Farm group pet: Koi lucky girl busy farming

Chapter 19 Set up installment repayment · Think of wealth password

Chapter 19 Set up installment repayment · Think of wealth password
Lin Dongshou nodded obediently, and not long after running out, he came back with something: "Sister, here it is."

He handed the pen and paper to Lin Shiwu, and stepped aside obediently.

"Mother, how many things did our family borrow?" Lin Shiwu looked up at Liu Shi.

"Eight hundred catties of rice, six hundred catties of sorghum, and one thousand catties of yellow rice." Mrs. Liu gave a total amount with her mouth open: "There are still ten taels of silver!"

Many people outside the house who were lying at the door gasped when they heard this.

That's almost enough to feed a family of five or six for two years...

They all borrowed it?

I didn't feel like I ate so much...

There are still ten taels of silver... The Lin family was really rich in the past!
"In this case," Lin Shiwu wrote on the paper with a pen: "then pay back eight catties of rice, six catties of sorghum, ten catties of yellow rice, and one hundred cash per day. It will be paid off in a total of one hundred days."

After she finished writing, she dried the ink: "If you agree, come here and get your thumbprint."

Hearing this, naturally no one moved.

They are not stupid!
Lin Shiwu was not surprised, but said lightly: "If you disagree, you have to pay off all the debts before tomorrow morning, otherwise, I will go get it myself."

Having said that, who dares to hesitate?

Especially those who owe less, they can't wait to pounce on it immediately.

However, under the pressure of Lin Shiwu's gaze, they all lined up obediently.

The [-] catties of grain per day, after distributed, will not cause any devastating blows to each household, and it is still sufficient to maintain food and clothing.

After three months, there will be more edible things in the ground.

So Lin Shiwu didn't feel burdened at all.

What's more, it was originally borrowed from their family, so why should she be ashamed?

"Since they are all signed, which one will pay back today's shares first?" Lin Shiwu carefully checked the number of fingerprints, and after confirming that there was no problem, he folded it and put it away and asked.

A few usually honest people raised their hands first.

Lin Shiwu wrote down their names.

The matter was handled smoothly, Lin Shiwu said a few words to Master Lin, and took Liu Shi and Lin Dong home.

The others naturally dispersed as well.

It's just that Lin Shiwu's mood is different, they are all downcast!

The few families who just raised their hands quickly delivered the things.

Lin Shiwu drew a line on the ledger for them and marked the date.

"Girl, these are IOUs, you take them all!" Liu Shi felt that her daughter was the only one who could support this family!

But thinking of Lin Shiwu's illness, Liu couldn't help worrying, fearing that the current controllability would only be temporary.

"En." Lin Shiwu didn't think there was anything wrong, and it happened that she was also preparing to make the account book.

Although it is distributed to each family to pay back in installments, but in terms of quantity, each family still needs to pay as much as they want.

But these are not in a hurry.

Can wait until tomorrow day to do.

Lin Shiwu put away his things and locked them up, then went to tinker with those broken clay pots again...

Lin Dongshou watched from the sidelines, yawning from time to time.

When Lin Shiwu saw him, he sent him to Mrs. Liu, and told them to rest early.

"Mother is not sleepy, not to mention your eldest brother and second brother haven't come back..." Liu Shi said, her eyelids were a little twitching.

She has been busy today.

Making sauce cubes is not an easy job, not to mention getting up early and rushing.

It's almost halfway through Haishi, that is, it's almost ten o'clock in the evening.

"I'll wait for the eldest brother and the second brother, mother, take Dongshou and go to bed first!" Lin Shiwu persuaded again.

Mrs. Liu thought for a while, and it was fine for the eldest and second sons to heat up their own meals, but the daughter only needed to leave the door open, so she agreed.

Watching the two of them go back to the house, Lin Shiwu continued to tinker with those broken jars...

The original owner's night vision ability is not bad, and the moon is very bright tonight, which is quite convenient.

She plans to use all of these to make flower arrangements similar to micro landscapes.

This was the inspiration given to her by the bad beam in Wang Gui's house.

The dead wood is in spring, with irregular fragments as the base, supplemented with moss, calamus, etc., to make different shapes, which will definitely attract people to buy and play.

Especially those literati.

Lin Shiwu worked on it for another hour, but stopped when he felt his back hurting.

She glanced at the position where the moon stayed, and guessed that it should be close to midnight now.

Why haven't Lin Chuyi and Lin Qingming come back yet?

Although the school often stays in class, it will not exceed this hour at the latest, right?

Perhaps it was the blood bond of this body, and she felt a sense of worry in her heart.

She got up and wiped her hands a few times, planning to go to the school to look for it.

As soon as I opened the door, I was so scared that I almost screamed...

(End of this chapter)

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