Chapter 1208

Chapter 1208

Xiao Su'er looked at the medicinal materials on the back of the ground, and turned her head to look in Xia Lanying's direction, but Xia Lanying didn't look at her, she just turned her head to look to the side, but the maid next to her said, "Miss, this is the one that Madam asked us to bring. I came here originally because I thought that if someone didn't bring the medicinal materials, we could make a favor. You know that there are many colleagues of the master here.

But since the lady didn't bring it with you, I'll give it all to you. After all, you represent our Prime Minister's Mansion. If you can't practice anything, you will lose the face of the Prime Minister's Mansion. "

After thinking about it carefully, Xiao Su'er accepts it with peace of mind.

She lowered her head and picked up the back strap to take a closer look at the herbs inside. They were all common herbs that could be bought on the street.If she wasn't a ghost doctor's disciple or a doctor, she might have been fooled by Xia Lanying today, thinking that she was really just here to join in the fun, and she still wanted to hurt herself for a long time.

Xiao Su'er calmly took out all the medicinal materials from the back strap, placed them next to the alchemy furnace one by one, rolled up her sleeves and prepared to start refining medicine.

In the eyes of ordinary people and inexperienced doctors, these medicinal materials are no problem, and they are even high-quality medicines.

However, Xiao Su'er can only use this glance to know what Xia Lanying is trying to do. These herbs seem to be very common, including the aconitum and pinellia in it, but these two herbs are beneficial to the human body. But if you accidentally put them together, it will become highly poisonous, and what will be refined will be poison.

But now Xiao Su'er just put them together, so brightly displayed on the face, but some pharmacists present couldn't see it at all, after all, they just stepped into the field of Chinese medicine.

There are even fewer pharmacists with fire and wood spiritual roots here, and no one can detect that there are two kinds of medicine that produce and restrain each other.

She just looked around the audience, and found that the young master Wang who had practiced the intermediate pill just now might have seen it.He was looking at himself meaningfully now, but he didn't seem to want to remind him aloud.

However, she didn't need anyone to remind her, and she still pretended not to know, but she also gave Xia Lanying a meaningful look. Xia Lanying has been afraid to look at her since she got the medicinal materials just now. Look, just sitting there and pretending not to know anything.

Xia Lanying also noticed Xiao Su'er's gaze, but she didn't dare to raise her head and look at each other. She could only lower her head and mix her fingers together, staring at Xiao Su'er's direction from the corner of her eye, wanting to see what she was going to do next. Down the process of refining medicinal materials.

In her heart, Xiao Su'er never discovered her trick, after all, if she found out, she would definitely say it, and even if she didn't say it, she would definitely not use those two medicines.

But Xiao Su'er directly used the fire spell to ignite a fireball in the palm of her hand and ignite the medicine stove, and then began to choose the medicinal materials she wanted to use for alchemy. When she touched the two medicines, she paused for a moment, Xia Lanying's peripheral vision immediately closed. When I came back, I was too scared to look at it.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Su'er pulled a faint smile from the corner of her mouth, and threw the two medicines directly into the alchemy furnace, then raised her head and smiled lightly at Young Master Wang.

The medicine refining officially started, and all the medicinal materials melted and condensed in the alchemy furnace, and the fragrance of the medicine filled the audience in a short while.It's just that the scent of this medicine is different from ordinary medicine pills. Instead, it is a bit like the smell of food coming out of the kitchen. People can't help swallowing a few sips of water. Practice some pills.

The fragrance became more and more intense, causing the pharmacists around to start talking about it.

"Wow, what kind of medicinal material is this? I have lived for decades but I have never smelled such a fragrance."

"It should be medicinal materials used to replenish the body. This girl seems to have some strength."

"It makes sense, it should still have some skills. Just now, when Young Master Wang was refining alchemy, he didn't have such a taste."

"Didn't someone say it just now? This girl is a cultivator of ultimate ability, maybe she really has some strength. If the lady of the prime minister's mansion has no ability, it is impossible to come here and lose face!"

Xiao Su'er was not affected by this discussion, and was still refining the elixir in a calm manner.

But at this moment, Young Master Wang, who had been watching from the side, also lit his already extinguished alchemy furnace.

He is not a person who doesn't care about winning or losing. He came here to win the Alchemy Conference. He didn't try his best just now because he saw that there were some idiots here.

Now that there is a hard problem, of course he wants to use his best skills, he doesn't want to be inferior to others, especially when he loses to a little girl.

The people around started booing immediately after seeing his action.

"Do you think Young Master Wang is going to fight again? Didn't he show his strength just now?"

"It must not have been taken out. I saw his elixir in the palace that day, and it was much more pure than today's."

"Then this little girl is not enough to look down on, so what about the lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion? She is not a pharmacist, how many pharmacists can we have in the Wansheng Continent?"

"That's right, but at such a young age, she was able to allow Young Master Wang to reopen the alchemy furnace for the alchemy competition, which shows that she is a bit level."

The people next to them started talking and looked at the two people, and their gazes at Xiao Su'er also became complicated, with some sympathy and some refinement.

Xia Lanying sat by the alchemy table, and felt much more refreshed after hearing these people's discussions.She just likes someone belittle Su Xiner, the more belittled she is, the happier she is.

The fragrance in the medicine stove in front of Xiao Su'er became more and more intense, as if it had magical powers to entice people's taste buds, everyone couldn't help but want to get closer and take a good smell.This smell makes me feel full just by smelling it.

On the other hand, Young Master Wang's medicinal fragrance is not as strong as Xiao Su'er's, and even exudes an unexplainable smell, but his movements are more than a little faster than Xiao Su'er's.

After a while, the onlookers heard a sound from the medicine stove in front of Young Master Wang.The elixir has been refined, and Young Master Wang also looks proud.

The people around were even more excited when they heard the sound.

"What do you think is the elixir that Young Master Wang refined? Is it of high grade?"

"Does it need to be said? No matter whether it is advanced or intermediate, as long as the purity is reached, the little girl is incomparable."

"That's right! He's been practicing for a long time, even though it smells good, but he still hasn't seen any results. Maybe he won't be able to refine the medicine after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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