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Chapter 69 I Don't Agree With This Marriage

Chapter 69 I Don't Agree With This Marriage
Lin Shiwu finally bought it.

Not for anything else, just because Luo Tang said at the end that a small gift can be attached...

Give this thing as a gift, sometimes it's like free shipping, with a special magic.

Obviously you also know that it may not be worth it, and it may even be useless and take up space.

But I just feel that this gift has suffered a lot.

Then, the money just went out.

After Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin finished talking, their faces turned pale.

Almost ran in.

But I didn't expect it to be a step slower!
He looked at Lin Shiwu who was writing with a pen and looked like he was signing a contract, and shouted: "Don't sign!"

You can't take this house even if you give it away for nothing!
But obviously, it was too late.

Lin Shiwu even pressed his fingerprints.

"Master, Dad, have you finished talking?" Lin Shiwu looked at the livid and regretful faces of the two, and was a little dazed: "What's the matter?"

"We won't buy this house!" Mr. Lin said as he was about to tear up the contracts on the table.

Lin Laoer also hurriedly agreed: "Yes, I won't buy it!"

Lin Shiwu: ...

What kind of agreement did the father and son reach outside?

Obviously her master was very supportive of her before, and even wanted her to play with Young Master Song to get a low price.

"Grandpa, I've signed all the contracts. How can I say that if I don't buy them, I won't buy them." Luo Tang put away all the contracts quickly, without giving the two of them a chance to destroy them.

"Who is your grandfather! Come and get close!"

Mr. Lin's face turned dark.

How could he be so blind to think that this kid was pitiful and painful at the beginning, so he secretly stole food from the house to help this little bastard, so that he can grow up to such a big size safely?

"Anyway, I don't agree to this marriage!" Mr. Lin was so angry that he didn't give Luo Tang any good looks.

Lin Laoer also responded from the side: "Yes! I don't agree either! Our whole family disagrees!" He glanced at Lin Shiwu, trembling his hands, and after hesitating for a while, he still said: "My daughter also agrees. disagree!"

Lin Shiwu:? ? ?

What marriage?
Didn't she buy the house?How did you get married?
"I'm afraid not..." Luo Tang looked at Lin Shiwu cautiously, worried that she would completely annoy him.

"Wait a minute, why do I not understand what you are talking about? What kind of marriage?" Lin Shiwu frowned and asked.

Lin Laoer patted his thigh and sighed loudly: "Girl, you don't know, this kid is very mean-spirited! He has already established a deed of mutual agreement with the official media office, saying that someone bought his Yuliu Hutong together. With four houses and land, you can marry whoever you want!

The house here can't be sold, it's not because of what I said before, it's not clean, it's because no one wants to marry him!
Now that you bought his house, with the official media agency, even if you knew and agreed to marry him!
According to the law of this dynasty, you are now a couple! "

What the hell?
Lin Shiwu felt that his brain was not enough.

Can this dynasty still marry like this?

Are you sure it's not play house?
"But I don't know..." Lin Shiwu felt that her father might be thinking too much.

She didn't even know about it, so how could she agree?
"You have signed the contract, and if you disagree, they will just treat you as remorse..." Lin Lao Er beat his chest and stamped his feet, wishing he could go up and beat Luo Tang.

Repenting of marriage without reason will be severely punished.

How old is his daughter?

She got married just like that!
Can you bear it?

Lin Shiwu looked at Luo Tang: "What my father said is true?"

Luo Tang: ...

dare not make a sound.

"I'm asking you something!" Lin Shiwu was a little angry. Seeing this, what her father said was probably true.

Luo Tang: ...

Still dare not say anything.

Lin Shiwu stepped forward angrily, and roughly grabbed Luo Tang's collar: "Are you dumb? Didn't you speak well just now? Can't even squeak now?"

Luo Tang: "...squeak."

 Ask for a ticket for a ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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