Chapter 790
In recent years, Zhao She has become more and more affectionate towards his real sister, and even Shen Ji'an, the father-in-law, is much more at ease.

Go up to the corridor and say hello to relatives: "This is Mrs. Zhao. You all come to see him. It's rare to see him."

"These two children are three points similar to the real sister," Mr. Zhao boasted casually, and asked them to reward them with money: "Go and buy something yourself."

Elder sons Zhao You and Shen Shaonan came outside again. In the morning light, the handsome young sons were wearing arrow-sleeved clothes, and they came after practicing martial arts with their parents.When Mr. Zhao saw Shizi, he was all smiles; when Shen Ji'an saw Shizi, he smiled from ear to ear.

On behalf of his parents, Zhao You made way for the guests: "Grandfather and maternal grandfather, please accompany relatives to the table first." Although the relatives gave way, they could not stand the decision of Mr. Zhao, so they entered the table first.

The red light of the sun came to the chrysanthemum, and someone outside replied: "My lord and concubine are here." After saying this, a small shrill voice sounded: "There is also my Brother Zuo."

The girls added another sentence: "The little prince is here." Zuo Geer was still not satisfied: "I am Zuo Geer."

Starting from Zhao You, everyone left the table and stood up.Shen Ji'an originally wanted to stand up, but Mr. Zhao ordered him: "No, let's sit down."

A few petals of last night's chrysanthemum drifted down from the blue path, which had just fallen from the flowers and leaves.The slightly curly red chrysanthemum petals are like fireworks, opening the way for Zhao She and sister Zhen.

Zhao She was careless, Zhenjieer was at ease, Zuogeer came in with his father in his left hand and his mother in his right, with his little puppet hanging around his neck.

With a smile on his face, he ran to his grandfather first: "Grandpa is early." Then he smiled at his grandfather: "Grandfather is also early." He pouted to Zhao You: "Brother didn't accompany me yesterday." Then he tilted his head to look at his uncle: "You said you saw me in Beijing, is that true?"

Zhao You showed his white teeth to his younger brother and heheed silently. Brother Zuo broke free from his grandfather and grandfather's hands, climbed to sit on his elder brother's lap, pulled his head and neck and asked, "Will you buy something for me when you go out today? By the way, I Will make pears."

Seeing that his parents were already seated, Zuo Geer stood on his chair, stretched out his hand to take a small plate of sweet and juicy pears on the table, dragged this one in front of him, and said in his mouth: "Give this pear to Zuo Geer .”

Zuo Ge'er loves to eat the most, so he let pears to himself.

The table was big and the body was small, and Zuo Geer lay on the table and directed the girl: "Give father the green rice porridge, give it to father; give the red dates and white fungus to mother; it's my brother's favorite snack, give it to him, those two dishes , It’s for grandfather and maternal grandfather...” After “giving up” to relatives, Zuo Ge’er raised his smiling face and looked at his father proudly.

That means, Zuo Geer let Pear end.

Everyone laughed, and Zhao She looked at the green rice porridge in front of him, and said to his son with a straight face: "Is this porridge yours?" This is called dividing things.

Zuo Ge'er looked eastward, but the others were all smiling; when he looked westward, they were all smiling.Zuo Geer, who was a little scared by the laughter, hesitated, and whispered to his father: "Then... father, give me back."

The father's black eyes flickered helplessly, and the mother praised her son: "He is very good at distributing." But she took the plate of pears in front of Zuo Ge'er, and said to him sweetly: "Eat after dinner." A small bowl of porridge came up and placed in front of his son: "Eat this first." Along with the porridge, another bowl of beef jerky was served.

Brother Zuo blinked his eyes and said helplessly, "Okay then." You have to eat before you can eat your favorite pear.Father said, be obedient!is harsh.Mother said, Zuo Geer is so obedient and kind.My brother said, to be a good boy is to be coaxed.Zuo Ge'er supported the bowl of beef jerky in front of him, bent down and drank it upside down.

He was very proud of drinking, so he showed the small empty bowl in his hand to his father, and then showed it to his mother: "I'm done drinking, mother is slow."

The maids also gave cows to relatives, but the two grandfathers didn't use it.Zhao She said to them: "Our real sister is a good child who cherishes blessings. She doesn't need human milk, she can only use this." To persuade: "Father also use the best."

This habit of drinking a lot of milk was brought about in my previous life.Not only did the real sister drink it herself, but she also asked her sons to drink it in the letter.Only Zhao She didn't drink, he felt that he was as strong as an ox.

The maids served dishes in an endless stream. There were seven or eight kinds of porridge, and twenty or thirty kinds of dim sum were put on the table.Steamed gongdian, boiled pastry... This situation shocked the relatives again, and they didn't dare to talk much but just ate themselves.Taking a peek at Shen Ji'an is quite calm, thinking that he already knows what kind of extravagance the palace has.

Shen Shaonan sat with Zhao You, and also talked with Zuo Geer.Compared with his sister, Shen Shaonan prefers little princes.My sister is full of jewels, so people can't help but stay away from her.As for the prince, Shen Shaonan didn't dare to say anything when he saw him.

Sister Zhen was eating, and the corners of her mouth were stained with some dim sum scum, Zhao She used to hold her shoulder with one hand, took his own silk handkerchief and wiped it for her.

No one else in the seat noticed it, only Shen Ji'an and the two cousin girls who came saw it.Shen Ji'an smiled until there was only a slit in his eyes, and the cousin girls winked at each other, blushing and wanting to see more.

After dinner, Mrs. Zhao made an appointment with Shen Ji'an: "Let's go out for a stroll, we don't need a carriage and just use our feet." Then he said to Sister Zhen: "We won't come back at noon, and we will go outside to rest when we are tired from walking outside."

Shen Shaonan was overjoyed when he heard that, he smiled at Zhao You, and really wanted to go to the fun place in the garden that Brother You said, but his father confessed: "For your lord, I invited gentlemen to come here today to test your homework, You have to be careful." Fourth Young Master Shen lowered his head, agreeing reluctantly: "Yes."

Zhao She said solemnly to the son: "Come with me in the study, I have something to tell you." Zuo Geer ran to his father's knee, and asked him very flatteringly: "Zuo Brother, can you go play?" Looking at his son's lovely face, this face can't be straight.With a smile in his eyes, he stretched out his feet to hook behind him, and lightly kicked his little butt: "Go and urge your mother to do her work."

(End of this chapter)

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