oil was poured on the flame, and it was about to explode...

(End of this chapter)

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