Too Many Husbands

Chapter 60 The road is dangerous!

Chapter 60 The return journey is dangerous! (6)

Walking out of the camp, Lan You saw that all the soldiers were already ready and waiting for his orders.

Immediately, she mounted the lead horse and ordered to set off.

The whole army moved forward together.


the other end,
The black shadow released by Lan You last night returned to Lan Xiao's mansion in a state of embarrassment after a night of running around.

in the dark basement,

"Why did you come back alone, and where are the others?" Lan Xiao couldn't help being surprised when he saw that only one person came back this time from the dead group he had carefully cultivated for many years.

"Report to His Majesty, my team went to assassinate the third princess, but unexpectedly fell into an ambush, and the other brothers were all dead. The subordinates tried their best to break a bloody road to tell His Majesty the situation." Hei Ying faced Lan Xiao, Telling lies that are completely different from reality.She actually didn't want to do this, but she knew that if the empress knew that she was watching her companions kill each other without doing anything, and she hadn't completed the task of killing the third princess, she probably would have a vicious and vicious character. Can't see the sun rising tomorrow.

"Really? So you didn't kill Lan You!?" Lan Xiao's vicious voice spread throughout the cold basement, which seemed particularly terrifying.

When Hei Ying heard Lan Xiao's voice, he knelt down in shock, and said repeatedly: "Your Highness, my subordinates are not doing their job well, so I am willing to be punished."

"" Lan Xiao was a little annoyed that his subordinate's work was not good.


"His Royal Highness, Su Mei, the concubine of His Royal Highness the Third Emperor, is requesting an audience." The servants outside the door reported to Lan Xiao respectfully.

"Meier? What is he doing here?" Lan Xiao was confused for a while.

Seeing the black shadow still kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help being upset for a while, so he sent away: "Okay, okay, let's go down if there is nothing to do."

Hei Ying, who was kneeling on the ground just now, heard this sentence, as if he had heard an amnesty order, he quickly got up and retreated as if oiling the soles of his feet.

Su Mei walked towards Lan Xiao who was sitting on the armchair with enchanting steps.

Seeing Lan Xiao's frowning face, he couldn't help asking: "What makes our Royal Highness so frowning?"

"It's not just your good wife. I sent someone to kill her, but I didn't expect her life to be quite hard, she didn't die." Lan Xiao said fiercely, her usually delicate and beautiful face was twisted together, looking very fear.

"What! You sent someone to kill her!?" Su Mei's face changed when she heard the news, and there was a hint of worry in her tone.

Lan Xiao is not an idiot, so he naturally heard the meaning.He said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you still worried about her at this time!?"

"No, how is it possible. Your Highness is too worried." After speaking, Su Mei gave Lan Xiao a charming smile, turned around and jumped into Lan Xiao's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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