Too Many Husbands

Chapter 69 Water Pearl

Chapter 69 Water Pearl (1)

"Dai'er, I'm sorry for you, I put our daughter in danger again..." Empress Lan Zhao, who was lying on the dragon's bed, unconscious, couldn't help raving.

Feng Ruxiao, who was taking care of her at the side, was about to wipe off the sweat from Lan Zhao's forehead with a brocade handkerchief, but when she heard Lan Zhao's words, her expression changed and instantly became gloomy. Angrily, he threw the Jinpa in his hand to the ground.

"Dai'er, Dai'er, why do you always talk about An Randai? This Feng Ruxiao couldn't hide the jealousy and hatred in her heart, and yelled hoarsely at Lan Zhao, who was in a coma. What a bitch, what does he have? Okay, is he as beautiful as me? Why do you miss him so much after he has been dead for so many years? But I have been with you for decades without complaint, but you have never even looked at me. Could it be Am I, Feng Ruxiao, so worthless in your Lan Zhao's eyes?"

It's just that Lan Zhao, who was in a coma, didn't hear him at all, and continued to call Lan You's father's name.

"Hahaha...Since you are ruthless, Lan Zhao, don't blame me for being ruthless. In order for my son Lan Xiao to sit firmly on the throne of the queen, I have to realize my big plan in advance. I wanted to wait for you to go naturally Later, I will do it again, but now... so I, Feng Ruxiao, want you, Lan Zhao, to go to hell with your dearest daughter, Lan You." After speaking, Feng Ruxiao couldn't help touching Lan Zhao's cheek, It seems to be saying a final farewell.


Inside the cave, slanted sunlight shone in, shining on the pair of sleeping people.

I saw their two limbs intertwined, like a pair of twin babies.The long black hair of the petite and stunning woman was scattered on the white body, like an ink painting.Just adding these pink hickeys adds a bit of fragrance and charm.

At this moment, she was sleeping soundly curled up in the arms of a man who was as handsome as a banished fairy. The man's hands were wrapped around the woman's slender waist, as if declaring his ownership, with a satisfied smile on his face.The man obviously fell asleep like the woman.

Maybe it was because the morning light was too dazzling, Yingluo struggled to open her eyes, turned her head to look, a sense of loss welled up in her heart, and she who was supposed to be sleeping beside her disappeared.

He felt like yesterday was a beautiful dream, so beautiful that it was a little unreal.

But where has she gone?

It turned out that when Yingluo and Lan You were sleeping soundly, Lan You felt a burning sensation in his heart, and a voice said in his heart: "Master, I feel it, I feel that there is a five-element soul bead nearby."

"Really, are you sure?" Lan You asked secretly in his heart.

"Huo'er, don't dare to lie to Master." Huo Yuan Soul Orb replied respectfully.


Lan You stood up and looked at Ying Luo who was sleeping soundly beside her, feeling warm and shy like her daughter Jia Sisi.Seeing that he was still sound asleep, he didn't wake her up.

Lan You got off the bed cautiously, suddenly a sore pain spread all over his body.Damn, how can you be so powerless.

But Lan You still walked out of the cave.

Yingluo put on her clothes, and saw that there was no figure of Lanyou in the cave, so she wanted to go out to look for it.

"Slow down—" a voice stopped Yingluo's footsteps.

PS: The second update, please vote quickly, and the Minghui will update the article soon~~

(End of this chapter)

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