The sign-in tour of the heavens from one person

Chapter 104 Waiting for Mrs. Ren's Arrival

Chapter 104 Waiting for Mrs. Ren's Arrival
The time also came to the next day very quickly. Last night Zhang Chen finally decided not to chase that Feng Shui master for the time being. Anyway, he had plenty of time. In addition, he had left a mark on Mrs. Ren, so it was not difficult to find him. he.

After breakfast, Uncle Jiu led his two apprentices to find Master Ren to prepare for today's coffin removal. When the three of them arrived at Ren's compound, they saw a group of people pointing and saying wearing something.

Uncle Jiu walked in and saw a corpse covered with a white cloth. When he opened it, he saw that Master Ren was already lying on the bamboo frame, with obvious wounds on his neck from being stabbed to death by a zombie.

Uncle Jiu was not at peace at this time, and couldn't help thinking that the corpse in the coffin in his Yizhuang might have been broken out, so he quickly whispered to his two apprentices: "Hurry up and go back to Yizhuang to have a look." , is the body of Mrs. Ren still there, go quickly."

At this time, a squire stepped forward and asked, "Master Wei, what weapon did Master Ren use to kill him?"

Awei was a little flustered when he was asked such a question. He didn't know anything, so Awei started to make up things and said, "Of course he was killed by a gun."

"Every shot hit the neck?" Uncle Jiu looked at A Wei who was talking nonsense and asked back.

At this time, Ah Wei is fabricating other reasons, saying that the martial arts master used the nine-zi chain money dart to kill Master Ren.For Uncle Jiu who refuted him, Awei was also secretly unhappy.

When Uncle Jiu was still retorting, Awei had already shown his anger.

Finally, I heard Uncle Jiu say that Master Ren was stabbed to death with his fingers. At this time, Uncle Jiu's long nails happened to be seen by Ah Wei.So he prepared to arrest Jiu Shu and bring him to justice to save his face.

After Awei showed himself in front of Ren Tingting, he asked his subordinates to escort Uncle Jiu, and carried Master Ren to go back to the patrol room, just as he was about to leave the living room.Qiusheng and Wencai came in.

The two said breathlessly: "The corpse is gone, master." Before finishing speaking, Ah Wei followed Qiu Sheng's master and said: "Arrested."

Finally, at Uncle Jiu's request, Ah Wei asked the three of them to have a good chat. Although he said he wanted him to say his last words, he knew it might not be Uncle Jiu who did it, but who made him lose face!

"Have you looked around?" Uncle Nine asked worriedly.

"I even looked at the other coffins, none." Wen Cai said truthfully.

Hearing Wen Cai's words, Uncle Jiu sighed, "Tonight will be bad."

And the heartless Qiu Sheng said: "I know, Master is going to jail tonight."

"It's not a big deal to go to jail, I checked and there are two zombies appearing!" Uncle Jiu expressed his worries.

After a conversation, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also realized the seriousness of the matter.

At the time of the police patrol, Uncle Jiu quickly explained the tasks of the two of them, and finally asked Qiu Sheng to bring chicken blood, ink bucket, and yellow talisman. Unfortunately, there was glutinous rice in the last sentence, which made Qiu Sheng misunderstand, thinking that the master wanted to eat.

At this time, Uncle Jiu also thought of Zhang Chen, and immediately said: "Xiaochen should still be in Yizhuang, Wencai, you can ask him to help, I can't even see the depth of his strength, so I can be more confident in dealing with it at night."

Wen Cai felt a lot more relaxed when he heard Uncle Jiu's words. At first he thought he had to deal with Mrs. Ren alone!

As soon as they returned to Yizhuang, Qiusheng and Wencai saw Zhang Chen drinking tea in the yard. Wencai walked out of breath in front of Zhang Chen and said out of breath, "Zhang Chen, it's not good, the master was arrested by the patrol room. I need your help to deal with zombies at night!"

"Yes! It just so happened that I haven't done anything recently, and my bones are almost rusting!" Zhang Chen stretched his muscles and bones while speaking.

"Zhang Chen, the master said you are very strong, I wonder if you have confidence in dealing with Mrs. Ren." Wen Cai wanted to hug his thigh at this moment.

"One is just a jumping zombie level zombie, I can destroy it at will!" When Zhang Chen said this, the tone of Zhang Chen was that the zombie was like an ant.

Qiusheng and Wencai listened to Zhang Chen's pretentious words, but they still didn't believe it. After all, their masters had difficulty in dealing with jumping stiffness, but Zhang Chen, who was younger than them, said that he could kill it easily.

However, Wen Cai felt relieved when he heard Zhang Chen's words. He still knew that Zhang Chen was strong, but he didn't know how strong he really was.

When Qiusheng was preparing the master's things, Zhang Chen added: "Qiusheng, did Uncle Jiu ask you to prepare glutinous rice?"

Qiu Sheng asked with some doubts when he heard it: "Isn't it cooked glutinous rice?"

"Since Uncle Jiu said, it should be raw glutinous rice. There is also a corpse poisoned by corpse poison in the patrol room. It will be turned into a dead body. Raw glutinous rice can remove the corpse's gas." After Zhang Chen ordered, Qiu Sheng Only then did he suddenly realize.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for your words, I might be scolded again." Qiu Sheng said gratefully, without any doubts about why Zhang Chen knew that his master would give birth to glutinous rice.

"Qiu Sheng, since you can think of cooked glutinous rice, why don't you bring a meal there at night! I guess your master can't eat it well!" Qiu Sheng agreed with Zhang Chen's suggestion very much.

A day without Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai lived a very happy life. With the support of Zhang Chen's funds and without the restraint of the master, the two had a great time playing during the day when Uncle Jiu was arrested.

Zhang Chen was thinking: "If Uncle Jiu knows that his two apprentices are playing like this, I don't know if he will want to clean up the house!"

The time of the day was fleeting, and the sun in the sky was about to completely set. Renjia Town, which was originally lively, seemed a little quiet at this time.

In Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng, who had brought good things, bid farewell to Wen Cai and Zhang Chen, and then went to the patrol room in night clothes to look for Uncle Jiu.

And Wencai decided to hug his thighs, and followed Zhang Chen closely. Along the way, Wencai kept looking for topics to flatter Zhang Chen, hoping that Zhang Chen could take care of himself later.

When the two came to the Ren's compound, Wen Cai also expressed his intention to come. Ren Tingting was a little depressed at this time, said a few words casually, and then went to watch the spirit.

Wen Cai found a better position and went directly to it, while Zhang Chen jumped straight with a brisk step, and went directly to the roof under Wen Cai's dumbfounded eyes.

This shocked Wencai. Looking up at Zhang Chen on the roof, Wencai was still thinking in his heart: "It's true that even the master can't see how strong he is. It would be great if my grandfather had such strength!"

"Zhang Chen, tell me if you see anything unusual up there!" Wen Cai raised his head and said loudly to Zhang Chen above.

"Okay! I'll tell you if there is a situation." Zhang Chen's voice was not very loud, but under Zhang Chen's control, Wen Cai could hear him very clearly.

In this way, the two always pay attention to the surrounding situation.

(End of this chapter)

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