genius psychologist

Chapter 238 [Trend Guidance]

Chapter 238 [Trend Guidance]

Bangwang Central Prison.

The atmosphere at night seemed a little strangely tense.

It's not the same as usual, like something is going on, which is what everyone feels.

Underground boxer thug Eddie Frank was cold-eyed and grumpy, wrapping his fingers in cloth strips for simple protection, and punching the wall repeatedly.

It's like venting some inner emotions.

On the other side, the subordinates of the leader of the drug gang, Laux, are also discussing something in whispers among several prisons.

At this time, the prison guards patrolling the prison were also whispering about the previous period.

"Segou" was bribed to try to reach an agreement with the prisoners, but was finally caught by the boss Zarrador. As a result, "Segou" died on the way home on the day of the investigation.

There was an accident, and it is said that the accident was caused by the owner of the car while driving drunk.

In this way, there is no way to know what the truth of the matter is.


In a prison right now.

Peter Daniel also gritted his teeth, that damn rich Chinese businessman tried to threaten himself with his father.

If the so-called nuclear research results are true, there are indeed enough interests to make people do this kind of thing.

That is something that even the big European countries want.

Now Zhong Rui is still being held in the small black room for punishment, and he has no way of knowing how far the matter has progressed.

The leaders of the prison are very strict, probably because of the transfer of this research assistant.

Otherwise, Zarrador would not be so cautious, and would have released his own people long ago.

His subordinates were exchanging information with the people in the next cell, and then quickly came to Peter Daniel's ear, saying in Khmer: "... (I heard that Laux's illegitimate son had an accident outside the prison .)"

As soon as these words fell, Peter Daniel's pupils suddenly enlarged slightly.

His keen intuition told himself that something must have happened.

Someone is doing something to the people in the prison, and it is even very likely that it is the damn rich Chinese businessman who visited him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely great, especially when he admitted that he had seen through the other party's routine and told the other party about the research experiment.

A disdainful and contemptuous smile flashed across the other party's face.

As if laughing at his own ignorance.

This shows that the other party has grasped some clues that he does not know, so he has no fear.

He looked at Eddie Frank, an underground boxer who had conflicts and hatred with him in the distance, and that guy was also visited.

So as soon as I got back, I started venting against the wall.

A strong sense of crisis lingered.

It would be quite dangerous if the other two major forces were guided to point at themselves at the same time.

Peter Daniel asked in a heavy tone: "? (Did they care about the red house?)

"(Not yet!)" replied the subordinate.

Peter Daniel looked coldly at everyone outside. That guy Laux has a lot of informants in prison, if the research results are leaked.

It will inevitably attract their attention, and it will be much more difficult for them to succeed.

He believed that the wealthy Chinese businessman was not that stupid, and would not reveal the secret so easily, but it would be very scary if there was such a sign.

He became more and more anxious, he had to hurry up, otherwise there would be endless troubles.

Peter Daniel made a decisive decision, and began to pick up the things in the cell and smash them, making a loud noise.


After half an hour.

With a click, the iron gate in the small black room area was opened.

"(Go faster)!" The prison guard pushed the prisoner forward with a straight face.

The person who was arrested and sent to a small black room for punishment because of making noise was Peter Daniel.

He gritted his teeth, since the current situation could not release Zhong Rui, he would go in by himself.

According to his memory, there are currently no other prisoners in this area, which means that it is completely possible to talk about some key things when there are no prison guards patrolling.

The sound of ankle chains dragging on the ground.

Zhong Rui, who was imprisoned in the small black room at the moment, looked through the gap.

Seeing that familiar face and being imprisoned alone, a playful smile appeared in Zhong Rui's eyes.

He knew that it was impossible to end so quickly, and the other party would definitely try his best to get him out.

But what he didn't expect was that instead of releasing himself, the other party took the initiative to come in.

This shows that today is not what it used to be, and Peter Daniel's control over the prison has completely declined to another stage.

He didn't know exactly what happened, but now that his mobile phone had been handed over.

