genius psychologist

Chapter 130 [Take out the bullet]

Chapter 130 [Take out the bullet]

in the hotel room.

For the sake of safety, they opened a suite directly to ensure that they would not be broken one by one by the enemy.

At this time, Ethan's bare upper body showed his strong back muscles, and the tattoos on his arms spread all the way to his back.

This tattoo seems to be a pattern with a special meaning.

"Disinfectant, bandages, hemostatic medicine!"

Su Qing took all the things out of the bag, and he took a look at the gunshot wound, the blood was all red and black.

Wang Lusheng took a deep breath to adjust his state, and then picked up the sterilized knife.

Ethan grinned self-deprecatingly: "The bullet may be deep, stuck in the bone."

His forehead was already covered with sweat. Ordinary people would have passed out long ago when they encountered this kind of pain, but he persisted.

The big reason is that he knows the methods of these killers.

He knew that there must be someone ambushing around the nearby hospital, maybe a gangster who killed people in the street, or a terrorist who wanted to die.

Especially in the country of Indonesia, where their safety cannot be protected by the local police.

He would rather try to retrieve the bullet himself than risk a trip to the hospital.

Su Qing turned on the light on the side with his mobile phone to see as clearly as possible.

There was silence and tension throughout the room.

Wang Lusheng's hands trembled slightly, especially when he dropped the knife into the wound and tried to stretch it in, he could clearly feel the other party's unimaginable pain.

Ethan bit the pillow on the hotel sofa desperately, even though he forcibly held back the severe pain, he couldn't control his body movements.

Once his body moved, Wang Lusheng couldn't continue.

Seeing this situation, Chen Dong found two ropes directly, and said, "Tie it up!"

Ethan showed a bleak smile. It could be seen that he was extremely weak, not only from the gunshot wound, but also from the painful pain he had just endured to dig the bullet out.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to forcibly tie him with a rope and fix him in a corner of the room.

And in order to reduce the trembling of the body as much as possible and increase the difficulty of the "surgery", Chen Dong and Su Qing directly held down Ethan's body.

Wang Lusheng held a military flashlight in his mouth to shine on the wound, and then held a knife and sterilized pliers at the same time.


Use the knife to slowly space the flesh around the wound slightly before reaching in with the pliers to try and dislodge the bullet.

The whole process is very difficult and extremely risky.

Ethan's veins popped all over his body, and the endless pain made him scream out hissingly.


Chen Dong and Su Qing exerted all their strength, and with the help of the ropes, they barely managed to control this guy.

The moment Wang Lusheng put the pliers in, it was as if thousands of ants were biting Ethan's wound, the pain was so painful that it could drive people crazy.

"OK OK!"

Finally, after three people's efforts, Wang Lusheng finally took out the bullet smoothly, and then put the blood-stained bullet on the table.

They disinfected and bandaged the wound according to the steps in the medical first aid manual!
At this moment, Ethan was already lying there motionless as if he had passed out, panting heavily, squinting his eyes and suddenly fell asleep directly.

After dressing the wound well.

Wang Lusheng also sat there in a cold sweat, shaking his head and said, "No, no, no, I'll find someone else to do this in the future!"

He squeezed a sweat, and then went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.

The sound of rushing water.

He supported the sink with both hands, then looked at himself in the mirror, and said, "It's not a long-term solution to hide here, I'm afraid those guys already know our location."

Chen Dong glanced at Ethan who had passed out, and then responded, "Take a break first, it may not be much safer to change places now."

After that, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number left by Interpol.



The moment the phone is connected.

Both sides did not take the initiative to speak, Chen Dong's pupils tightened slightly, and he looked back at the crowd instantly.

Everyone also smelled that something unexpected happened.

Finally, after a long silence on both sides, the other party took the initiative to say a word.

"It's too late!"

Bang shot!
Chen Dong's face turned pale in an instant, as if he saw the other side of the phone, in a room dozens of miles away, the scene where the handover person was shot and killed by the enemy.

Immediately after a beep, the phone was hung up.

Chen Dong let out a long breath, sat down in a daze, and said in a heavy tone: "The action has been exposed, and the Interpol handover person has also been killed.

"Lying on the grass!"

Su Qing couldn't help but burst out, this was the last bad news they wanted to hear.

After all, when you come to a foreign country, the only thing you can count on is Interpol.

But now not only were they attacked by the enemy as soon as they left the airport, but something happened there as well.

Wang Lusheng came out of the bathroom. He looked at Chen Dong with complicated emotions and asked, "Then shall we continue?"

Su Qing also pursed his lips and did not speak.

Everyone is waiting for his answer.

Even if it continues now, I am afraid it will be a lonely fight.

Moreover, the threat around them has not been eliminated, and it is difficult to protect themselves. It is even more difficult to stop the criminal activities of the SM organization.

Chen Dong's eyes fixed on the mobile phone.

Without the identity of Interpol as a cover, once you fight against a criminal organization, you may be mistaken for an enemy by the local police.

Feedback the situation to the leader of the action team, and there will undoubtedly be an order to cancel the mission.

He lay on the sofa without saying a word, believing that there must be a way to solve the current problem.

It's just that I haven't thought of it yet.

The scene of interrogating Gu Dongzhou when he was at the Maritime Public Security Bureau appeared in his mind.

That guy had said at the time that it didn't matter whether the police knew about the criminal organization's plan of action or not.

Because the things that should happen will also happen, but the methods and countermeasures are different.

Thinking about it now, that guy really wasn't bluffing.

The SM organization has been able to reach this point in just three years, but it has shown a terrifying power beyond ordinary people.

Especially the other party has already started to recruit talented teenagers from all over the world, as expected.

In another five or six years, ten years at the latest.

This organization will become the nightmare existence of countless people.

His mind was a little hot, and he couldn't help but wonder what these people wanted to do?

Accumulate wealth?
Probably not, it's not that simple.

The time node happened to be three years ago.

Three years ago, the attitude of the Song Mo family suddenly changed, from a position of protectors to a position of hostility in an instant.

Moreover, the SM crime group was established in the same year, and quickly went out of the country and out of the world.

Chen Dong's eyes revealed indescribably complex emotions, and he vaguely felt that behind all this, it probably all stemmed from the incident three years ago.

At the beginning, Mo Fangpei mentioned that on a thunderstorm night, she went to rescue a girl who had been shot multiple times.

Then all the changes cannot escape the gun battle that happened that day.

Who fired the shot and who did it represent?

Could it be that there were still people who died back then?
At least judging from the list obtained by Liang Fu, there should be people from the older generation who are still alive...

Suppose these people found out that the Song family was still alive, and thought that the two families were greedy for life and afraid of death and staged a fake death scene, so they shot at them.

In fact, the Song family faked their deaths to bear the responsibility of protecting the younger generation, but they didn't expect to pay so much and be regarded as enemies instead.

So in a fit of anger, he switched from the position of protector to the position of hostility.


The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

And it is in line with the abnormal emotions shown by Mo Fangpei, just because the two families have paid so much, but they are regarded as enemies.

That's why there is such deep resentment and hatred accumulated.

Chen Dong resolutely picked up a cigarette, and lit it with a snap.

With firm eyes, he said slowly, "I can't go."

"Look for a chance to fight back!"

"Next week, the person in charge of Exxon Formosa Indonesia will formally sign a cooperation agreement with the two countries!"

"At that time, it is very likely that there will be protests and demonstrations organized by the people spontaneously, creating chaos on the scene!"

"Their opportunity is also our opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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