Chapter 647
This was caused by the prevailing atmosphere among the nobles, Zhao She could not miss it, it should be that he saw and heard too many such things when he was flirtatious.Although Zhao She has never met Princess Wuyang, Yi Zongze and Princess Yunyang know how beautiful she is.

The summer season is the season of blazing spring.In addition, the romantic and aristocratic young masters themselves like to pry other people's love.Although Zhao She had never done climbing the wall late at night, but he was courteous to others, the former Mr. Zhao did a lot.

The women he got in this way were not three or five.

Those who go to steal fragrance will definitely dress up well.At least, he won't dress up as a night thief.

The pretty figure of the princess appeared at the door. She was wearing a big red brocade gown with engraved silk flowers and patterns, and her lower body was a blue skirt embroidered with peony flowers. As she walked, the skirt showed the round luster of the pearls on the silk shoes from time to time. .

It looks brighter than the bright stars on a summer night.

There is a big pearl phoenix on the face of the hair, which is the dress of other people's houses during the New Year and festivals. The princess is usually dressed neatly at home.The prince likes to dress her up, and the princess is also a stunning beauty when she is dressed up, with a peerless elegance.

Qi's mother has a score in her heart, and she no longer feels guilty when she came here.She waited for the princess to go out more respectfully than usual, but in her heart she hoped that the prince meant that, because in this way, mother Qi could bear a lot of responsibilities and would not be punished too severely.

The Queen's Qibaoxiang chariot was going to the west gate in the quiet night, and the two smaller carriages behind were followed by people.Zhao Ru and Zhao Xing led their families around and walked up the street. When they met soldiers who were watching the night, they replied that the soldiers waited solemnly for Princess Anping's car to drive away, and then continued to watch the night.

In the quiet night, Zhenjie was smiling in the carriage, and the starlight condensed on her lips. Princess Anping became more beautiful and elegant after she got married. Some people praised her behind her back, and she was one of the most beautiful women in the dynasty.

Concubine Shen is here to give Princess Wuyang a happy ending.

She was innocent so far, and her desire to marry King Anping was also arranged by the eldest son Yi Zongze.Women in ancient times didn't have much initiative in marriage.

Zhao Amnesty also spent a lot on Yi Zongze, and in order to withdraw from the marriage, he specially dispatched another soldier.Although Yi Zongze paid the military expenses one by one, King Anping, who was not losing money, still had no reason to give up Shizi Yi.

The emperor intends to fight a big battle, and Zhao She, who wants to stand out among the kings, will not give up on anyone at this time.

Zhenjie, who had been instructed by Zhao Amnesty, held her chin in her hand and smiled again.Cousin is a trustworthy person.

No matter how hot the love is, there will be time to dissipate.When the tide comes, it blows the sky and covers the earth, and when the tide goes away, there is no sound, and even the people involved don't understand it. Why is it gone?In this way, there are too many unreasonable emotions when they come and go fiercely, and it is also the most hurtful one.

Only a person's sense of responsibility is based on deep-rooted habits.This sense of responsibility usually does not come suddenly and then go away suddenly.

Responsibility is actually a habit of people, not a love affair like the sea foam.

Poor Princess Wuyang was born in a prince's family. She was taken care of naked, and she was only given a thin dress to hide her shame.She trembled her lips, thinking of the man she saw over and over again.

He was well-born and well-dressed.God, I hate the neat clothes.If a black-clothed masked person enters the room, he can still distinguish clearly, kill the thief, and tell the outside that a thief has entered, and he can still cover it up.

But this person is the handsome young Prince Xiang Lin.

The princess knows the little prince.The little prince has been following her around these few days and has been courting her a lot, everyone can see this.Princess Wuyang thinks this kindness is very good during the day, wishing that the prince will know how attractive she is.

Just because she knew the young prince, Princess Wuyang was even more afraid.Her body has been shaking since just now.Fearing that she would commit suicide, the two mothers looked at her.But she kept trembling, and the two mothers turned a blind eye.

Hiring a matchmaker is the way for a decent woman to get married.In order to marry the prince, a princess can wait for two years, and even went to the northwest to wait for two years.Among the people sent by the palace, there are many who look down on Princess Wuyang.

Looking down on him means looking down on him, the people he sent were all people whom Zhao She could trust. After staying in the palace for a long time, the word "look down on" would only be hidden in his heart.Usually work as an errand, do whatever you want.

The sound of footsteps came from outside, and Princess Wuyang couldn't help being frightened. She was afraid that the prince would come, so she killed herself in a rage.Those who are already princes, those who lose their virginity will sink into a pigpen or die.She was even more afraid of the concubine's arrival. Although the concubine sent people to send things from time to time, in Princess Wuyang's heart, she was already on the point of "competing for favor". In her heart, she was even more afraid.

"Mom, who is outside?" Princess Wuyang asked timidly, and the two mothers just said: "Don't talk."

Hearing the sound of greetings from the courtyard, Princess Wuyang shuddered fiercely, her pupils constricted, and begged in a low voice: "Please mothers, if I can escape, I will thank you very much."

No one answered her, and the two mothers didn't seem to hear.

From the next door, there was a crisp and melodious voice of questioning: "My lord, why do you break into your beloved's house at night and spy on our family?"

Is this the voice of the princess?Princess Wuyang didn't have time to think of the sound, but was grateful.The princess said, what did she say?It means that he is a member of their family.

The mothers looked coldly at Princess Wuyang, first frightened, then frightened, and then showing a look of listening closely...

Under the indigo dark night, the hourglass in the room was close to the fourth watch, Zhenjieer was sitting under the bright candlelight, her eyes were calmly questioning Xiang Lin.When she faced Xiang Lin in front of her, she was trying to hold back her smile.

Should be angry?My cousin's side concubine was actually peeped at late at night. How could the mistress not be angry at such a bold and shameful thing?

Just don't get angry, and don't laugh.

But it's really hard to hold back a laugh at this time.One must know that Lin Xiaowang is well dressed, except for some dust on the blue shirt and a few pieces of torn red silk trousers, everything else is still glamorous.

(End of this chapter)

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