And I didn't hear any important information such as the discovery of a mobile phone.

It can be judged that Chen Dong's side should not have been exposed.

He gritted his teeth. Now that he is isolated, he can't communicate with anyone, and he doesn't know where the plan has progressed.

Squeak, click!

Peter Daniel was imprisoned in the small dark room directly opposite.

Probably on purpose.

Although most of the control has been lost, this small request can be met.

About three or four minutes later.

The prison guards retreated from this area, and Peter Daniel took the initiative to ask: "How is the progress?" (How is the progress?)

Zhong Rui leaned against the wall and said with difficulty: "No, he doesn't trust me. (No, he doesn't trust me?)

"What the fuсk?"

Peter Daniel asked a little angrily: "So you want to tell me...? (So you want to tell me, but you didn't ask anything?)"

He forcibly suppressed his temper. If it was in the past, he would definitely drag this guy and beat him up.

It simply failed to live up to my own expectations.

And it took so much thought to arrange for the other party to meet and contact, and to deal with the follow-up.

Now tell yourself that you can't gain the target's trust?
Peter Daniel couldn't help cursing: "I really want... (I really want to screw your head off.)"

After hearing this sentence, Zhong Rui sat there and laughed.

But he didn't laugh out loud, and naturally it was impossible for the other party to know.

His pupils tightened suddenly, and then he asked hoarsely: "What happened...? (Is there any movement outside?)"

After thinking for a while, Peter Daniel recounted what happened today.

Including being threatened by the damn rich Chinese businessman, and the other two major forces informed each other about their violent movements.

Zhong Rui clenched his fists slightly, his first reaction was that this must be a trick set up by those people.

But what exactly is this trying to do?
To provoke so many people?Things will only get more complicated and the situation more and more chaotic!
Peter Daniel said a little irritably: "I suspect... (I suspect that group of damned guys are trying to threaten me.)
"(They kidnapped Laux's son, Eddie Frank couldn't be spared!)"

"(Things can't be obtained now!)"

Zhong Rui's mood became more and more heavy, he was very mad and helpless!

What should we do now?
What are those people trying to do? If Chen Dong can contact people outside, what's the use of arresting Laux's son?

Control and threaten the only son of the richest man in Cambodia?

No, it can't be that simple!
His brain tensed up, and he began to try hard to recall various images, including the research assistant refusing what he said, preferring to die rather than submit.

And when they visited the prison, the two guys holding the reddish-brown sandalwood box explained to themselves.

In the end, he remembered the assassination in the canteen, and kicked himself at a critical moment.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, as if grabbing something.

Zhong Rui swallowed a mouthful of water with a grunt, and then said with cold sweat on his forehead: "Tell them the truth (tell them the truth)!"

Suddenly it was like a bolt from the blue!
After such a reminder.

There was also a hint of madness in Peter Daniel's eyes, as if he had figured it out.

I have another choice!

Those goddamn guys grabbed Laux and Eddie Frank's back scales to control and threaten them, thus restricting themselves!
But if you take the first step, tell the matter.

You can draw everyone's hatred on that damn rich Chinese businessman.

Then everyone has a common enemy and goal.

There was a sneering smile on the corner of Peter Daniel's mouth, just remembering the sentence that a Chinese who knew nothing about the sky and the earth said to him that day.

Escape from this prison - Prison Break!
If it was a joke then, there is definitely a chance now.

If you can gather people from the other two major forces, make a big fuss, and escape from this ghost place.

By the way, get the assistant of that research team out too!
Then he can get the legendary nuclear research results, and get this thing that even several big countries compete with each other.

Thinking of this, his pupils showed a crazily scorching heat!

After this idea sprouted in my mind, I couldn't get rid of it.

This is a great opportunity, and there will never be another opportunity like it.

Escape and get the research results!

 I know that everyone is very anxious, and the update here can only be maintained for one update. On the one hand, I write a new book to solve economic problems, and secondly, I hope that the new book will become popular and bring a lot of traffic to this book. so that more people can see it.

(End of this chapter)

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