The little princess tames the prince

Chapter 578 Protecting Mother Brother You

Chapter 578 Protecting Mother Brother You (9)
"Your father, you're talking nonsense." Sister Zhen was petty, and Brother Yu caressed his little battle armor and smiled at his mother: "Father also said that mother will definitely cry on this journey. Very good, why didn't you cry?"

"You'er, did your father really say that?" Sister Zhen put on a straight face, when her cousin was around, someone asked her if she was good, but when her cousin was away, it was actually her son who asked her if she was good.

The most terrible thing is that Zhao She, the most disciplined person, actually allowed his son to speak like this.Sister Zhen put on the majesty of her mother today: "Speaking to mother, there must be rules."

Although Sister Zhen didn't mind her son talking like this, she had already had calluses in her ears when Zhao She was asked whether she was being good or not, and now her son asked the same way, Sister Zhen decided to stifle these words of her son in the cradle.

It should be the mother who takes care of the son.

Brother You looked like a grown-up, shaking his head with a little color: "Father said that he is not here, and the one who protects and coaxes mother is Brother You."

In the carriage, sister Zhen and her son fell in love again.In modern times, the childish language of a child is his nature.Brother Yu was in ancient times, but because his father had a different understanding of men and women, he wanted to be good to his mother.

"Mother, she is a person who can be kissed and loved." Brother Yu grinned his broken teeth, and he lost another tooth a few days ago: "Father, I want to listen to him."

Sister Zhen couldn't bear it anymore, picked up her son and slapped his face fiercely, and asked him: "Why is mother so amiable and sweet, but she must be obedient in front of father?"

Facing Brother Yu who was giggling, Sister Zhen asked: "What did father say about mother?"

Brother Yu laughed: "Father said that mother wants to coax." Sister Zhen wrinkled her nose at her son, and Brother Yu also wrinkled her small nose at her mother.

The sound of horseshoes came, and the escorting general was Zhao Ji, who came out of the car: "Go back to the princess, the prince sent Zhao Xing over." Brother You immediately sat upright and whispered to his mother: "Father has something to say."

Zhao Xing said from outside the car: "Go back to the princess, the prince and the prince are together, the prince came to work in the army, the prince ordered the concubine and the prince to change their clothes and go to see him."

"Understood," the princess's soft voice came from the car, but the face on this soft voice was filled with sadness.He and his cousin have been living like glue for the past few months, but he will return to the fief after all.

Sister Zhen lost her mind for a while, and when she returned to the fief, she had to pick an auspicious day for her cousin, tidy up his new house, and let him marry Yi Shizi's sister.

"Mother, let's change clothes." Brother Yu urged him when he heard that his father liked it very much.Sister Zhen put on a smile and looked at her son's lovely face, she had to move forward despite the huge difficulties.

Her decision was to leave the palace and prepare another spare tire for Zhao You.One day my cousin will be confused, and my mother can still give Brother Yu a world.

The big difficulty of this day refers to the difficulty that the real sister will encounter when she lives alone.These days, she is very pampered in Zhao She's arms, and this kind of pampering always reminds the real sister that it is not easy to live alone.

When he was in the army, Zhao She asked Zhao You to do things by himself as much as possible, and Zhenjie also tried not to use other girls, only Huakai followed him since childhood, and let her always be by his side.

Going out today, the majesty of the prince is about to come out again, and the guard of honor of the princess follows behind, and there are not many people.

Everyone stopped, dresses and tiaras were delivered to the car behind, the real sister, son, mother and son were all dressed up, and the carriage went back to Zhao She's camp.

Spring grass grows when the wind blows, Zhao She is talking to Yi Zongze in the big camp among the green clumps.Yi Zongze smiled all over his face: "My lord is a good soldier!" Then Qi Ran: "If we also have such strong generals and elite soldiers, we don't need to bother the lord with everything."

Zhao She remained calm, feeling that there was something to say next, and he just listened.

"Thanks to the help of the prince in this battle, General Zuo arrived in time. My lord, can I ask General Zuo to stay for half a year and give me some advice." Yi Zongze arched his sleeves with both hands, looked into Zhao She's eyes and said.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao She shouted: "Zuo Junjie!" Immediately after the shout, there was a loud voice outside: "Yes!" Zuo Junjie strode in, with a big red face and a thick body, if placed In the downtown area, some people would think he was a pig butcher.

Zhao She smiled: "Shizi Yi said that your soldiers are good, and he intends to let you stay for half a year to be close to his soldiers. What do you think?"

Yi Zongze said very politely: "Please give me your advice, General."

Zuo Junjie's head is also spinning quickly, please enlighten me?As for the generals who are also under the prince's tent, let me teach you, I still have to hide something.Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at the rare spring breeze on Zhao She's face, and he agreed without hesitation because he could figure out Zhao She's thoughts: "The general will listen to the lord's orders!"

"Then get ready. When Shizi Yi leaves, let him go." Zhao She promised very readily, without any hesitation.After Zuo Junjie left, Yi Zongze stood up and thanked Zhao She.He had a pair of slanted eyes and was born with peach blossoms and a smile, and he almost called Zhao She's brother-in-law: "The prince treats me as one of his own. In Ze's heart, he has long been regarded as the prince and elder brother."

If you send a sister, you can get a strong and powerful prince to be your eldest brother, so in history, those who want to help like to send beauties.

Zhao She still had a slight smile, waved his hands lightly, and heard Yi Zongze say with joy again: "I just received a letter from my sister before I came here, saying that the prince regrets that my sister is away from her family, and sent two more people who can serve her." Girl. My sister said that these two girls are very favorite, so I would like to thank the prince."

"You're welcome, you and I, not someone else." Zhao She said calmly, and Yi Zongze was very grateful.If King Shang, King Jiangyang, or King Huoqiu were to help solve the siege, the lion would definitely open his mouth.Yi Shizi secretly swore in his heart that he would make these people look good after training well.

A soldier walked in outside the tent, came in and bowed down: "My lord, the concubine and your son are coming soon!" Zhao Amnesty got up without haste, and ordered without haste: "Ready to meet."

He turned his face and smiled at Yi Zongze just now: "Your Majesty, please rest here." Why is Yi Zongze willing to rest here? The grass is overgrown, which happens to be the juncture of late winter and early spring.

(End of this chapter)

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