Chapter 533
The concubine was attentively guarding the side, King Qingyuan and the other three grandsons were still kneeling, and His Royal Highness went out of the palace to greet them.

After seeing the empress salute, she heard Empress Wu say kindly, "How about the noble concubine?" Walking into the palace, Empress Wu's nose almost didn't crooked.

Is this a blow to yourself?
The noble concubine was asleep, and the crown prince stood by, and then came to salute.The three emperors and grandchildren were kneeling straight in a row in front of the couch.Empress Wu hated her so much that if she was sick, the prince and concubine would also serve as attendants, and the emperor's grandchildren would also come to take care of them, but there should be no such kneeling to attend to the illness.

Holding the crown princess by hand, he walked to the couch, and His Royal Highness moved a palace satin embroidered stool for the queen to sit on. Only then did Gui Guifei slowly open her eyes, showing a grateful look and trying to get up, but she couldn't get up. With tears in her eyes, she said: "Your Majesty..." Tears fell like rain.

Empress Wu, who was full of anger, of course wanted her not to get up. Seeing her crying, Empress Wu also burst into tears, wiped her tears with a handkerchief, and said with tears: "I don't know who is bold and lawless, He actually dared to assassinate the grandson of King Qingyuan. I was terrified when I heard it, and I was about to ask the emperor to investigate strictly. I didn’t want to say that it would involve Mrs. Xu. I went to the emperor and said that I must investigate clearly. Mrs. Xu is so courageous You are so small, you will never have anything to do with assassins. The emperor said that the imperial concubine is sick and he can't come, so let me visit you on behalf of the emperor. You need to recover from your illness."

There was a weeping Concubine Qi sleeping on the couch, and a weeping Empress Wu sitting in front of the couch. The prince looked sad, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw that the princess was also weeping softly, and he felt satisfied.

Both palaces are crying, and the princess should be crying.

"Mother, I..." Concubine Qi was so angry that she seemed to be on the verge of death. Tears rolled down her body before she spoke, making people wonder where the tears came from her body: "I am timid, and my old illness relapsed after being frightened. Your Majesty came to see me, how can I afford it?"

Empress Wu stretched out her slender hands to hold Concubine Qi, who couldn't get up, wishing that this was a palm of bones, so that this old concubine could not get up from now on.

But right now, we still have to pretend to be false.Listening to Concubine Qi's intermittent explanation: "If a child is born in an ordinary rich man's family, he still has to petition for incense so that someone can shave him or become a monk on his behalf so that he can live a safe life, not to mention the royal princes and grandchildren who are born with good fortune, and there are those who are evil behind the scenes. Little man, that's for sure."

Empress Wu listened to Concubine Qi with a wooden face, she had just cried anyway, so it's normal to have a wooden face.

Concubine Qi turned to King Qingyuan and said lovingly: "My illness is not serious, it has always been like this for a year or two. Get up quickly and come to me."

King Qingyuan got up and knelt in front of Concubine Qi's bed, Concubine Qi stared at him kindly: "It's a blessing that you have escaped from the catastrophe, in the future you must be cautious and don't make random acquaintances again."

After an awkward medical visit, Concubine Qi didn't mention anything about her request for a strict trial of Mrs. Xu in front of the imperial court.Xu is the queen's female official, and the Ministry of Criminal Forces forced the palace to arrest people, and sent them to prison. In fact, it was all the queen's face that was swept away.

Empress Wu came back and asked about Mrs. Xu being taken away, and heard how Mrs. Xu screamed and struggled to save me, and when she was finally gagged and taken away.Empress Wu sighed: "Madams, please come."

The wives are all outside, and people who come and go in and out of the palace are all politically sensitive. When they heard of such a thing, even those who lived outside Beijing to beg for leave and rest came here.

In the silence surrounded by fat swallows, thin clothes and fragrant clothes, the queen was suddenly exhausted.It is rare to show such a look in front of a female officer.The female officials knew that the empress was in a difficult situation, and if something happened to Mrs. Xu, a catastrophe would come after the dethronement.

After the queen is abolished, everyone around the queen will be involved.Under five trees, not only one person will be wronged.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the queen worriedly and sadly, waiting for her to speak.

"Ladies, I still say the same thing, so I can do it myself." Empress Wu originally wanted to teach the wives to be more self-loving, but when they arrived, Empress Wu didn't want to say anything.

These things cannot be entirely blamed on the wives, the wives who are well-educated, and the wives who have learned the commandments of women are not born to be promiscuous.Many people were cautious when they first entered the palace, but after staying in the palace for one to two years, they became romantic.

The chasing people have too many tricks, coercion, jewels and lures, and they even get their hands on drunken drugs, but no one simply tyrannizes them... All of this is not all the fault of the wives.

Empress Wu sighed deeply, her beautiful eyes were full of sadness and unknowable worries about the future, in this worry, there was a trace of fear, and there was also a trace of fear.

The wives are silent, even the most flamboyant lady has listened to the Queen's words today.But it is not known whether to obey when they go back, or to go out to have fun again as soon as the fun-loving people come to find them, and it is not under the control of Empress Wu.

Because some female officials also kept sending messages to the queen like this.

Sometimes some things actually depend on each other.

Mrs. Xu is in prison and has not been tortured today.And strangely, there was no court hearing either.She entered the palace early in the morning, was taken away in the morning, and stayed in prison until night, when she was so hungry that she smelled the fragrance of the food.

This prison is not the worst, it is a clean cell, no bedbugs, no smell, no beds and embroidered pillows.There are no windows on all sides, and even the bright moon has no round.

It is a fully enclosed cell, but the walls are thick pillars, but there is no outside light, only the torches on the stone walls are illuminated.

A jailer came over with a food box in his hand. The aroma from the red-lacquered food box lid made Mrs. Xu stagger over. After only two meals, she felt that she could eat a cow. She was weak and anxious. Authentic: "Is it from my family?"

The jailer laughed: "It's not your family, it could be someone else." Mrs. Xu understood in a flash, and said tremblingly, "Where am I locked?" The jailer put down the food box and began to take the key to open the door. He replied with a good look: "Where is it locked? Of course you don't know."

With a sound of "boom", Mrs. Xu fell to the ground.She didn't faint, but her legs were weak and she couldn't stand.The jailer opened the door and came in without any surprise, and instead of helping each other, he just put down the food box: "Madam, get up by yourself, we don't care about fragrances and jades."

(End of this chapter)

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